
  1. J

    Messerschmitt Jet Fighters

    CONTENTS Compressibility buffeting The research sites of the Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Me 262 Interzeptor Messerschmitt Me 262 Heimatschützer BMW 109-003 R (TLR) rocket/turbojet BMW 109-718 rocket Rocket propellants composition Messerschmitt Me 262 Hochgeschwindigkeits Rennkabine...
  2. F-32

    Fictional German High Altitude Interceptor

    I am unsure if this is the right forum to post this, or if SecretProjects is even the right site, but if i understood correcrly this should be fine. If this post needs to be taken down just tell me and i will remove it! I've been trying to come up with some at least partly believable combat...
  3. Y

    German XT2000 and XT3000 airborne radios

    Dear Colleagues, does anybody know the specs of these apparently German aircraft radios used in the upgraded Luftwaffe MiG-29s and Tornados? Which company made them? Rohde und Schwarz? Any hints and details are welcome.
  4. J

    Stealth Warplanes of the Luftwaffe-Prototypes and Projects 1936-1946-War Secrets-Volume Four

    STEALTH WARPLANES OF THE LUFTWAFFE Prototypes and projects 1936-1946 War Secrets-Volume Four Contents The race for invisibility Transparent wings Zebra effect Vorticist School Lozenge-Tarnung Akinetopsia Yehudi Infra-red Turbinlite Spanner Anlage I Spanner Anlage II Spanner...
  5. airman

    What if Messerschmitt 210

    What if Messerschmitt 210 was produced based on V1 ? (Without any thousand modifications that made Me 210 a failure). I suppose that, probably an hypothetical Me-210A ( based on V1) could have been more success than real history of Me 210.
  6. Grey Havoc

    World War II rescue buoys (German and British)

    View: From the comments thread of the above video:
  7. N

    Ju 89A in place of the Fw 200C

    I'm starting a new thread so that it doesn't hijack @airman's Do-19 evolution thread. Is the following feasible, plausible and reasonable? In this timeline the Do 19 and Ju 89 weren't cancelled on 29th April 1937. The Do 19 V3 and Ju 89 V3 prototypes were completed. 12 Do 19A-0 and as Ju 89A-0...
  8. Dynoman

    Projects of the German Secret Flight Test Center at Lipetsk, USSR 1924-1933

    This thread was created to discuss the projects, plans, facilities, operations, and historical implications of the German interwar flight test center and military pilot training school that was developed in secrecy between the Germans and the Russians. This airfield played an important role in...
  9. D


    My question is this; Was there ever any such engine design? I've viewed the write up of Daimler Benz known engines and there are two that rarely if ever get listed and they are the following; Db608 Db611 No after done internet snooping I've found that the Db608 was a larger displacement...
  10. Spey_Phantom

    Future Mid-Size Tactical Cargo (FMTC)

    France, Germany and Sweden have agreed to develop a new medium-size tactical transport plane. this is intended to replace the C-130J in the 2040's and supplement the Airbus A400M personel...
  11. E

    Bf 109 tested with the direct injection of liquid oxygen

    A most astonishing discovery. A photo of the Bf 109 appears on the Falkeeins blogspot here: Uffz. Karl Hannes 5./JG 2 and Erla factory Einflieger
  12. airman

    Heinkel 177 A7 R2 - an alternate version

    "The Heinkel He 177 Greif (Griffin) was a long-range heavy bomber flown by the Luftwaffe during World War II. Purpose-designed for high-altitude bombing with pressurized crew accommodation. The He 177 A-7 R2 variant was intended to use original "power system" engines, each of which consisted of...
  13. Flyaway

    The Last Zeppelin Raid 1939

    Actually an early example of a signals intelligence mission: View:
  14. G

    unknown late war german missiles...

    Photo taken by Italian POW in Germany, 1945. Any idea what they represent?? The bigger missile looks like a BV 246 but with different wings and empennage... The smaller missile is a real mystery...
  15. hesham

    Fieseler Projects

    Hi, here is a Fieseler P.29,P.30 and Fi.333,also P.35; P.29 was a military transport Project,intended to compete Arado Ar.232,led to develop Fi.333 P.30 was an unconventional military transport Project,later became Fi.333 P.35 was initial design for Fi.103...
  16. W

    Heinkel P1078c

    Hello everyone, In the Dan Sharp magazine on 'Luftwaffe, secret jets of the third reich' there is a picture of the original drawing of the Heinkel 1078 entry for the report compiled in advance of the 1-TL Jager meeting of february 27-28, 1945. I bought a copy of the magazine. Really nice. Just...
  17. J

    Junkers EF-130 speculative drawings

    - Junkers / DFS EF-130 A four engine heavy bomber of ‘Uralbomber’ class designed in the autumn of 1944 to compete against the Arado E-555, the BMW ‘Strahlbomber Projekt II’, the Horten Projekt 18 (23/2/1945) and the Messerschmitt P.1108. It had a pressurised cockpit for a crew of three...
  18. B

    Panavia Tornado

    Hi all, A thread to discuss Tornado (Panavia) stories etc. Mods if you feel this should be in the bar instead please move.
  19. Grey Havoc

    Switzerland in World War II

  20. Grey Havoc

    Luftwaffe Ace Erich Brunotte

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