Could imagine that a single inlet for two engines isn't the best solution for air supply stability, especially during asymetric flight conditions, at high alpha and/or beta angles or when one engine suffers from a compressor stall. Nevertheless it was a remarkably different concept and now much from the actual Tornado design was left.

The PANNAP studies from 1971-1974 were reportedly driven by BAC's vision for an affordable light weight fighter design for the export market. It was only said that the design envisioned was a single seat aircraft with strake wings, powered by a single RB.199. There was no interest from the home nations however and finding an export customer to pay for the development of such an aircraft is not a particularly rosy prospect.

If the UK had remained East of Suez, perhaps.

Then again, that decision might butterfly away PANAVIA completely, though a different consortium might be in the cards.
Can share one. LVJ = Luftverteidigungsjäger (Airdefence Fighter). There were two MBB concepts LVJ-19 and 20 based on the Tornado and F/A-18. The Tornado one retained the fuselage, but introduced a tailless delta/canard arrangment with twin vertical stabilisers. These concepts were studied in 1981 after the cancelation of the ECA. The concepts were discontinued and superseded by the ACA.
Can share one. LVJ = Luftverteidigungsjäger (Airdefence Fighter). There were two MBB concepts LVJ-19 and 20 based on the Tornado and F/A-18. The Tornado one retained the fuselage, but introduced a tailless delta/canard arrangment with twin vertical stabilisers. These concepts were studied in 1981 after the cancelation of the ECA. The concepts were discontinued and superseded by the ACA.

do you have any more info on these? Maybe a drawing?


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That's my good old Eurofighter Typhoon "report". Originally wrote and published it for free in 2002, kept it updated until 2004 and therafter maintained it for three more years without further releases. It's a PITA that disrespectful thieves ask money for work that they have stolen. Not the only time though and the reason, why I discontinued further writings and publications. At least in two other instances my work was published without permission in aviation magazines with a different name put in place and people apparently making money with my work, I have published for free and even falsifying it. :mad:

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