
  1. flateric

    Boeing B-1R

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFsYcK5lWrQ&feature=channel
  2. Triton

    Littoral Combat Ship - Freedom/Independence

    Is the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) dead after Lockheed-Martin's USS Freedom (LCS-1) and General Dynamics/Austal USS Independence (LCS-2). The last I heard the US Navy was going to re-open bidding. Has the Navy decided to not resurrect this program or has it just not gotten around to sending its...
  3. saturncanuck

    Project Constellation

    Does anyone have any info on the designations NASA will use for the new Constellation Program?
  4. XP67_Moonbat

    Small Unit Space Transport and INsertion (SUSTAIN) and HOT EAGLE

    Transporting Marines to a combat zone. The idea is simple. Implementing would be a whole other story. Personally I think that bird better have a lot of good shielding. And lets hope insurgents with Stingers aren't hanging around. Because it's going to be a bad day from everbody onboard. But I...
  5. flateric

    Lawrence Livermore National Labs / Scaled Composites Defender

    Defender - A high altitude (>20 km) UAV with a semiconductor diode laser pumped solid state heat capacity laser weapon for boost phase destruction of tactical ballistic missiles. The vehicle has a lethal kill radius of up to 200 km. (courtesy of Lawrence Livermore National Labs and Scaled...
  6. Woody

    SAC J-XX Competitor designs - "Snowy Owl" 雪鸮 etc.

    Found these on www.sinodefenceforum.com http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/military-aviation-air-force/j-xx-fighter-aircraft-47-43.html Attributed to a friend of ours - anything you can tell us Deino? Cheers, Woody
  7. TinWing

    Air Defense Ship (ADS)/Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)/Vikrant-class Carrier

    Shortly after the recommissioning of the ex-Hermes as the the INS Viraat in 1987, there were reports from India of long term plans for a 4 carrier fleet,with two new construction hulls and both ex-Hermes/Viraat and ex-Leviathan/Vikrant being retained in service until the late 1990s. A contract...
  8. yasotay

    [Fantasy] Unmanned Air Lifter

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... OK six years ago right here, I had opportunity to work with some {real} Hollywood types who were helping the Army with future ideas and development of training simulations. Well they were looking for interesting ideas for future Army things and I...
  9. hesham

    Irkut Project 111

    Hi, in Sukhoi site I found that project-111,what is it and what is the name of the company ?. http://www.suchoj.com/galerie/index.htm?http://www.suchoj.com/ab1953/KR-860/galerie.shtml
  10. GTX

    BAE Systems Submarine Concept

    Hi folks, At this year's DSEi Exhibition, BAE Systems had this advanced submarine concept on display - note the fully ducted propulsion (Sorry for the poor image quality - the photos were taken using my phone): Regards, Greg
  11. flateric

    Khrunichev's concept of manned space exploration

    Should we call it Orionsky... From left to right - basic modification of TKS-based reusable manned spacecraft (ok, TKS on steroids) for Angara-A3 (Angara-5P) (six crew) - long-endurance (up to 30 days) modification of the first one with 3 crew - space station module More information at Vadim...
  12. hesham

    Lockheed Martin joined wing/boxwing projects

    Hi, The Lockheed boxwing or joined-wing studied for NASA. http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/2001/2001%20-%202624.pdf
  13. R

    FCS - Future Combat Systems - Evolution

    Hola!!! I'm interested in information on the evolution of the FCS. These are two models I made from depictions taken out of ARMOR MAGAZINE in 1997. The model is a concept contest winner apparently designed by Dr. Asher Sharoni, from Western Design Howden (WDH) Thanks, Rafa
  14. C

    Lockheed Martin FB-22

    Can't find much on the site about the FB-22, so I thought I would post these from a couple of years ago. The design has evolved a bit more since then.
  15. hesham


    Hi, The Russian Federal Space Agency (FSA) is developing the Kliper,a reusable manned spacecraft.
  16. C

    Northrop Grumman X-47B UCAS-D

    The first X-47B is in final assembly. For info and art, go here: http://www.northropgrumman.com/unmanned/
  17. overscan (PaulMM)

    Countries that access SecretProjects forum.....

    Just put in new stats software for the forum. For the first day of operation, we had visits from: United States France Slovak Republic Germany United Kingdom Russian Federation Finland Italy Brazil Australia Poland Turkey Portugal Belgium New Zealand Norway Netherlands Sweden Thailand Canada...
  18. JAZZ

    Visby follow ons and larger versions.

    Hi interested in any pictures or models of larger versions of kokums Visby class corvette. Orginaly it was developed as the YS-2000 and then enlarged into the current Visby design. A follow on design was considered with Northrop Grumman as a contender to tyhe FCS, but was not selected to be...
  19. TinWing

    Schelde Combatant 12717: Stealthy Dutch Frigate?

    This image was was posted by Neptune in the Merchant Shipping thread: This proposal was also depicted in the Thales brocure for an integrated mast, which houses a Smart S Mk2 radar in a "stealthy" enclosure. Here is the link...
  20. flateric

    Vosper Thornycroft Sea Wraith / Sea Wraith II concepts

    "In 1966, the Portsmouth ship-builders, Vosper Ltd., merged with the Southampton-based John I. Thornycroft to form Vosper Thornycroft, a publicly quoted engineering group, with an annual turnover of £250 million and currently employing 4000 staff. The company has a reputation for designing and...
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