
  1. lantinian

    Rheinmetall KF51 Panther

    That seems to have been an early peek into the KF-51 Panther, a 59 tons version of the KF-41 Lynx armed with 130 mm cannon aimed to replace the Leopard 2. The vehicle will be unveiled at Eurosatory 2022 on June 13th at 14:00 local time...
  2. Flyaway

    DARPA moving forward with development of nuclear powered spacecraft

    Seems to have quite an early proposed flight date of fiscal year 2026. https://spacenews.com/darpa-moving-forward-with-development-of-nuclear-powered-spacecraft/
  3. GTX

    Royal Australian Navy Extra Large Autonomous Undersea Vehicles (XL-AUVs)

  4. Forest Green

    Royal Navy Type 83 Destroyer (Type 45 replacement)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZXLvmLx5jw Appears to be: 48+16 cell VLS 2 x octuple AShM launchers. Main Gun 127 or 155mm? 2 x 57(?)mm guns (1 either side) 2 x 30 or 40(?)mm guns at rear above heli pad? 1 x Heli
  5. Grey Havoc

    Space Manufacturing Hub (Australia)

  6. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Taiwanese missiles, munitions and guns projects

    Upmedia reports that Taiwan will begin the development of an air-launched variant of the HF-3 supersonic anti-ship missile. The weapon will be carried by the indigenous IDF fighter and around $314 million has been allocated for the project which will be called Hsiung Chih. This will be...
  7. A

    GA-ASI Mojave

    View: https://vimeo.com/652210410 https://www.ga-asi.com/remotely-piloted-aircraft/mojave https://www.ga-asi.com/ga-asi-announces-new-mojave-uas
  8. sferrin

    China: Projecting Power in the Atlantic Ocean

    https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-seeks-first-military-base-on-africas-atlantic-coast-u-s-intelligence-finds-11638726327 Nothing to see here I'm sure.
  9. S

    DARPA/SOCOM Speed and Runway Independent Technologies (SPRINT)

    case. Safety and redundancy of multi-engine systems is a complex and evolving field. What is unacceptably unreliable using one technology, demanding full redundancy, may be a lot better using a different technology. For example combustion engines used to be so unreliable and lacking in...
  10. Flyaway

    ESA LISA Mission

    NASA Provides Laser for LISA Mission
  11. L

    DARPA / Aurora Flight Sciences / GA-ASI Liberty Lifter WIG

  12. Forest Green

    HAWC (Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept) and HACM (Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile)

    This doesn't really fit ARRW or PGSW, so I started a new thread.
  13. R

    Australian Ship Building in trouble...

    Interesting...Troubled naval shipbuilding projects set to prompt another Defence Department shake-up
  14. Grey Havoc

    Shenyang J-11 PLAN/PLAAF

    For the 1960s/1970s fighter project, see here. https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/planaf-j-11bh-fighter-seen-using-potentially-new-ecm-pod
  15. Grey Havoc

    USSSPs (Unmaned Semifixed Sea Platforms) - European Union

    https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2021/07/navantia-participates-in-the-largest-project-of-the-european-defense-industrial-development-program-edidp/ The platforms will have 'light' armament, though to what extent isn't clear. https://ec.europa.eu/defence-industry-space/ussps_en I'll...
  16. sublight_

    Sukhoi T-75 LTS (CheckMate)

    I guess they heard you, because now there is this..... https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/41508/russias-united-aircraft-corporation-channels-the-x-files-with-this-cryptic-teaser
  17. M

    The German Wiesel AWC replacement project, the airborne weapon carrier (GSD LuWa)

    Translated form German. https://soldat-und-technik.de/2021/07/bewaffnung/27778/luftbeweglicher-waffentraeger-luwa-gesamtsystemdemonstrator-vorgestellt/ CGI of the demonstrator.
  18. Grey Havoc

    Polish Tank Modernization Program

  19. bearnard97

    The possibility of the colonization of Venus put forward by NASA

    This is a video about the possibility of the colonization of Venus put forward by NASA. Personally, I think the idea of colonizing Venus is a completely useless idea. Even more useless than colonizing Mars. Venus's environment is even more harsh than the environment on Mars which will we should...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Hellenic Navy Fleet Modernization Program

    https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2021/06/greece-short-lists-at-least-6-offers-for-hellenic-navy-frigate-program/ https://www.navalnews.com/event-news/defea-2021/2021/06/new-developments-in-greece-a-shortlist-for-the-fleet-modernization-program/
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