UGLIEST Aircraft Built and Flown

I also love the despaired atempts at finding a place for a cockpit... including on top of the whole thing.
Farman Jabiru... at least in its early iterations. (my goodness, it looks like a gallery of horrors !)

"Guy, where is my cockpit ?" Incidentally, FAHAF sounds like the noise of somebody dying of a severe bout of coughing - triggered either by horror, or by uncontrollable laughing...




The twin headlights looks like eyes, which only makes it looks even more ridiculous...
The variants of Farman Jabiru look like Marjorie Taylor Greene's verbal products if they were aircraft (incidentally, a Finn would likely pronounce Jabiru as ja piru with the letters <j> and <u> pronounced roughly like in German and the letter <r> pronounced like in Italian - that would literally mean and the devil who would certainly be the only fitting pilot for such a monstrosity). There must have been something in the wine the French consumed. Maybe the Germans had bred a variety of phylloxera which would jump to the wine and think the brain cells of French aircraft designers and the members of the French general staff were Vitis Vinifera root stock...
Fun thread. One thing I would say is tastes also change. As a kid I thought Soviet fighters were ugly, strange things. My profile picture and the su-9 were ultimate examples of this. As I grew up I remember as a teenager watching reruns of Wings Of The Red Star and my opinion changed so much I began to love fighters like the su-17/22 and mig-21. Have you guys had this too?
The variants of Farman Jabiru look like Marjorie Taylor Greene's verbal products if they were aircraft
There is something fugly about those old French types...
Now if you REALLY want to see ugly, in my opinion this was a very solid contender for the podium: the Ilyushin Il-20 "Coot"!


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The IL-40 and a lot of aircraft from Blackburn were pretty horrific.
It was a pig of an aircraft... with a snout. ROTFL

The variants of Farman Jabiru look like Marjorie Taylor Greene's verbal products if they were aircraft

"Peach tree dishes" and "gazpacho police" - not american but got a good laugh learning about this. But hey, MJT is a tragic byproduct of keeping the race pure: that's called consanguinity. You can see it on her face and also her thick cranium, not unlike a neanderthal or an australopithecus...

(hmmm, gazpacho... )
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What about the Blackburn Buccaneer Archibald? Served it's purpose well with the Fleet Air Arm then the RAF towards the end.
That is what I was meaning Archibald, only saw it once when I started going to Leuchars and it left a good impression on me. It's primary weapon when it was the S.1. variant was the Red Beard nuclear bomb.
I think there was a misunderstanding related to Blackburn only churning ugly aircraft. I wasn't the one who said that. Although I could agree, at least for the 1930's. I vaguely remember an ugly plane with name was the Blackburn (drums roling) Blackburn.

@aonestudio you're a bit unfair with the Leduc 022. It has a very futuristic look, straight of a belgian comic like Blake & Mortimer. Although the shape was wrong from a drag point of view. It could never go supersonic, unlike its rival the Griffon II: which had a much sleeker shape, delta-canard.
@aonestudio you're a bit unfair with the Leduc 022. It has a very futuristic look, straight of a belgian comic like Blake & Mortimer. Although the shape was wrong from a drag point of view. It could never go supersonic, unlike its rival the Griffon II: which had a much sleeker shape, delta-canard.
Totally agree with you! Which goes to show, once again, that beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Some aircraft which I consider especially ugly, such as the B-52 bomber, the P.1 Lightning fighter, the MiG-21, the Panavia Tornado and others, belong in other people's favorite list!
If this aircraft has been completely invisible, I wonder, could we describe it "ugly" at all?
P.S. Actually, it's designation Linke-Hofmann R.I
The transparent material named Cellon was an acetyl cellulosic compound made by Rheinisch-Westfalischen Sprengstoff AG that it was degraded with humidity losing its properties. The Cellon also had electrostatic properties that attracted the dust generated during take-off of the aircraft, quickly losing its transparency and highlighting the ugliness of the design.
And I thought that Boeing's AAH design was ugly, this has just taken it's place Michel Van.
And now, behold: the Loire 70. Another one that was truly at odds with aerodynamics - by the way, how many stacked cockpits is enough ?


The damn thing was not only supremely ugly, it was also a death trap. For once in his life, Mussolini did a good deed when his bombers ravaged Karouba floatplane station in June 1940 and properly demolished those antiquated horrors...
I wonder what the rate of fire would have been had that thing fired? And what the concequences to the helicopters frame would have been as well.
The IL-40 and a lot of aircraft from Blackburn were pretty horrific.
Won't require Breath Right Strips for sure to ensure engine airflow. Was designed by a hog farmer?

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