VTOL On Demand Mobility

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YieG1Z6nMeA&ab_channel=Lilium

On one hand they seem to be making some progress, but on the other they are running out of funding. I am surprised this project made it as far as it did.
All these companies bring on more and more high-profile staff/directors and the like and lose focus of what got them going in the first place.

Continual email updates I get from them are more about who has joined rather than how they are going.

Most of them come from the established airline industry and we all know how well that works.

All these high-cost directors are using these companies for their last hurrah/golden parachute.

Love to know the top managements total cost verses actual manufacturing.

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Wow, Aurora shows a Very High Speed Vertical Lift Concept Design - well I guess that solves the problem then, because who needs a working prototype these days, when protohype is all that's required for marketing purposes...
It was noted also in another report how Aurora rendered images are devoid of any flight governs adapted for the cruise regime, some foreseeing here an early application of the CRANE program.
All these companies bring on more and more high-profile staff/directors and the like and lose focus of what got them going in the first place.

Continual email updates I get from them are more about who has joined rather than how they are going.

Most of them come from the established airline industry and we all know how well that works.
I suspect it's more a case of they get so far on gosh-wow funding, and then start having to appeal to more business-oriented venture-capitalists (as opposed to the ones willing to throw $100m at something because it looks cool), at which point they start having to answer due-diligence questions such as "Has anyone in your C-suite ever run an actual company as opposed to a start-up?"
I suspect it's more a case of they get so far on gosh-wow funding, and then start having to appeal to more business-oriented venture-capitalists (as opposed to the ones willing to throw $100m at something because it looks cool), at which point they start having to answer due-diligence questions such as "Has anyone in your C-suite ever run an actual company as opposed to a start-up?"
Hic Rhodus, hic salta.
No worries, if Lilium's technology is as disruptive as claimed they shouldn't have issues to find additional funding or get absorbed by a major aerospace company. Their electric ducted fan technology may indeed find some useful applications... Dyson? Sorry, couldn't resist :D

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