
  1. H

    NASA MLAS (escape system).

    Somehow I completely missed this. Never even heard of it before. http://www.nasa.gov/content/max-launch-abort-system-or-mlas-was-successfully-tested-at-nasas-wallops-flight-facility
  2. Triton

    Lockheed Martin LMH-1 heavy-lift hybrid airship

    "Paris Air Show 2015: Lockheed Martin unveils new heavy-lift hybrid airship" Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 17 June 2015 Source: http://www.janes.com/article/52319/paris-air-show-2015-lockheed-martin-unveils-new-heavy-lift-hybrid-airship
  3. Triton

    BAE Systems M777 Portee System

    Video of BAE Systems M777 Portee System View: https://youtu.be/EO8-4z92pQc
  4. bobbymike

    NASA vision of the spacecraft and base for a human mission to Callisto

    http://nextbigfuture.com/2015/03/nasa-vision-of-spacecraft-and-base-for.html NASA examined revolutionary aerospace systems concepts for human space exploration of the solar system beyond Mars orbit and identified critical technology requirements for the realization of these systems concepts...
  5. Michel Van

    Airliner from 2001: A space Odyssey

    This link give you the frontpage from the new York times, Frank Poole was reading in Discovery. The Front news talks of missing airliner with 2304 people on board ! the craft label HEP/COMM 11-Z4 got twelve engine and take 2500 passengers and crew of 199 it make 2400 mph in 70000 feet...
  6. M

    So what's going to be the results of this so called Peace dividend?

    Hello there, long time lurker, first time poster as they say, so my first post is a spot of a challenge. The Cold War instead of ending when it did thanks to Mr Gorbachev being a realist, has continued through to 18th October 2012, NATO forces are now in the process of being reduced, so think...
  7. Grey Havoc


    A 2005 NSWC/Dahlgren Division paper on issues affecting the arming of UXVs: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a436214.pdf
  8. eshelon

    Submarine towed payload module.

    Towed Modules could provide: > Hundreds of Cruise or ballistic missiles > A sensor hub for acoustic and electronic sensors > A habitat for SEAL or other special forces > A refueling station for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (from...
  9. RyanC

    Ground Based Interceptor (GBI)

    CTV-01 test just occurred on 27 January 2013. No target involved. The EKV separated from the booster, and carried out a series of preprogrammed manouvers to validate that the problem which caused the last test in December 2010 to fail had been correctly identified and fixed. The test was...
  10. Triton

    NHIndustries NH90

    NH90 has been sized and conceived to be able to operate from any type of prepared or unprepared surfaces and to satisfy already in its basic design the entire specific feature requested by tactical transport requirements. Sharing common basis, only the on-board mission system differentiates the...
  11. Grey Havoc


    Because of a little disagreement over in Naval Projects, I did a bit more digging on this program and found some interesting facts that I thought merited a new topic (here for the moment, rather than Military, since the prototypes don't seem to have been built yet). The Combatant Craft, Heavy...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5laK2JopaVE&feature=player_embedded NASA: Satellite won't fall on US (msnbc Cosmic Log) <a href="http://www.space.com/12899-nasa-falling-satellite-uars-space-junk-infographic.html"> <img...
  13. R

    Seagull unmaned flyingboat

    Several years ago, US navy lauched an unmaned sea-plane project, called Seagull. Do you remember it and do you have more information?
  14. Steve Pace

    Boeing 747-8 Freighter, 747-8 Intercontinental

    Boeing's 747-8 Intercontinental making its first flight today (3/20/2011). This is Boeing's largest ever airliner. This image is of a high-speed taxi test on 3/18/2011. I'll post flight photos when they are available. -SP
  15. Johnbr

    BAe Systems Nimrod MRA.4 (Nimrod 2000)

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12281640 Here is a sad story. :(
  16. C

    Space Shuttle Eye Candy

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFwqZ4qAUkE -1- Ignore this embedded video and go directly to YouTube -2- Select 720p HD format. -3- Do something else for about 90 minutes (long video, slow server) -4- Watch at full screen with your favorite cocktail. This is just-released NASA engineering...
  17. flateric

    UVZ (Uralvagonzavod) "Object 195" or T-95 tank

    via andrei_bt blog
  18. Stargazer

    Naval Surface Warfare Center/NAVAIR Battleforce Seaplane designs

    Source: THE POTENTIAL EFFECT OF MATURING TECHNOLOGY UPON FUTURE SEAPLANES by Mr. August Bellanca & Ms. Carey Matthews, April 2005
  19. Triton

    Australia SEA 4000 Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD)

    Profile and characteristics of the Gibbs & Cox SEA 4000 Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) Evolved Design Option from 2006. This design was a variant of the Gibbs & Cox designed Arleigh Burke-class DDG. The names Hobart, Brisbane, and Sydney were announced by the Australian Minister for Defence on...
  20. Triton

    DCNS Gowind

    DCNS Gowind sales brochure from Euronaval 2008. Source: (link removed, hijacked in the meantime)
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