The interlude/theme music you are touched by

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Three songs that are are related, one way or another, to how France lived the 9-11 horror, twenty years ago tomorrow.

It was 14h46 on the other side of the Atlantic when the horror invaded our TV screens and lives.

The music video of that song (2003) captured to absolutely perfection how life froze that day. More than the song itself - itself a little too black-and-white for my taste - the movie clip is worth a look.


2:03 in the movie clip. The moment it all started, in a sunny, very ordinary tuesday afternoon.

And that very same day, Tuesday September 11, 2001, the best French rock band of all times - Noir Désir - released what will remain their last album: Des visages, des figures.
Two years later main singer Bertrand Cantat assassinated his girlfriend and the band never recovered.

First track: Le grand incendie (the great fire !). Un-be-lie-va-ble.


Lyrics translation:

This is it, the great fire.
There's fire everywhere, (emergency).
Babylone, Paris is collapsing,
New York City, Iroquois which
are tumbling now. Come on!
London, Delhi, Dallas in
the show, Tribute to pompier art.
You can hear the sirens, they're
leaving the big scale.
Go. (Go!).


And the album first released song, a month before so August 2001. Beautiful, haunting - and for me, forever impossible to dissociate from 9-11.

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Patrick O’Hearn’s INDIGO

“The Show Must Go On” by The Alan Parsons Project’s I, ROBOT is the story of my life.

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