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Into breeder reactors. You eat it and turn it into energy.

Alternatively, you just package it up and bury it in the middle of one of those vast wind turbine farms. All the nuclear waste fission power is likely to produce *ever* will easily fit safely within one such farm.

After spending billions, the U.S. could not come up with anything they thought was safe. I read the reports. We're talking about storage over thousands of years. The primary concerns were radioactive material seeping into ground water and earthquakes. In Iraq, low-level radiation from depleted uranium rounds has caused significant contamination.
After spending billions, the U.S. could not come up with anything they thought was safe.

Yes, we have. We have not come up with anything that satisfies the activists who don't like nukes *at* *all.* Breeder reactors will simply eat up a lot of the waste, and a lot more of it could be simply vitrified and dropped down a hole. And if we wanted to, we could grind it all up into powder, mix that powder at a 100:1 ratio with inert rock dust, melt that into 10-gram marbles, place each marble into a block of concrete half a meter on a side, and make them by the tens of millions and build *vast* engineering projects with them. I'm sure that Israel, for one, wouldn't mind a few extra hundred square kilometers of land area built out into the Med, or a giant southern border wall, or a vast aqueduct system to bring desalinated Pacific ocean water into the interior of the country to top up the Ogalala aquifer.

The opposition to nuclear comes from emotion and willful ignorance and a refusal to innovate, rather than any real technical problems. The vast *cost* of nuclear comes not from the technology but the regulations.
Yes, we have. We have not come up with anything that satisfies the activists who don't like nukes *at* *all.* Breeder reactors will simply eat up a lot of the waste, and a lot more of it could be simply vitrified and dropped down a hole. And if we wanted to, we could grind it all up into powder, mix that powder at a 100:1 ratio with inert rock dust, melt that into 10-gram marbles, place each marble into a block of concrete half a meter on a side, and make them by the tens of millions and build *vast* engineering projects with them. I'm sure that Israel, for one, wouldn't mind a few extra hundred square kilometers of land area built out into the Med, or a giant southern border wall, or a vast aqueduct system to bring desalinated Pacific ocean water into the interior of the country to top up the Ogalala aquifer.

The opposition to nuclear comes from emotion and willful ignorance and a refusal to innovate, rather than any real technical problems. The vast *cost* of nuclear comes not from the technology but the regulations.

Oh brother. I watched a Green Peace boat maneuvering very close to a large ship carrying nuclear waste. They had put the waste in 55 gallon drums and were dropping them in the ocean. Not a "safe" disposal method. The Green Peace boat was determined to get in their way.
Oh brother. I watched a Green Peace boat maneuvering very close to a large ship carrying nuclear waste. They had put the waste in 55 gallon drums and were dropping them in the ocean. Not a "safe" disposal method. The Green Peace boat was determined to get in their way.
Simple solution: spray the waste onto the Greenpeace vessel, then encase it in concrete and sink it to the bottom of the ocean. That's as serious a proposal as your likely apocryphal tale is a serious argument against nuclear power.
Simple solution: spray the waste onto the Greenpeace vessel, then encase it in concrete and sink it to the bottom of the ocean. That's as serious a proposal as your likely apocryphal tale is a serious argument against nuclear power.

Look, Mister Defensive. Nuclear power is the be all and end all. So contact whoever is in charge and offer your brilliant plan. The nuclear industry will thank you.
Look, Mister Defensive. Nuclear power is the be all and end all. So contact whoever is in charge and offer your brilliant plan. The nuclear industry will thank you.
If you have an actual argument to make, feel free. Otherwise, I'm out, having demonstrated that anti-nuclear activism comes from emotion, not reason.

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