
  1. Graham1973

    MSC Michigan VII - Loss of engine control (Charleston, 6th of June 2024)

    Looks like a new 'ships of shame' report might be needed, MV Dali looses power leaving Baltimore, this ship suffered a loss of engine control leaving Charleston. While a big ship travelling at 15knots down a river looks stirring in a time of war, this is not that time. Thankfully all involved...
  2. Regio Ammiraglio

    AW249 Fenice: Informations and possible future versions

    The AW249 Fenice is an Italian attack helicopter designed and realized by the Italian company Leonardo. It was made to replace the A129 Mangusta within the Italian army. It made its first flight in 2022, and now we have two prototypes flying, with two more to come in the upcoming years. The...
  3. T

    Konsberg / MBDA / Diehl 3SM Tyrfing

  4. A

    Sierra Nevada Survivable Airborne Operations Center - E-4B replacement

    I don’t think anyone was too aware of this until news that Boeing was eliminated from the competition,(https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/boeing-eliminated-us-air-forces-doomsday-plane-competition-2023-12-01/) so who will make this next “doomsday” plane? Northrop Grumman building...
  5. W

    Undergraduate Jet Training System (UJTS)

    In its effort to replace the aging T-45 trainers, the Navy put out a Request for Information last August for what’s officially dubbed the “Undergraduate Jet Training System (UJTS).” It indicated a minimum buy of 145 aircraft and a contract award in 2026. That means a Request for Proposal could...
  6. M

    Japan's new net-zero airliner programme

    https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240327/k10014404261000.html https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Aerospace-Defense-Industries/Japan-to-take-another-shot-at-a-homegrown-airliner-eyeing-hydrogen Just one year after the official end to the failure that was MRJ, Japan is trying to start another...
  7. GTX

    Gilmour Space

  8. C

    DSME 'Joint Firepower Ship' for the ROK Navy

    https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2023/04/south-koreas-dsme-to-design-arsenal-ship-for-rok-navy/ This time with balistic missiles.
  9. M

    Major Japanese doctrinal shift : less manned, more unmanned and stand-off

    https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/20221209-OYT1T50038/ Yomiuri Shinbun reported that there's a major shift of JSDF force mix incoming. This is following a major increase in defense spending by the Japanese. In short, they will replace a major share of their manned aerial assets in favor of...
  10. Orionblamblam

    "Space Perspective" tourist balloons

    Space Perspective to launch balloon-borne tourist flights from 'marine spaceport' I'm dubious: a ship-launched balloon will carry passengers who paid $125,000 each up to 100,000 feet. They will subsequently splash down... and be picked up by the same ship. That had better be a *fast* ship.
  11. Grey Havoc

    European Unmanned Underwater Vehicle and seabed systems

  12. A

    M777ER the Long Range Cannon project

    The genesis of the Long Range Cannon project was the M777 Extended Range (ER) Howitzer project, a 2014 prototyping initiative to significantly extend the range of the currently fielded M777A2 variant. That effort involved the incorporation of a longer cannon tube for extended-range firing; a...
  13. GTX

    Chinese Airship

    Not a journalist I place a lot of credence with so take with pinch of salt: Satellite photos reveal colossal airship hangar in Chinese desert Keen to know if other sources on this.
  14. Grey Havoc

    JGSDF Infantry Combat Vehicle ICV / Mortar Mobile Combat Vehicle MMCV programs

    Some quick background on this, in particular the ICV, via an old post in another thread (note that the info on the Type 16 MCV procurement & deployment may be out of date, there seems to be still some momentum within the MOD/JGSDF on replacing proper tanks on active duty with MCVs according to...
  15. Grey Havoc

    Södermanland-class submarine upgrade program (2022)

    https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2022/09/saab-receives-orders-from-sweden-for-submarine-upgrades/ HSwMS Östergötland isn't mentioned in the article, but presumably it will receive the same upgrade as HSwMS Södermanland in due course.
  16. Flyaway

    Maritime Launch Services

    They’ll be based in Canada using the 100% Ukrainian Cyclone-4M medium lift launcher. https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2022/09/mls-spaceport-nova-scotia/
  17. E

    Micron Unveils Plans For $15 Billion Chip Manufacturing Plant In Idaho

    First Ohio, and now this. Don't they realize that Idaho is known for growing potatoes? :) https://www.thestreet.com/markets/micron-unveils-plans-for-15-billion-chip-manufacturing-plant-in-idaho
  18. Grey Havoc

    Japan MOD/JSDF 'Attack Drone' project

    ORIGINAL CAPTION: An illustration of a small attack drone (Provided by Defense Ministry) Defense Ministry is asking for attack drones in 2023 budget (The Asahi Shimbun)
  19. Manuducati

    Roadfour SEAGLE water bomber

    A Belgian startup is working on a water bomber concept. "Scooping smoothly SEAGLE is designed for safe operations in the most demanding situations. Scooping water from a sleeping lake appears as a quiet task for the pilot while scooping from a windy sea surface can be very stressful. This...
  20. Spey_Phantom

    Future Mid-Size Tactical Cargo (FMTC)

    France, Germany and Sweden have agreed to develop a new medium-size tactical transport plane. this is intended to replace the C-130J in the 2040's and supplement the Airbus A400M https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/france-germany-sweden-launch-future-transport-aircraft personel...
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