Not really.
  1. That's a very small flight deck to work from, it looks even smaller than a Bogue's 440ft flight deck. So maybe you're carrying 24x aircraft.
  2. The turret shape looks like 14" guns, not 16".
  3. The flight deck amidships means that the armored citadel/raft is much bigger than the Iowa or maybe the Montana. Which means that it's very heavy, probably accounting for the extra beam.
  4. It appears to be too wide to travel through the Panama Canal, which is a major operational limitation.
  5. 6x shafts means rather immense fuel consumption.
Your conclusion is correct in that the ship was useless, but they were 16"/45s, and Gibbs designed the ship to try and sell it to the Soviets, so the Panama Canal limitation doesn't matter as much.

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