The year in clean energy: Wind, solar and batteries grow despite economic challenges

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But if solar panels are on the roofs of existing buildings/structures, it becomes a moot point because you are dual purposing and not requiring dedicated land.
PV arrays on roofs, or on covers over parking lots... a decent enough idea. Lots of real estate in existing heat islands. The fact that they are trashing farms and forests for this is evidence that the purpose is *not* "green" energy.

Are you under the impression that vast solar farms simply build themselves, with no human involvement?
Where did I imply anything of the type? I have just asked you to provide evidence to support your ascertains. Something you still seem unable/unwilling to do.
Where did I imply anything of the type?

By repeated childish whining.

I have just asked you to provide evidence to support your ascertains. Something you still seem unable/unwilling to do.
The evidence is visible in the video that was posted. Please review it before responding.
By repeated childish whining.
Chill out! Asking for evidence of claims of fact is not whining.
The evidence is visible in the video that was posted. Please review it before responding.
I did watch the video however, one video with no commentary and no evidence of where exactly it is filmed is hardly evidence. And by the way, Taihang mountain is hardly farming land. Yes it is forrest but again, I am failing to see how this constitutes "trashing" given there is still forestry visible in even that image.
I am failing to see how this constitutes "trashing" given there is still forestry visible in even that image.
If you unnecessarily fell and pave half a forest, pointing out the remaining half hardly qualifies as a "win" for forest preservation.

There is NO NEED for PV farms like this. As you yourself noted there are shit-tons of roofs that can be covered in PV arrays. This would be better on virtually every conceivable level... you'd put black PVAs atop black roofs, not bright dirt or plants; you'd reduce the transmission line lengths; you'd put the arrays within easy distance for repair and replacement. And you wouldn't be farking with nature. Additionally, a nuke plant would be vastly better still.

So there are not good reasons for such PV farms. There are only bad ones, such as graft and land-deal-scammery. Explanations get worse from there.
There is NO NEED for PV farms like this.
I am not arguing with you there. I return to my earlier comment though: "if solar panels are on the roofs of existing buildings/structures, it becomes a moot point because you are dual purposing and not requiring dedicated land" when it comes to the comparison with nuclear options which certainly do require dedicated land.
: "if solar panels are on the roofs of existing buildings/structures, it becomes a moot point because you are dual purposing and not requiring dedicated land" when it comes to the comparison with nuclear options which certainly do require dedicated land.

Nah. PVAs on roofs are great... but they don't work worth a damn at night, during dust storms, during overcast or after hail storms. You'll always need a powerful and reliable power source and nuclear is uniquely qualified for that. The space required for nuclear is trivial.

Consider the sheer power required to convert sewage, biowaste, the bodies of your defeated enemies into petroleum. And you'll *always* need petroleum, even if you pave the entire surface of the Moon with PVAs and microwave transmitters; petroleum is the basis for plastics and medicines and paint and lubricants and about half our modern infrastructure. Nuclear power plants could run full blast 24/7; at night it powers the places that can't be powered by PV; during the day, when PVs at least partially take over, the excess nuclear capability is fed into the thermal depolymerization facilities that convert slop into petroleum.
What you want is a little of everything.
Windfarms, Solar, nuclear and fossil fuel plants as a back-up at the very least.

Not only did Green Energy get frozen out a couple of years ago—even gas lines had problems.

Ironically space based solar rectennas would have been largely immune being inert metal clotheslines.

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The plan is to put solar panels on the Moon and beam the power to Earth. A lot of solar panels.

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