You'd better deliver some cardiac defibrillators as well. Imagine that during dark hours!
LMSWs something


  • Defining the Future of ISR & UAS Technology.mp4_snapshot_01.04_[2020.03.21_02.34.47].jpg
    Defining the Future of ISR & UAS Technology.mp4_snapshot_01.04_[2020.03.21_02.34.47].jpg
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  • Defining the Future of ISR & UAS Technology.mp4_snapshot_01.04_[2020.03.21_02.34.41].jpg
    Defining the Future of ISR & UAS Technology.mp4_snapshot_01.04_[2020.03.21_02.34.41].jpg
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    Defining the Future of ISR & UAS Technology.mp4_snapshot_01.03_[2020.03.21_02.34.36].jpg
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  • Defining the Future of ISR & UAS Technology.mp4_snapshot_01.03_[2020.03.21_02.34.27].jpg
    Defining the Future of ISR & UAS Technology.mp4_snapshot_01.03_[2020.03.21_02.34.27].jpg
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The service’s fiscal year 2021 budget request includes numerous initiatives in the research, development, test and evaluation accounts for new drone technologies and manned-unmanned teaming, including low-cost, attritable systems. For 2021, it asked for $158 million for its high priority Vanguard efforts to develop next-generation systems, plus an additional $206 across the future years defense program. The Vanguard initiative includes a project called Skyborg.

“The first iteration of Skyborg will integrate artificial intelligence into autonomous unmanned air vehicles to enable future manned-unmanned teaming,” budget documents said.

Reaper, stronger Male : up to 24 Reapers* for France until Euro Male show they are up to the task and within cost expectations announced MoD Mme Parly (in Fr):

« Nous considérons, les quatre pays réunis, que nous ne pouvons pas accepter qu’un drone soit plus cher que ce que nous pourrions trouver sur le marché et soit moins opérationnel car ne disposant pas de l’ensemble des capacités dont nous souhaitons disposer » et « nous arrivons maintenant à un moment où il faudra trancher.
"We consider, the four [participating] countries together, that we cannot accept that a drone be more expensive than what we could find on the market and be less operational" and "we are now coming to a point where we would have to take a decision".

It's now up to Airbus to show they are up to the task: a failure here would be a terrible burden to carry during the long path to FCAS.

*12 added.
** Download AdlA latest press release here
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Much like the USA FTUAS and ALE need to be the same program ie a UAV launched from a Ah-64E needs to have some real capability, the USAF Loyal wingman UAV and this Next Generation UAS ISR/Strike Platform need to be the same program. The problem is both services seems to fine w/tube and wing aircraft. Likewise, NGAD/FA-XX also needs to be confined to BWBs.
The BWB planform is not suitable for supersonic flight for at least four of five reasons, off the top of my head. Mostly related to aerodynamics and stability and control.
The BWB planform is not suitable for supersonic flight for at least four of five reasons, off the top of my head. Mostly related to aerodynamics and stability and control.
First of all, a Reaper replacement may well not need to a supersonic. This NG 6G proposal sure looks like a Hybrid/BWB to me.


  • NG 6G.jpg
    NG 6G.jpg
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" WASHINGTON: House appropriators are worried that the Air Force’s latest try to replace the MQ-Reaper isn’t fully baked "

Is that a polite way of saying it's half-baked?
The BWB planform is not suitable for supersonic flight for at least four of five reasons, off the top of my head. Mostly related to aerodynamics and stability and control.
First of all, a Reaper replacement may well not need to a supersonic. This NG 6G proposal sure looks like a Hybrid/BWB to me.

>> NGAD/FA-XX also needs to be confined to BWBs

FA-XX will definitely be supersonic, so BWB will not work. I agree an MQ-9 replacement will likely not be supersonic.

What is shown in the picture you posted is known as delta planform. Much higher sweep, lower aspect ratio than a BWB. The hybrid wing body, as designed by Lockheed, adds vestigial tail and empennage to the BWB planform.
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The BWB planform is not suitable for supersonic flight for at least four of five reasons, off the top of my head. Mostly related to aerodynamics and stability and control.
First of all, a Reaper replacement may well not need to a supersonic. This NG 6G proposal sure looks like a Hybrid/BWB to me.

>> NGAD/FA-XX also needs to be confined to BWBs

FA-XX will definitely be supersonic, so BWB will not work. I agree an MQ-9 replacement will likely not be supersonic.

What is shown in the picture you posted is known as delta planform. Much higher sweep, lower aspect ratio than a BWB. The hybrid wing body, as designed by Lockheed, adds vestigial tail and empennage to the BWB planform.
NG's proposal is not a tube and wing, it is a body blended into the wing, enough said.

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