
  1. uk 75

    A NATO frigate

    Wiki has quite a good summary of the abortive attempt in the 1980s to design a common escort ship for NATO navies https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NFR-90 The thread about the Kidds for the RN reminded me of this programme. It ought to have been possible to design a ship flexible enough to...
  2. uk 75

    Alternate 80s Britain: How would the services cope?

    Margaret Thatcher's defeat to Michael Foot in Britain's 1983 general election came as no surprise to television pundits. Rising unemployment and failure to reduce inflation despite government cuts, including to the Armed Forces had made the public fed up and willing to try a new course. Prime...
  3. flateric

    ASWS Advanced Strike Weapon System

    Late 80s program - a low-cost LO ATG missile using Tomahawk and Maveric elements. Boeing ASWS report bits from Worthpoint + some details from Senate hearings
  4. V

    RAN Type 23 based ANZAC Class Frigate

    The MEKO 200ANZ was selected for the RAN Patrol Frigate Project in the late 80s with the Dutch M Class considered by many to be the preferred option losing out. The other option in the final three was what was termed the Mini Type 23, or even as the "cut and bob tied' Type 23. The Type 23 was...
  5. P

    Brazilian Tectran 6×6 armoured all-terrain 10-ton trucks

    G'day all. I'm looking for information, details and profile drawings of the Brazilian Tectran 6×6 armoured all-terrain 10-ton trucks. I've read, but can't confirm that the Tectran 6×6 truck is based on a Mercedes-Benz 2028 truck chassis. I'm only able to find the Tectran 6x6 truck design...
  6. uk 75

    Salamander Books nostalgia

    Although we are well provided for these days with books, magazines and above all the Internet, I still enjoy my collection of Salamander books from the 70s and 80s. These big glossy full colour books were amazing at a time when most books on modern weapons were mainly illustrated in black and...
  7. I

    CA-134 Des Moines-Class Heavy Cruisers - 1980's Reactivation Proposals

    I understand there was a proposal to reactivate two CA-134 Class Heavy Cruisers (probably USS Des Moines and USS Salem) in place of or in additional to the Iowa Class reactivations. Below are two of the concepts I have found. However, I was wondering if there are any more details out there...
  8. helmutkohl

    What if Iran never had a revolution?

    What if the Iranian revolution never succeeded.. either changes were made that prevented it from occurring, or that it occurred but failed. How would it affect US relations with Iran? Would they still continue to import US weapons? Iran relations with other Mid-East countries? would there...
  9. R

    Short Skyvan for COIN Operations.

    Hello guys, i dont mean to bother you, but i found the mentioning of the Short Skyvan being modified for COIN operations and also receiving a modification/variant of the Sea Cat missile called "hellcat" (that i couldn't even find a single picture), do any of you have info of this "Counter...
  10. helmutkohl

    What if, France never left the Eurofighter consortium

    So we know some time in the early 80s, France split with the UK, West Germany, Italy and Spain, and developed the ACX into the Rafale, and the others made the Typhoon. the disagreement stemmed from a carrier variant. What if in this scenario, France never left and somehow the five of them...
  11. Grey Havoc

    35th anniversary of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster

  12. Grey Havoc

    Biak Launch Center (Late '70s, 1980s)

    According to Wikipedia there was an attempt to revive the project in the late 2000s (from 2006 onwards, and possibly into the early 2010s) in co-operation with the Russians. Initially at least this version of the plan included an air launch element. It appears to have been at this time when the...
  13. zebedee

    British Aerospace NBJ (New Business Jet)

    Apart from a 3 view drawing and a small paragraph in Richard Payne's Stuck on the Drawing Board, I've not been able to find much information about this design, however I recently stumbled across a 'brochure' for it. It appears to be for internal use within BAe and is dated 5th September 1989...
  14. TinWing

    Vickers Submarine Oil Tanker for BP

    View: https://www.reddit.com/r/submarines/comments/bzv7p7/inspired_by_the_bow_reactor_post_how_many_of_you/
  15. Grey Havoc


    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjxaJgxXavc Note that this video was made before the current Covid-19 related model making renaissance had really gotten underway.
  16. Grey Havoc

    The Aurora, Revell, Monogram Models Story

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBgCRQ2wIvw
  17. Grey Havoc

    Highland Express

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmZJD7PZjEY
  18. Grey Havoc


    https://earth.esa.int/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/c-missions/cospas https://cospas-sarsat.int/en/ https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/space/galileo/sar_en
  19. Grey Havoc

    H.M.S. Speedy (P296, Speedy-class Hydrofoil)

    Ladies and Gentlemen, HMS Speedy: View: https://www.reddit.com/r/WarshipPorn/comments/lognu9/951_x_717_jetfoil_patrol_vessel_hms_speedy_p296/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Speedy_(P296) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:HMS_Speedy_(P296)...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Iridium satellite system

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