
  1. Grey Havoc

    Waffenträger Wiesel 1 development

    One of Porsche KG's (from 1972 onwards Porsche AG) interesting Cold War military projects. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRb3o5OJsHo
  2. RavenOne

    40 Years ago today - Rendlesham Forest UFO incident RAF Bentwaters / Woodbridge

    Happy Xmas all and 4 decades ago on this day well 26th rendlesham forest incident between Twin bases of RAF Woodbridge (home of then 67th Aerospace Recovery & Rescue Squadron with HH53C Super Jolly Green Giant and HC-130H Combat Shadow and 81st TFW with A-10 Warthog) Bentwaters had other lot of...
  3. Y

    Royal Navy mid-1980s planning

    SSomewhere online I've seen a document from he early-mid 1980s with Royal Navy planned surface ship construction through to the mid-1990s. It had projected order dates for 24 Type 23 frigates, eight AORs, and two more CASTLE class OPVs. I seem to recall that it was an omnibus document from the...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Austrian Wine Poisoning Scandal (Fredrik Knudsen)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhN-o2ame-4
  5. covert_shores

    Canada's Theseus AUV - cold war mega-UUV project

    More info: Article https://www.forbes.com/sites/hisutton/2020/07/12/canada-secret-cold-war-drone-submarine-is-still-relevant-today/ Bruce Butler's site: http://brucebutler.ca/into-the-labyrinth.html Podcast Bruce Butler did with SUT...
  6. D

    Abrams based IFV

    So I've heard that during the mid 80s there were attempts to create a 60-ton class IFV based on the M1 Abrams some designs even mounting the 75mm Areas cannon is this true any drawings
  7. hesham

    Australian Light Aircraft Prototypes & Projects

    From JAWA 1984/85, here is a Free Flight Hornet S10 tailless aircraft.
  8. Hood

    RTM.322 Turbofan Variant

    I have come across a turbofan variant of the RTM.322, the RTM.322-20 rated at 2,338lbf. The project was circa 1984. The only aircraft I know of proposed for the engine was the BAe P.164-108A trainer. I found a diagram of the RTM.322-20 which is attached. Does anyone have any further details...
  9. Flyaway

    Hubble Space Telescope

  10. Grey Havoc

    Ferranti F100-L Microprocessor family

  11. uk 75

    Trigat missile family

    Back in the Cold War the France, Germsny and the UK embarked on an ambitious programne to produce a family of third generation anti tank missiles. The only survivor is the long range helicopter launched version https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PARS_3_LR. Like the SP70 gun and RS80 (described in...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Tales from the Loop

    https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/04/tech-takes-a-back-seat-to-interconnected-human-stories-in-tales-from-the-loop/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tales_from_the_Loop https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tales_from_the_Loop_(role-playing_game)
  13. uk 75

    Falklands 1983

    It is one of the great what-ifs of recent history, what would have happened if Argentina had waited until John Nott's defence cuts had been implemented and invaded the Falklands in March 1983? With only Illustrious working up and Ark Royal still under construction, the Royal Navy had sold...
  14. World B4

    Oscar III SSGN & other Soviet SSGNs

    With the cancellation of the Merkuriy ssgn program in 1989, the successor to the Oscar II was to be the Oscar III, of which the first units were to be built right after the last of the Oscar IIs. I can't find any illustrations, or descriptions of the planned changes and improvements. Can anyone...
  15. L

    Leopard 2 prototypes

    During the development of Leopard 2, about seventeen different hulls (PT series) and turrets (T series) were built. At least two of the hulls (numbered PT11 and PT17) were fitted with hydropneumatic suspension and only six roadwheels. I managed to find only one small picture of such hull...
  16. T

    M551 Sheridan-derived IFVS?

    I read in Osprey's excellent New Vanguard 153 - M551 Sheridan that, at Fort Bragg, they had a short-lived program to develop a "paratroop fighting vehicle" in the 80s - similar to the Russian/Soviet BMD series- based on a turretless Sheridan. Several prototypes were allegedly constructed, making...
  17. AN/AWW-14(V)

    FOG-M, EFOGM and LongFOG

    FOG-M vs QUH-1 :cool: lucky shooter Jane's Land-Based Air Defence 1992-93
  18. G

    Unknown Giant Soviet Transport Aircraft

    Hi! Just found this soviet beast. It was meant to have both wheeled and air cushion landing gear. The weight was around 700 tons. Does anybody know more about this giant?
  19. CJGibson

    Impact on the Iran-Iraq War if Iran had bought A-10s

    If Iran had bought the A-10 in sufficient numbers, they had been delivered and entered service, what, if any, impact would they have had on the course of the Iran-Iraq war? Chris
  20. AeroFranz

    Bell UH-1 with retractable skids, large belly radar antenna

    I was looking at the SDASM flickr pictures dump and found a Huey modified with retractable skids, ostensibly to afford a 360 degrees field of view to the large rectangular antenna mounted on the bottom of the cabin. I was not aware of such installation. It reminds me of the FOPEN radar...
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