late 20th century

  1. Forest Green

    Meteor Missile: Origins, Development and News

    Nice origin story for the Meteor missile.
  2. World B4

    ERA on lightly armored vehicles

    During tests run by the USSR, it was determined that putting ERA on lightly armored vehicles was a bad idea, as it would break the hull. I see lots of people talking about "it's a vbied now lol" every time a photo shows ERA on a vehicle with less than BMP-3 levels of armor. But the thing is, we...
  3. uk 75

    Which airliner should have been built?

    I love airliners but hate the whole rigmarole of flying today..So here is another typical UK 75 thread. British Airways became one of the world's largest operators of the iconic Boeing 747 and even painted and.even painted one up in the colours of their predecessor BOAC. Imagine if instead of...
  4. Flyaway

    Defense Support Program (DSP)
  5. overscan (PaulMM)

    Research in NASA history - a guide to the NASA history program This document published in 2009 contains a summary of published books about NASA history and also a guide to the collections and archives found at various NASA locations. Looks potentially useful for researchers.
  6. T

    Vangelis died yesterday, May 17th 2022

    Sadly, Vangelis passed away yesterday in France: My guess is that a bit of all of us went with him. View: Rip in the new eden world.
  7. Mike Pryce

    Roy Braybrook - RIP

    I have just heard, via the latest Hawker Association newsletter, that Roy Braybrook passed away last June. Another of the great authors who got me, and probably many on this forum, interested in aircraft has gone to the great aviation library in the sky. He was also, of course, a designer in...
  8. Grey Havoc

    EU battlegroups / rapid reaction force A bit of background:
  9. Flyaway

    DSCOVR The little satellite that could How a vice president’s dream led—after a very long delay—to the DSCOVR spacecraft by Dwayne A. Day Monday, August 16, 2021 If satellites had personalities, DSCOVR would be a scrappy little fighter: battered, bloody, but...
  10. overscan (PaulMM)

    R G Smith - one of the greatest aviation artists of all time

    Mike Machat shows some of R G Smith's incredible artwork on his Youtube channel. View:
  11. D

    North Korea indigenous aircraft

    I once read that there were rumors that the DPRK would begin domestic production of a MiG-21 type design in the early 1990s, but those projections obviously never came true. They did assemble MiG-29s from parts supplied by the Soviets and other countries throughout the late 1980s and early to...
  12. Antonio

    David Prowse RIP

    2020:what a nefarious year
  13. Grey Havoc

    Distant Thunder / NetSAT littoral water system (DARPA)

  14. fightingirish

    Ron Cobb 1937 - 2020

    The artist Ron Cobb, known for his work for many science fiction movies and TV series, has passed away. :( Source : View:
  15. Flyaway

    Nuclear Fusion

    AI will help solve problems with nuclear fusion or so at least the US Federal government seems to believe.
  16. uk 75

    Replacing the M113 and FV432

    At the end of the Cold War it looked as if the M113 and FV432 would leave service either not to be replaced or to be replaced by more suitable vehicles. Thirty years later, they still serve in many forms and much refurbished. A bit like a London Taxi the simple box on tracks is right for the...
  17. uk 75

    FV432 vs M113

    The venerable FV432 and M113 troop carriers have been around for more than half a century. I have never seen a realistic comparison of the types from the soldiers' point of view. Anyone know more?
  18. fightingirish

    AGM-109 / BGM-109 Tomahawk / Gryphon Concepts, Projects and Prototypes

  19. Ravinoff

    Musings on the "F-117 Companion"

    Okay, noticed the TR-3 thread was bumped again, and I was gonna make this a post there, but as it concerns a bit of a broader spectrum than just the (probably fictional) TR-3, I may as well make a thread out of it. I've been doing some thinking on the whole concept of the F-117 Companion and its...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Floating cities

    This is an idea that seems to be coming back into fashion. I have a bit of a suspicion that with the concept below, someone may have looked up the old hard engineering data from the production of Waterworld as part of their background research...
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