late 20th century

  1. fightingirish

    AGM-109 / BGM-109 Tomahawk / Gryphon Concepts, Projects and Prototypes

  2. Ravinoff

    Musings on the "F-117 Companion"

    Okay, noticed the TR-3 thread was bumped again, and I was gonna make this a post there, but as it concerns a bit of a broader spectrum than just the (probably fictional) TR-3, I may as well make a thread out of it. I've been doing some thinking on the whole concept of the F-117 Companion and its...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Floating cities

    This is an idea that seems to be coming back into fashion. I have a bit of a suspicion that with the concept below, someone may have looked up the old hard engineering data from the production of Waterworld as part of their background research...
  4. hesham

    ONERA Aircraft & Projects

    From Icare 1969, here is ONERA VTOL Transport Aircraft Project of 1969
  5. Flyaway

    Mars Sample Return
  6. Flyaway

    Snoopy lunar module from 1969 Apollo 10 mission may have been found
  7. Grey Havoc

    Why there is so little left of the early internet (BBC)
  8. A

    Rods from God / "Project Thor"

    Hi. For some whatever reason, a timely article was pu(bli)shed by Sputnik, a Russian media, dealing with an "old" concept of non-nuclear space-based, orbiting kinetic space-to-ground weapon, sometimes described as "Rods from God"...
  9. Grey Havoc

    Soviet Super Chicken (the Smena) reborn
  10. Grey Havoc

    Last Royal Navy Sea Kings retire
  11. R

    140mm smoothbore gun

    In the late 1980s, research started on the new next-generation tank gun. It was quickly determined that it needed to be 140mm calibre. Initially it was to fire the same projectiles as the 120mm gun but at a higher velocity from a similar smoothbore barrel. My question - what was the British...
  12. Jemiba

    Early French Night Vision Devices ?

    Where can I find information about French night vision devices directly after WW II ? When and where such devices were used in the post WWII French armed forces ? From what I've found, most of the early ones used the activ system, so needing an IR light source. But the German Luftwaffe had used...
  13. yasotay

    The last American helicopter pioneer takes off 270

    From the American Helicopter Website. Glidden (Glid) Sweet Doman, a pioneer in the helicopter industry, died Monday, June 6, 2016. He was an Emeritus Member of AHS International, having joined the then-American Helicopter Society in 1945. Doman was born in Syracuse, NY in 1921. In his teens...
  14. G

    The Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than a Tanker

    An enlarged update of Robert Hopkins' 1998 Aerofax book, already a pretty good tome:
  15. XP67_Moonbat

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy

    For any of you fellow Trekkies on here. A great loss indeed. :'(
  16. covert_shores

    Swimmer Delivery Vehicle projects, old and new

    I'm planning to share information on a bunch of unknown SDV/midget submarine/DPV/Canoes etc via my blog ( and thought i should also post here for the community. Rather than start fresh threads each time I'll just update this one. And I hope it can also be a general...
  17. Triton

    A Look Back at the Black Hawk

    Published on Oct 30, 2014 BLACK HAWK helicopters continue to be the work horse for the U.S. Army. Forty military and civil organizations around the world use this helicopter or one of its derivative models. View:
  18. eshelon

    Future warship from the past.

  19. F

    B-52 avionics

    Hello, I am air-enthusiast from Russia. Sorry for my bad English! Probably B-52 is the best strategic aircraft of the XX century. I especially interested in B-52 early variants and I have questions about the oldest "Buff"`s avionics. All the books I had read (Boyne, Davis & Tornborough...
  20. N

    Piston Engine to Jet Fighter Conversions

    Hi everyone, Including the well known Russian conversions of piston fighters to jets, I wanted to see if anyone had anything on other similar conversions that could be in a nicely consolidated thread of "piston-to-jet theory." :P Thanks!
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