Little doubt you are a very trusting soul, Spud, who believes what those in positions of perceived authority tell you.
Sorry to have to burst your bubble, but those comments you posted are what we in the trade call 'marketing bullshit'.
However, numbers don't lie, nor do they bullshit.
For example, since you referred to the JORD, it requires the CTOL JSF to have level flight transonic acceleration performance, at standard combat weight, from 0.8 to 1.2 Mach @ 30 kft ISA, of 42 secs.
Now, that is what a Hornet in its standard A2A configuration (2xWVR + 2xBVR) can do.
If memory serves , the F-16C in the same config does this point in the sub 30s.
However, it gets worse because the JSF is not meeting the JORD requirement in this area and by a long way, as is also the case in many if not most of the other KPI areas.
Since level flight acceleration is an indicator and, in fact, one of the methods used to derive specific excess power (Ps) which, in turn, is the primary determinant for things like climb and turn performance, the rest of those comments are simply marketing bullshit.
Now, what say you about cutting through all this costing crap and using the unit price rather than the myriad of unit costs that have been used to misleadingly represent the aircraft unit price?