From my file,with now source up to now,

Arado Zerstorer was a twin engined attack jet aircraft Project of 1943,powered by two Jumo 012
jets,mounted at the front of the fuselage,has anyone hear about it ?,it was little known design.
Wow,oh my God,

many thanks my dear Dan,and something wrote on fifth drawing,what was it ?.
Hi Dan,
Thank you for drawings!
Now you can write a new book with these pictures :)
My dear Dan,

it's Arado Entwurf I exactly,I have a drawing to Ent I in detail,what's the different?.
hesham said:
here is from Waffen-Arsenal 56,the Arado Ar.240 fitted with jet engine.

In my files,also Arado Ar.440 was fitted with one jet engine as Ar.240,but all those ideas were rejected by RLM in 1943.


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Here is the Arado E.381/III.
(from Waffen-Arsenal 118 - Bachem Ba 349 Natter)


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Arado E.381/II in details.


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Arado E 208. Presumably a forerunner of the Ar 96. This is the least weird version.


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newsdeskdan said:
Arado E 208. Presumably a forerunner of the Ar 96. This is the least weird version.

Wow,you made my day.
I don't want to post up everything but here's a taster. You'll notice the unusual prone observer position...


  • Arado E 208 recce.jpg
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Does any of the drawings field an arrester hook? Arado proposed a carrier-borne trainer based on the Ar96.
Would the version with a prone observer be a forerunner of the never-built Ar 96C? I believe that was meant to be a dive-bomber trainer (if my memory is correct).
Is therer a clearer version of those pictures please?
Foo Fighter said:
Is therer a clearer version of those pictures please?

Nope. These are slightly scaled down (due to's upload filesize limit) versions of pin-sharp 600dpi scans of the only known paper originals. These were buried in the back of the pristine condition original brochure so I can only presume that the original standard of reproduction just wasn't that good. Bear in mind this is a 1936 brochure, when repro tech was fairly primitive in some instances.
Wurger said:
1940 project for a carrier-borne torpedo bomber sporting a single DB601, refered by Jorg Armin-Kranzhoff in his book "Die Arado-Flugzeuge: Vom Doppeldecker zum Strahlflugzeug".
This sounds more like the Fi-167 that the Ar-195 lost out to for equipping the Graf Zeppelin and follow-on aircraft carriers. Arado's design had a radial engine while Fiesler's winning design used a DB601. The AR-195 was a biplane while the Fi-167 was a strut-braced high-wing monoplane (I'd argue that neither looked as good as the contemporary SBU-1).
Fi 167 was a biplane. Fi 156 Storch was a high-wing monoplane.
<edit> At some time during 1943/1944, three Fi 167s had most of their lower wings removed.
From 'Warplanes of the Third Reich' by William Green:
The Fi 167s were returned to Fieseler for overhaul, three subsequently being delivered to the Fahrwerkserprobungsstelle der DVL [Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt], the DVL's undercarriage test centre at Budweis [České Budějovice], where they were used for measuring landing shocks under various load conditions, flying both in standard biplane configuration and as highly-loaded sequiplanes, the lower mainplanes being detached immediately outboard of the undercarriage, additional struts supporting the upper mainplanes.


  • Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1977-110-06,_Flugzeug_Fieseler_Fi_167-1.jpeg
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E 651, evidently a 1937 project



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sienar said:
E 651, evidently a 1937 project


A clearer view from Arado book,

and nice drawing my dear Justo.


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From; Arado - Geschichte eines Flugzeugwerks

here is a picture for Arado J 1,a little known torpedo bomber monoplane prototype of 1929.


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This was not a prototype : Only a project .
The picture shows a (well done) model .
Thank you my dear Richard,

and here is a more Info about it;

In early 1926 the Arado company built a so called "Streuflugzeug" = Crop Duster. It was a special low wing plane with a thick profile and a prominent V-shape, A.J.I.. The containers for the chemicals was housed in the wings to achive a wide pattern of spraying and to avoid to hit the fuselage. This aircraft was however not further developed. In 1929 a mockup for a single seat torpedo bomber, the J 1, was made with a similarity with the former crop duster. It should have a BMW engine. The low wing design was suitable for two torpedoes under the wing.. The attachments for the wingstruts were used for the suspension point for the torpedoes. This design was not demanded by the military. During the development work the cover name was "Streuflugzeug".
Also from Arado - Geschichte eines Flugzeugwerks,

I don't know if that design was a Project to Arado or just illustrated drawing ?,it created by W. Blume.


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The upper drawing (in attachmen t 3) shoes a design from 1930 by W. Blume for gun mount powered
by air vanes, to be used in a twin seat fighter.
Next drawing is remote controlled tail turret, designed by Kurt Bornemann, with electric booster and sight
outside of the pressure cabin
Next drawing is a design by W. Blumefor a remote controlled tail gun.
Next is a gondola for two 20 mm Rh.Lb.202 guns and the last drawing shows a remote controlled tail gun
with periscope sight. all by W. Blume.
In no case the type of aircraft is mentioned.
Thank you my dear Jemiba,

but the drawing itself was not a Project for Arado right ?.
The drawing shows typical characteristics of Arado types, especially the rudder and
shape of the cowling, similar to the Ar 66. But the Ar 66 was built as a trainer from
1932 onwards, so I don't think, that there are relations to this drawing from 1930.
The shown twin seat fighter would have been in a class with the Hawker Demon and
I don't know of a similar type designed by a German company, so I suppose, that just
a "typical Arado type" was drawn to show this weapon installation.
Jemiba said:
The upper drawing (in attachmen t 3) shoes a design from 1930 by W. Blume for gun mount powered
by air vanes, to be used in a twin seat fighter.
Next drawing is remote controlled tail turret, designed by Kurt Bornemann, with electric booster and sight
outside of the pressure cabin
Next drawing is a design by W. Blumefor a remote controlled tail gun.
Next is a gondola for two 20 mm Rh.Lb.202 guns and the last drawing shows a remote controlled tail gun
with periscope sight. all by W. Blume.
In no case the type of aircraft is mentioned.

All from the same 1941 report, which has Walter Blume's name on the cover, about Arado gun position designs. I'm not sure that he actually designed any of them himself. Here's a selection from among the many illustrations - some you've seen, others maybe not.


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Thank you my dear Dan,

and as I know,Mr. Blume designed anther Project for Arado in about 1930,do you know it ?.
hesham said:
Thank you my dear Dan,

and as I know,Mr. Blume designed anther Project for Arado in about 1930,do you know it ?.

I'm not sure anyone knows that much about Arado's early projects. This report had 'Walter Blume' on the cover but covers several years of work by the whole Arado team (and some of the images are actually of British aircraft for comparison - Blume didn't design those!). Exactly what Blume did or did not design personally is going to be very difficult to determine, I think. What did you make of the Arado 1941 flying wing design (last image)?
That`s exactly what I was thinking about: the flying wing bomber in the last picture! 1941? Super! Does the report include other power operated turrets?
Wurger said:
That`s exactly what I was thinking about: the flying wing bomber in the last picture! 1941? Super! Does the report include other power operated turrets?

It includes a ton of turrets. Those photos of the E 500's turrets are in there too.
Is there a chance to have it (partially) published in one of your future publications?
Thank you my dear Dan,

but that means there was Arado flying wing bomber Project,at first I thought it was E.500 fuselage only.
hesham said:
Thank you my dear Dan,

but that means there was Arado flying wing bomber Project,at first I thought it was E.500 fuselage only.

Some of the images do show the E 500 fuselage, but others don't. That one is labelled Studie über die Profilabmessungen eines Nurflügel- Kampfflugzeuges mit Ikaria Kanonen or 'Study of the profile dimensions of a flying wing bomber with Ikaria cannons'.
newsdeskdan said:
hesham said:
Thank you my dear Dan,

but that means there was Arado flying wing bomber Project,at first I thought it was E.500 fuselage only.

Some of the images do show the E 500 fuselage, but others don't. That one is labelled Studie über die Profilabmessungen eines Nurflügel- Kampfflugzeuges mit Ikaria Kanonen or 'Study of the profile dimensions of a flying wing bomber with Ikaria cannons'.

That's new Info for me,thank you my dear Dan,and here is the same drawings from Arado book.


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