
  1. M

    French startup Aqualines WIG project

    https://www.challenges.fr/entreprise/aeronautique/mi-avion-mi-bateau-l-incroyable-projet-de-la-start-up-aqualines_770501 translation.
  2. M

    MBDA Germany JFS-M (Joint Fire Support Missile)

    Google translation https://soldat-und-technik.de/2021/06/bewaffnung/27341/mbda-praesentiert-neue-details-zum-enforcer-und-der-joint-fire-support-missile/
  3. bearnard97

    NASA is going to make 2 missions to Venus

    NASA announced Wednesday that it will send, not one, but two spacecraft to Venus this decade as part of its efforts to ramp up exploration of the closest planet to Earth. The decision was hailed by scientists who study Venus and have felt neglected by a space agency decidedly more interested in...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Shturm and Soratnik series robot tanks (Russian Army)

    Via Feanor over at the Defencetalk forums: From back in January of 2020: https://www.c4isrnet.com/unmanned/robotics/2020/01/11/russian-army-will-develop-of-storm-robot-tank-and-ally/ Uralvagonozavod developed the Shturm while Kalashnikov was responsible for the Soratnik.
  5. shin_getter

    Hamas attack UUV Project

    https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/gaza-news/guardian-of-the-walls-the-first-ai-war-669371 https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-says-it-thwarted-underwater-drone-attack-by-hamas-from-northern-gaza/...
  6. Grey Havoc


    I'm pretty sure we had a topic on this already, but it has gone MIA. https://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-crown-princes-vision-for-neom-a-desert-city-state-tests-his-builders-11619870401 A story on it from 2019 (the project was first unveiled in 2017)...
  7. GTX

    Australia to produce its own guided missiles

  8. Grey Havoc

    2021 Coffee Deficit

    https://finance.yahoo.com/news/coffee-trade-reeling-virus-faces-180243966.html Oh joy. That's all we need right now, a global outbreak of Coffee Zombies on top of everything else. Fortunately, us tea drinkers tend to keep more of a stiff upper lip (and our sanity).
  9. C

    Turkey's HAVA SOJ dedicated electronic warfare aircraft

    The Key to Electronic Dominance in the Sky: The HAVA SOJ Project The HAVA SOJ Project is carried out by a collaboration between Turkish Aerospace and ASELSAN, and was initiated to develop the electronic warfare special mission aircraft needed by the Turkish Armed Forces. Equipped with the...
  10. bearnard97

    Space hotel

    I`ve bumped into some interesting article and I wanna share it with you and hear your thoughts about that project. The world`s first space hotel is slated to open in 2027 . Orbital Assembly Corporation, the group behind Voyager Station, has announced plans to begin building the hotel in low...
  11. T


  12. I

    SSN (X) - Seawolf Redux or something far larger?

    Navy's Next Attack Submarine Will Be Wider And Based On The New Columbia Class Missile Boats The SSN(X) design will be wider than the present Virginia class, offering improved capabilities and increased stealthiness underwater. Does anyone have any thoughts on displacement, size and weapon...
  13. Grey Havoc

    International Lunar Research Station (Sino-Russian project)

    https://spacenews.com/china-is-aiming-to-attract-partners-for-an-international-lunar-research-station/ https://spacenews.com/russia-china-to-sign-agreement-on-international-lunar-research-station/
  14. Grey Havoc

    Next-Gen OPIR (Next Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared)

    https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2019/10/11/new-missile-warning-satellites-pass-design-test/ https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2020/05/19/northrop-grumman-receives-24-billion-for-two-missile-defense-satellites/...
  15. T

    India CATS systems (HAL MUM)

    https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2021/feb/05/hals-futuristic-deadly-cats-to-be-battle-ready-by-2024-25-2259724.amp *I really like the program name even if that's not probably the most appropriate for... a Loyal robotic Wingman.
  16. Grey Havoc

    SLJ900/32 'Iron Monster'

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCsRkHlECQQ
  17. shin_getter

    MRLS firetruck

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2ee1tHwVGY View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUrVbdZIoQ4 Seems neat. I wonder if standoff firefighting is valuable in itself in hazardous environments. The Tianjin and Beirut port explosions killed a lot of fire fighters and a long range system...
  18. dark sidius

    Aevum Ravn X

    https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201203005732/en/Aevum-Rolls-Out-Ravn-X-The-World%E2%80%99s-First-Autonomous-Launch-Vehicle-and-the-Largest-Unmanned-Aircraft-System-UAS Soon a new tool for USSF
  19. Antonio

    David Prowse RIP

    2020:what a nefarious year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Prowse
  20. RavenOne

    Army Air Corps Boeing AH-64E Guardian

    Good News according to local spotters and now official press release, yesterda the first 2 new Boeing AH-64E Guardians been delivered to Wattisham. https://www.army.mod.uk/news-and-events/news/2020/11/new-apache-helicopter/ Flown from Mesa Arizona to Brize then trucked across to here. cheers
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