Oh geez... don't start me on this one !

It is uninterrupted laughter, guaranted, from the first to last second.
The weirdest scene is when they phone Captain Over's wife and she is in bed and nightgown. After she hungs the phone she turns toward her lover (gasp)
And there is a freakkin's
horse stallion in the bed. Yes, her lover is
a horse.
And she said something like
"I have to go, better for the neighbourghs not to see you, so when you leave use the door at the rear of the house. And if you are hungry, there is oat and oat milk in the fridge." ROTFL
That scene kills me in laughter every time. WTF ??!! I wondered whereeven the very perverted ZAZ scripters get such an outrageous idea ?
I found the answer browsing the web and it is perhaps even funnier and crazy than the scene itself.
Remember, Airplane was done in 1980. Not long after the Godfather I and II.
Well at some point a man gravely offends the Corleones, so a team of mobsters - as a warning shot - infiltrates his ranch at night and (gasp !) severs the head of his favorite stallion horse. They put it on the bed beside him, the horrible bleeding thing. And when the man awakes the next morning he ends face to face with a bleeding dead horse head - and screams in horror.
Well... the ZAZ (Zuckert twins + Abrams) liked the scene so much, they wanted to spoof it and in turn, they pushed it to its ultimate absurd end:
"why only a dead head ? why not
a complete horse ?"
...and thus Captain Oveur unfaithful wife ended with a entire horse as lover.
Unbelievable !