
  1. boxkite

    Messerschmitt designations (post-war and pre-MBB)

    Sorry for the delay, I was busy with non-aviation things :( . Here are the P xxxx numbers of unbuilt Messerschmitt/MBB projects (mainly source is “Willy Messerschmitt – Pionier der Luftfahrt und des Leichtbaues” by Ebert, Kaiser and Peters/ISBN 3-7637-6103-9): · P 1118 – four-seat touring...
  2. RP1

    MBB Lampyridae

    My latest project is here: The MBB Lampyridae stealth fighter. RP1
  3. Skybolt

    Zeppelin projects

    This is the Zeppelin project for a long-rage, high capacity land-based airliner. Only data I have are: 4 engines, 2000 hp each (actually this could be, 4 double engines, i.e. two 2000 HP-each engines coupled); structure similar to ZSO 523; hatch in the nose; upper deck arranged with 1st class...
  4. S

    Eurofighter Typhoon

    This is an article about the Eurofighter Typhoon's capabilities in air combat written by ME. The informations contained into this article are based on officially published data! The article is a not a direct comparison vs other aircraft types and the informations contained might not be to 100%...
  5. JAZZ

    Eurotrainer: Alphajet Proposals

    Just a couple of drawings showing two jet trainers proposed for the German/French trainer programme. Dassault Bregeut TA-501 VFW-Fokker T-291 They are a bit Scratchy anyone got better?
  6. Antonio

    Ryan XV-5 and beyond - Liftfan VTOL designs

    Ryan Lift-Fan Advanced Studies Flying Review Vol.20 No.12 Courtesy of Lark Model 182 is a transonic close-support fighter developed from XV-5A. Model 186-C is a supersonic point defence fighter Model 187-B is a also a supersonic fighter
  7. overscan (PaulMM)

    Evolution of the Eurofighter Typhoon: TKF-90, AST 396, AST.403 and more

    1976 BAe projects
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