I know some people are desperate to push their pro-american views on everything, especially now Ukraine, i will just repost here the forum rules by which i was strictly trying to keep to when i was a reporting all those blatantly political post on Ukraine
Political, religious and nationalistic topics are strongly discouraged. Specific areas to avoid include your views on specific politicians and parties, Brexit, commentry about immigration, "SJWs" and "woke", antifa, Black Lives Matter, far-right politics and other social/political commentary. You are welcome to have opinions on all these subjects, but they are generally unrelated to the forum core subjects and your posts may be edited or deleted without warning.
I am not certianly telling the mods what to do, far from me, but if you want to be impartial and keep to your forum's own rules this topic shouldn't exist, at least not in this form. If strictly about losses on either side and technical matters, yes, i am actually interested in that too, but not to be used as a platform to promote pro-american propaganda.
Frankly this is one of the last few places i still frequent because i want to avoid the aforementioned disgusting propaganda and hypocrisy some other forums engage in and promote
Btw that MiG-29 video suposedly shooting down a VKS plane is fake