
  1. Antonio

    Lockheed SRA (Small Rigid Airship)

    Small Rigid Airship. Pic taken from a Spanish clone of Popular Mechanics, 1984. No info available.
  2. Y

    Spanish/German LINCE

    Lince was a paper project, not very known. In 1974 -Franco still alive- arrived to Spain the first 19 AMX-30, made in France, to be quickly deployed in Spanish Sahara. The agreement with France included the license to manufacture this tank by Empresa Nacional Santa Bárbara. So, AMX-30 became...
  3. hesham

    Machen Laser Jet aircraft

    Hi, the Machen Inc,Washington-based company designed a low cost business jet aircraft project,called Laser Jet,it could be possibly powered by two Williams FJ-44 engines. http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1983/1983%20-%202099.html?search=mached+aircraft
  4. Abraham Gubler

    Standard Manufacturing Co. Excalibur

    I stumbled across this ultimate ATV gun-buggy while looking for pictures of the Excalibur PGM for work. It’s the Standard Manufacturing Co. Excalibur/Vulcan gun system that was demonstrated to the US Army’s logistics exposition PROLOG '85. It would appear to be a large Supercat style ATV fitted...
  5. flateric

    Hermès Space Shuttle

  6. hesham


    Hi, dear CammNut spoke about this space vehicle before,here; http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,1405.msg12858/highlight,smv.html#msg12858 http://www.afa.org/magazine/Sept2001/0901wings.pdf
  7. S

    Industrial Space Facility

    The Industrial Space Facility, a stillborn attempt at a commercial man-tended space station from the 80's, courtesy of Flight. Part of the 'microgravity boom', which still doesn't seem to have arrived yet. :-[ Starviking References...
  8. S

    BAe Multirole Capsule 1987

    From Flight International 24th October 1987, a Multirole Capsule for ISS rescue, crew transfer, independent missions, and unmanned microgravity experiments. http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1987/1987%20-%202182.html
  9. LowObservable

    Boeing Vertol BV-360 or "Boeing 360"

    I really ought to know more about this, but we seem to have a couple of people with some rotorcraft experience around these parts, but who knows what about the Boeing 360? It seems to have been discussed here only in passing. Some stuff from Interavia, 1987... Because of its origins, the 360...
  10. Abraham Gubler

    MOWAG Shark

    Here is some data on the original big MOWAG 8x8. The following information has been copied from Jane’s Light Tanks and Armoured Cars 1984 by Christopher F. Foss. It is posted here for educational purposes. MOWAG Shark Weapons Carrier Development The Shark has been developed by the MOWAG...
  11. Abraham Gubler

    Alvis Sagiter

    Here is some data on an interesting British program from the early 1980s. The following information has been copied from Jane’s Light Tanks and Armoured Cars 1984 by Christopher F. Foss. It is posted here for educational purposes. Alvis Sagitar Alvis Limited has submitted three studies to the...
  12. hesham

    British AST-412 light aircraft

    Hi, the RAF selected the Caproni C.22J for the military Specification as light trainer aircraft,the Caproni also planed to develope a single seat version as recce and light attack models and single seat anti-helicopter version armedwith Shorts air-to-air Blowpipe missiles...
  13. robunos

    US 80s TNMTS/AMLS studies aka Shuttle II

    the Advanced Manned Launch System, from NTRS, http://hdl.handle.net/2060/19920025000 cheers, Robin.
  14. RyanC

    US Army's 1990s Armored Systems Modernization (ASM) Program (FIFV, Block III Tank, Crusader)

    Scanned this in from an old Army Magazine; this has the clearest, most detailed layout of the specs of the Army's AMS program, which included Crusader, Block III Tank, FIFV, etc. -------- ARMY May 1991 Armor's Future: From One, Many By Eric C, Ludvigsen Associate Editor Convinced of the...
  15. L

    Boeing 7J7

    Many articles can be found about the UDF version of the 7J7, but what about this second variant?
  16. JAZZ

    S-90 Frigate and S-85 Corvette designs

    back in the early 1980's an alternative frigate hull design was put forwrad by a commercial ship designer, and attracted some support from BAe and other navel ship builders. The MOD ordered trails between the S90 and Type 23 (duke Class) ASW firigate. The Marime Technology Board's findins...
  17. JAZZ

    Saab Buster

    What information is out there concerning the buster - hypervolocity AT missile that was being considered by saab a few years back? Only illustration I have is attached -
  18. hesham

    Japanese NAL hypersonic spaceplane

    Hi, the NAL designed in 1990 a hypersonic spaceplane,it was look like some USA hypersonic aircraft. http://www.flightglobal.com/PDFArchive/View/1990/1990%20-%201252.html
  19. L

    AATS/ACET air cushion takeoff support vehicles

    Hello, Does anyone have any 3 view drawings or photos any info of this take off trolley? That Matej posted on June 11/06 (McDonnell-Douglas F-15 projects). Any help would be great! Thanks, Lockon.
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