
  1. TinWing

    CVN-77, CVX, and CVN-21 Design Studies

    Here is FAS link from 1997: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/docs/cvx-alt/index.html As you can see, the drawings survive but the NAVSEA reports are long offline. Were there any public documents that gave specifications for the design studies?
  2. flateric

    McDonnell Douglas & Boeing canard rotor wing (CRW) concepts

    DARPA Opts To End Boeing-Led X-50A Dragonfly UAV Effort By Jefferson Morris/Aerospace Daily & Defense Report 09/11/2006 09:35:13 AM The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has opted to end the X-50A Dragonfly unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) program, which was attempting to pioneer a...
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    Eurocopter HTH

    Current project for a Heavy Transport Helicopter Source: Aviation International News July 17 (Farnborough)
  4. Orionblamblam

    The 6th Day - Whispercraft

    This was a design from the movie "The 6th Day," designed by Rob Cobb. Normally, wouldn't quite fit in here, being sci-fi and all... but according to an interview with Cobb, the US Army expressed interest in the design. So, you never know... This is the master model, nearing completion. Molds...
  5. flateric

    Lockheed-Martin Cormorant MPUAV

    Images from SubPirates.Com forum depicts latest iteration of Cormorant MPUAV (Multi-purpose Unmanned Aeriel Vehicle). Casting model photo (c) Marc aka fxmodels CATIA models (c) Matt aka Thor
  6. flateric

    US Next Generation Bomber Studies

    Does anyone have something to share about this project?
  7. S

    Tejas - Light Combat Aircraft avionics

    Use this thread to post details on the LCA's avionics. I'll set the ball rolling by posting a compilation on its MMR radar : The Multi Mode Radar or MMR is the primary sensor of the Tejas and will take care of take care of detection, tracking, terrain mapping and delivery of guided weapons...
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