This is hilariously funny...

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Oh, come on! The Supermarine Nighthawk is streets ahead of that piker!

That's... that's just awful.
I love all of them. I think all the pre-40's monstrosities are fascinating.
And I share a similar, morbid fascination for inter-war French monstrosities like the Dyle & Bacalan horrors.

Browse this valuable website clicking on "constructeurs" on the left. And be warned, some flying machines were atrocious.


And as if that one wasn't ugly enough, France made and even uglier clone of it with the Breguet Alize...
The Farman F-120 will always be the absolute winner of the contest, you can not make an uglier aircraft.
are you sure about that? dont forget about the Blackburn A.D. scout. ill just let it speak for itself. the only reason i know about this was because at one point i was intrigued about Anti-Zeppelin aircraft. this came up.

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Oh, come on! The Supermarine Nighthawk is streets ahead of that piker!

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It has four 4! wings! That's way better than a measly two. It has multiple firing stations and an enclosed ship-like bridge for command! I even mounts one of the world's first recoilless rifles! Better yet, the test pilot was Flt Lt Sidney Pickles. Who can argue with a plane tested by Pickles?!


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There was also the Blackburn... Blackburn. Only the name was already absolutely idiocy, and the aircraft was no better.
To this day, the Poles and probably Russians are using the speed dub, i.e. monotonous single voice dub, and claim it is superior to proper dub. We had this for a few years in the early 1990s. There is a scene in the Czech movie Slunce seno erotika where a group of village church ladies watch a videotape they borrowed - but there was a small confusion... On the screen, a girl is taken from behind while screaming Oh god oh god! (some of the ladies then scream about Sodom and Gomorrah, while others lean for better look...). Cue another scene where simiarly confused couple watches another movie. A man in a kassock holding a cross screams at the heavens "Oh god oh god give me the strenght to ovecome the temptation!" Both videos dubbed with the excact same voice... and the couple proclaims it the worst porno ever...
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To this day, the Poles and probably Russians are using the speed dub, i.e. monotonous single voice dub
Okaaaay... so that's what I heard, related to that anime / manga I mentionned.

"Monotonous" is an understatement. First, because the english dub could be heard in the background. Secondly, because "Mysterious cities of gold" is rather epic story so lots of shouting, running, explosions, you get the point.

Hence the "monotous single voice dub" came as very hilarious.
BTW ugly aircraft, and no one mentioned AD Type 1000 yet? This time not anti-Zeppelin but anti-ship aircraft, but too armed with the Davis recoilless gun ... and so heavy due to all the armor that it could not climb more than 400 ft and needed 15 miles for it's first take-off.
BTW ugly aircraft, and no one mentioned AD Type 1000 yet? This time not anti-Zeppelin but anti-ship aircraft, but too armed with the Davis recoilless gun ... and so heavy due to all the armor that it could not climb more than 400 ft and needed 15 miles for it's first take-off.
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Another problem was those engines leaking oil onto the wooden pontoons ... where it soon caught fire!
Cue screaming and shouting and running abouting.
Word of wisdom

Well the MB-150 01 in July 1936 had such a bad engine, too much weight, and small wings, it could never take-off.

It had a small propeller - that supposedly avoided the need for a gearbox / reducer. And the undercarriage was also very short, to get the nose down and improve the pilot forward visibility.
Bad, bad idea: this combination, together with a small wing, simply prevented the aircraft from leaving the ground !

Perhaps Marcel "Bloch" Dassault nadir moment, related to fighter aircraft.

The MB-151 flew but like a led brick.
The MB-152 at least had a pair of 20 mm guns in the wings to defend itself.
The MB-155 had a decent range, but was still bad.
The MB-157 at least was excellent... but France was at rock bottom, the Germans forbade it flew again, and then it was anihilated by B-17s.

Dassault had to wait for jet engines to get a decent fighter.
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Oh, come on! The Supermarine Nighthawk is streets ahead of that piker!

That's... that's just awful.
I love all of them. I think all the pre-40's monstrosities are fascinating.
And I share a similar, morbid fascination for inter-war French monstrosities like the Dyle & Bacalan horrors.

Browse this valuable website clicking on "constructeurs" on the left. And be warned, some flying machines were atrocious.

Remember, there are NO UGLY aeroplanes. They are either 'purposeful', or 'a case of form following function' . . .

Remember, there are NO UGLY aeroplanes. They are either 'purposeful', or 'a case of form following function' . . .

Early on, structural materials were weak and heavy, powerplants were weak and inefficient, the physics of flight was minimally understood. As a consequence, every vehicle was riding just on the edge of the performance desired of it... if it got that close. Designing for looks was designing for a margin that simply wasn't there.
Remember, there are NO UGLY aeroplanes. They are either 'purposeful', or 'a case of form following function' . . .

Early on, structural materials were weak and heavy, powerplants were weak and inefficient, the physics of flight was minimally understood. As a consequence, every vehicle was riding just on the edge of the performance desired of it... if it got that close. Designing for looks was designing for a margin that simply wasn't there.
And if we discover a new way to fly (say some kind of warp drive unexpectedly pans out and hands us the whole solar system) we get to watch all the hilarity happen all over again!
For those of us in the UK, the BBC's latest reporter on the fuel 'shortage'

Entirely plausible.

When reached for a quote, Dune director Denis Villeneuve emailed a brief statement, saying “They know this isn’t real right? I honestly can’t believe any of this is happening. This is a movie, based off of a sci-fi book. IT’S. NOT. REAL. Getting mad about this would be akin to getting mad at Game of Thrones’ treatment of dragons.”

When asked about Villeneuve’s statement on sandworms not being real, Newkirk answered that, “The sandworms are real! Their lives are real to us. All animal lives matter, whether they’re fiction or nonfiction! Also, we’re pissed about Game Of Thrones' treatment of dragons too. No dragon should be forced to participate in such terrible writing.”
That guy real name is NEWQUIRK - he changed it for obvious reasons.
PETA members as result of that controversy have created a new branch called
People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals in Science and Space Entertainment.
Their headquarters were created in Paris, France - but for unknown reasons things have gone very badly. Femens and feminists have rioted and stormed the place, burning it to the ground.
Newquirk - manager of PETA new organization, the SSE - is at lost explaining the riot.
"PETA and feminists have a lot in common, celebrities included. So we are at a complete loss explaining their anger here. It is so irrational...." he said.
But Newquirk is not ready to give up. "PETA is creating another movement in France - related to Social Sciences and Ecology. Do you know the initials are similar in french ? SSE - quite practical to avoid linguistic or cultural misunderstandings."
PETA loves France and I'm quite sure that riot was an unhappy misunderstanding." He smiles while standing in front of the building smoldering remains - where a tag is still clearly readable.
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Was it deliberate provocation by Robert Arlen (no idea who he is) or just an amusing coincidence ?

By this metric how about PETA - Pour Engloutir des Tonnes d'Animaux ?
(Literally: to swallow tons of animals)

Or better : Personnes Engloutissant de Tendres Animaux
(People Swallowing Tender Animals)
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If a vegetarian is someone who eats vegetables, then a humanitarian is...


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"tu aimes les animaux toi mon super MC ?
"oui. avec du sel et bien cuits"
MC SOLAR Bouge de la.
(french rap. Hey MC do you like animals ? sure I like them. Roasted with some salt)
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If a vegetarian is someone who eats vegetables, then a humanitarian is...

We have another word for cannibal in french: anthropophage. Just like philantrope / ist it comes from greek anthropos: human. All right.
So behold: PHILANTHROPOPHAGE. A person that has a sincere passion for mankind... with BBQ sauce.

"aux petits oignons" means "with little onions" but also "very refined".

So... PHILANTHROPOPHAGE "qui aime le genre humain... aux petits oignons."

Hannibal Lecter would be proud. "I ate a philantropist with little onions... and a nice chianti. FPPPPPFFFPPP
Was it deliberate provocation by Robert Arlen (no idea who he is) or just an amusing coincidence ?

By this metric how about PETA - Pour Engloutir des Tonnes d'Animaux ?
(Literally: to swallow tons of animals)

Or better : Personnes Engloutissant de Tendres Animaux
(People Swallowing Tender Animals)
Para Empezar Toro Asado
Coke (The drink), Ketchup, lemon juice, brown sugar for a good basic and simple barbecue sauce. For something hotter with a bit more bite you can add chilli pepper or hot sweet chilli sauce. Hot or mild as you like.

Take some spare ribs and chuck them in a slow cooker, JUST the ribs. Cook for eight hours and allow to cool.

Remove the liquid and fat which will be congealed. The fat can be given to the wild birds mixed with some stale bread if you have it or bird seed if you have that.

Add the sauce and cook for a further eight hours. You can add some shredded carrot and sliced mushrooms during this round.

The ribs will be ready, preferably with baked potato and corn on the cob, steam this by preference. Some good crusty bread will finish this lot off nicely.

I know, I'll have to get some for the weekend now.
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I know what you mean, the shopping basket will be a bit heavier this week.
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