
  1. H

    Were the Dutch De Zeven Provincien frigates built in the Netherlands or Romania?

    The reason why I'm posting this is because there doesn't seem to be information regarding where the hulls were built. I'm not sure if the hulls were built in Romania then shipped to the Netherlands for assembly.
  2. that_person

    Rumsfeld's Alternative Fleet Architecture Design and the Weapon Ship/Combat Systems Ship (X-WPS)

    Hello all. Today I was doing some research into the AGS's LRLAP shells, trying to confirm a hunch I have that the original unit price was drastically lower than the stated $800,000-$1,000,000. I sort of confirmed that, as well as finding information saying the AGS was supposed to fire other...
  3. KHambsch

    Plasma Magnetic sail

    I think this propulsion concept fell between the cracks at the time the Phase I and II NIAC reports were released in I believe circa 2007. To start with, this is a type of sail which exploits the solar wind, is considered a drag device...like a sailboat in the wind. For this reason I'm not...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Ocean Atmosphere Sensor Integration System (OASIS) [NASA long duration solar powered autonomous surface vehicle, 2000s]

  5. athpilot

    Kistler K-1 Bedpost Rocket

    The Kistler K-1 is dicussed in some threads here, but I could not find a dedicated thread to it, so... Here is the animation of Bedpost Rocket by Hazegrayart. From the video description: " An early design concept sometimes referred to as the Bedpost Rocket the Kistler K-1 was a two-stage...
  6. helmutkohl

    What if India did not acquire the Gorshkov?

    the sale of the Gorshkov was, and still is one of India's most controversial naval acquisitions. I recalled that it was close to not going through due to changes in pricing and schedule. Lets assume that India decided NOT to go with the Gorshkov - How would this happen? - What would India's...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Shenyang J-11 PLAN/PLAAF

    For the 1960s/1970s fighter project, see here. https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/planaf-j-11bh-fighter-seen-using-potentially-new-ecm-pod
  8. G

    Russia sticks with the MIG-1.44?

    Pretty simple, what if the Russians don't flip flop around with their 5th gen program and decide to keep developing the Mig 1.44? Would they have a 5th gen(ish) aircraft earlier? what would it's export potential be? how effective would it be? my 2 cents are It would be operational earlier that...
  9. VictorXL188

    NASA Morphing Wing

    Apologies if this is the wrong area for this, but I came across this model for sale on E Bay. It purports to be a NASA project for a Morphing wing, and was proposed in the early 2000s. Does anyone know any more about this project?
  10. Grey Havoc

    Distant Thunder / NetSAT littoral water system (DARPA)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b84Wzh-kH_s https://www.darpa.mil/attachments/TestimonyArchived(April%2020%201999).pdf
  11. hesham

    Guizhou JL-9 (FTC-2000) Advanced Jet Trainer

    From Air Force 2001/1, here is a Guizhou JL-9 (FTC-2000) Adnaced Jet Trainer supersonic aircraft,clearly based on F-7.
  12. Grey Havoc

    Tiberium (Command and Conquer series)

  13. A

    GA-ASI MQ-1 Predator

    Okay Gentlemen, can anyone tell me why the Predator B (Reaper) has it's tail up while its smaller predecessor is tail down?
  14. T

    What I wrote of Columbia, Feb-Mar '03

    In 2003, I wrote in a white heat an essay on Columbia's loss, which took on the shuttle's history. I submitted this to "Harper's" and "The Atlantic," neither of which bought it. Unrevised save for the addition of photos, it can be found on my personal website here...
  15. Michel Van

    ARCA Haas 2CA rocket (SSTO with aerospike engine)

    ARCA Space Corporation is a New Mexico-based aerospace company It was founded in 1999 as a non-governmental organization in Romania by Dumitru Popescu That want to build a SSTO that launch 100 kg (220lbs) of payload to low earth orbit. it feature a linear Aerospike engine called "Executor" is...
  16. sferrin

    NASA MLAS (escape system).

    Somehow I completely missed this. Never even heard of it before. http://www.nasa.gov/content/max-launch-abort-system-or-mlas-was-successfully-tested-at-nasas-wallops-flight-facility
  17. Triton

    Lockheed Martin LMH-1 heavy-lift hybrid airship

    "Paris Air Show 2015: Lockheed Martin unveils new heavy-lift hybrid airship" Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 17 June 2015 Source: http://www.janes.com/article/52319/paris-air-show-2015-lockheed-martin-unveils-new-heavy-lift-hybrid-airship
  18. Triton

    BAE Systems M777 Portee System

    Video of BAE Systems M777 Portee System View: https://youtu.be/EO8-4z92pQc
  19. bobbymike

    NASA vision of the spacecraft and base for a human mission to Callisto

    http://nextbigfuture.com/2015/03/nasa-vision-of-spacecraft-and-base-for.html NASA examined revolutionary aerospace systems concepts for human space exploration of the solar system beyond Mars orbit and identified critical technology requirements for the realization of these systems concepts...
  20. Michel Van

    Airliner from 2001: A space Odyssey

    This link give you the frontpage from the new York times, Frank Poole was reading in Discovery. The Front news talks of missing airliner with 2304 people on board ! the craft label HEP/COMM 11-Z4 got twelve engine and take 2500 passengers and crew of 199 it make 2400 mph in 70000 feet...
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