late 20th century

  1. Triton

    Arleigh Burke Class Concepts

    The Arleigh Burke-class (DDG-51) guided missile destroyer was known as the DDX program from 1978-79 and the DDGX program from 1979-1980. The DDX program should not be confused with the DD(X) program building the Zumwalt-class guided missile destroyer. Line drawing of an early DDGX design...
  2. Triton

    Royal Navy Type 45 ("D" Class) Destroyer Daring Class concepts

    Possible future variants of the Royal Navy Type 45 ("D" or Daring Class) Destroyer include Type 45 Land Attack variant and Type 45 General Purpose variant.
  3. L

    US Navy Standard Missile Family

    The Standard Missile family has grown to include a great number of variants over the years. I figured I would create this topic to discuss the designs and proposals based around the Standard Missile. One program I have had a very difficult time finding any info on, is the Standard Missile 5...
  4. XP67_Moonbat

    ASD Preliminary Designs in Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose

    Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose: Developing Air Power For The United States Air Force During The First Century Of Powered Flight History Office Aeronautical Systems Center Air Force Materiel Command Air Force History and Museums Program United States Air Force Wright-Patterson Air Force...
  5. Pyrrhic victory

    M60 tank upgrades (Super M60, M60-2000 etc)

    1st three: Teledyne Continental uparmor/powertrain effort from the late 1970s - early 1980s, M1 Abrams supplement. 2nd three: GDLS upgrade for Turkish M60 upgrade tender won by the Sabra II using M1A1 turret, new suspension and powerpack.
  6. cluttonfred

    Land-based hovercraft

    The "hovertank" is a staple of science fiction novels and board games, yet in the real world fans and skirts never seem to have supplanted wheels or tracks. Does anyone have any projects or prototypes to share on proposed land-based hovercraft? Cheers, Matthew
  7. Michel Van

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    here some of crazy space suits ever build the "Tincan" Moon suit by Grumman in year 1959 Hard shell suit with flexible arms and Legs Note no Live support system in Suit but a Umbilical supply with electric power and oxygen ! ! ! bigger size pic (from the Mohave desert test)...
  8. A

    Various Indian space projects

    Hi all, Future indian space developments being so extensive (previous thread), I offered to narrow down this one to a very specific request. Please find attached a picture, probably cropped from an original picture, of a very intriguing presentation model. Photo source is unknown (yet)...
  9. XP67_Moonbat

    Air-Launching Satellites

    This is a follow-on to the earlier topic in Postwar Projects about satellite launching with fighters. To start it off, I give you this:
  10. overscan (PaulMM)

    Secret Projects: Military Space Technology by Bill Rose

    I must preface this first look review by saying that, while I'm interested in space technology, its not my speciality, so I'm approaching this book from this angle. Bill Rose has put together a well written and nicely illustrated book on various military space projects. Its 192 pages long and...
  11. flateric

    Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

    This is how it looks like
  12. B

    Sea Launch Concepts

    From Missiles And Rockets 9th January 1961.
  13. A

    nukes- Naah not really

    well Gentlemen , after having been instrumental in getting two threads locked .. i am hopefully not going to achieve a hattrick. well here are some of my favourite things and I would be glad if others found this interesting as well.
  14. B

    Space Station Concepts

    For all those one off types...
  15. H

    Aérospatiale / MBDA EUROSAM Aster missile family

    Here's an early Aster test vehicle.
  16. C

    XM2001 Crusader 155mm SPH (Self Propelled Howitzer)

    I have a lot informations about XM-2001 Crusader but nothing about "light" version (specifications) . These one had only six wheels but i have no dimensions (lenght ? etc...) ;D
  17. hesham

    NASA Aircraft Projects

    Hi, We can speak about NASA projects which was never built. During the end of 1970s,NASA had launched a program for Energy Efficient Aircraft, a joint NASA/US industry research and development project to reduce by 50 per cent the fuel consumption of future generation civil transport...
  18. R

    M1 Abrams MBT Replacement

    My first post, I think. Bear with me... I've tried several times now to find more info on this Abrams CATTB (Component Advanced Technology TestBed), but Google and co lead me to VERY limited information. Text in the pic tell you all I know. Does Anyone know if Jane's International Defence...
  19. hesham

    Lockheed C-130 Hercules Prototypes, Variants & Projects

    Hi, The Lockheed had old project called C-130J,it was developed from C-130E with increase aileron and rudder chords,wider u/c track,improved braking system and additional armoured protection; do you have a drawing to it ?,(of course I know there was a new project to lockheed in 1996 called...
  20. JAZZ

    German Short Range SAMs

    seems to have been a number of german short range SAM programmes in the late 1990's Perhaps for our german memebrs - BGT version of HFK/KV a two stage missile, with boster and coast to target second stage at mach-3 to a range of 12km. Photo below (JSWS-issue 30) others were DASA HKK/L2 missile...
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