The F-35 No Holds Barred topic

sublight said:
Didn't the Air force say after Desert Storm, and I quote "The A10 really saved our asses" because of the ridiculously high sortie rate the airplane sustained AND the devastating lethality? Before that encounter they were all ready to dump the platform AND if I recall the Marines were extremely eager to buy all their A10's....

Maybe so it couldn't be used against us. ;D

You recall incorrectly, the USMC had no interest in the A-10 because it can't fly off a ship and we had Harriers already. What the USAF said I have no idea, but I do know that F-111s were perfectly capable of killing tanks with LGBs and targeting pods while one A-10 unit lost 2 planes with 2 damaged in one day over a republican guard division. little things like that are what make the Air Force want to get out of the Low Level business. Its been out of favor for some time now. The CO of the aforementioned unit say F-16s dropping ordnance only a few miles from the border and wrote to Buster Glossun:

"F-16s striking ten miles into the kuwaiti theater while we fly deep into Iraq does not compute"

after that day all A-10s were forbidden from deep attack missions and restricted to nearer areas (probably helped the sortie rate as well)all told four A-10s were lost in combat in 1991 with more damaged. Most ROEs until recently prohibited even getting low enough to use the gun, and In Libya upon notice that SA-18s may be in the AO flight restrictions were issued to AC-130s, A-10s and Harriers.

OA-10A 76-0543
Shot down by Infra Red SAM (SA-9) 19 Feb 1991 62 nm North West of Kuwait city. 23rd TASS/602nd TACW (NF). The 23 US combat lost aircraft. Pilot Lt Col Jeffery Fox (40 from Fall River, Mass) call sign "NAIL53" was injured as he ejected and captured as POW and released 03/05/91.

OA-10A 77-0197
Crashed on landing. 23rd TASS/602nd TACW. Aircraft had been hit by small arms and was attempting a landing at KKMC FOL while in Manual Reversion after loosing all its hydraulics and in extreme weather conditions. On landing the aircraft cat wheeled wingtip over wingtip flipped over on to its back killing the pilot Lt Patrick Olson. There was nothing left of the aircraft. The remains of the aircraft were buried at the FOL.

A-10A 78-0722
Shot down in combat 15 Feb 1991. 353rd TFS/354th TFW hit by ground fire 60 miles north west of Kuwait city while attacking Republican Guard targets. Thought to have been engaged by SA-13 'Gopher' SAM. Pilot Lt James Sweet ejected and made Prisoner of War.

A-10A 79-0130
Shot down in combat 15 Feb 1991. 353th TFS/354th TFW hit by ground fire approx 60 miles north west of Kuwait city while attacking Republican Guard targets. Thought to have been engaged by SA-13 'Gopher' SAM. Pilot Capt Steven Phyllis killed in action. Capt. Steve Phyllis died while protecting his downed wingman, 1st Lt. Robert James Sweet.

A-10A 79-0181
Crashed on landing, wheels up, hard stick landing by pilot Capt Rich Biley on 22 Feb 1991.

A-10A 80-0248
Shot down in combat by 'optical AAA' fire 2 Feb 1991 shot down by ground fire or SAM 20 NM SW of Kuwait City, Kuwait. Pilot Capt Richard Dale Storr ejected and captured as POW Released 03/05/91. From 23rd TFW.

They are not invincible and its not some "invisible hand" that is making the USAF give up its Hogs. Its per their own recommendations.
I don't know why people are holding up the A-10 to ditch on the F-35. The F-35 will have second to the A-10 the best strafing gun in the western world with the 25x137mm GAU-22. Since apart from the debatable good of the ability to take hits (when combined with speed slow enough to ensure you do get hit) this is what the A-10 brings to the show. And rather than a specialist capability held in a few squadrson of A-10s or AV-8s this gun will be en masse onboard virtually all strike fighters in the future force. So for those permissive environment CAS missions where a good strafe will do wonders the F-35 gives you a weapon that will do more than just peck at the surface.
Abraham Gubler said:
I don't know why people are holding up the A-10 to ditch on the F-35. The F-35 will have second to the A-10 the best strafing gun in the western world with the 25x137mm GAU-22. Since apart from the debatable good of the ability to take hits (when combined with speed slow enough to ensure you do get hit) this is what the A-10 brings to the show. And rather than a specialist capability held in a few squadrson of A-10s or AV-8s this gun will be en masse onboard virtually all strike fighters in the future force. So for those permissive environment CAS missions where a good strafe will do wonders the F-35 gives you a weapon that will do more than just peck at the surface.

Wouldn't if be more accurate to say that the F-35 is the replacement for the original F/A-16 Block 60 which was originally intended to replace the A-10?

TaiidanTomcat said:
But we don't do CAS like that. its not safe for anyone and its not standard procedure. We would never tell an A-10 pilot "Hey how about you just get really low, really slow and kind of stick your head out and around and see if you can't see my american flag patch. Do you see me waving?" Pilots are not detectives, they don't fly in take a look and call their own shots with CAS. They rely heavily on FACs to micromanage every detail, right down to the FAC telling the pilots if they hit the target or if they need to correct and try again. So essentially you want to keep a capability that doesn't exist. A-10s have actually had a pretty dodgy record with friendly fire. And Many Marines I know personally were very scared of A-10s especially after the battle of Nasiraiyah were Marines were strafed using that "visual CAS"
that results in unneeded danger.

I love doing it 1940's style as much as the next guy, but as long as we have paid to have targeting pods, radios, range finders, lasers, and satellite guided bombs, and FACs we should probably use them. why do we spend all this money developing this technology so we can get all nostalgic and not trust it? If you can see the same thing from a safe distance that would have once required exposing yourself and others to extreme danger why don't we use the better tools? Do we really not trust it if, its on a screen? or trust what the FAC sees? he is pretty low and slow let me tell you.
Triton said:
Wouldn't if be more accurate to say that the F-35 is the replacement for the original F/A-16 Block 60 which was originally intended to replace the A-10?
No. The F/A-16 Block 60 never went into service and the Block 60 is a UAE specific variant. The F-35 would be replaceing neither.
A-16 Close Air Support

In the 1980's, the USAF started setting aside F-16s for the planned A-16 modification, a dedicated close air support version of the F-16. In 1989, the designation block 60 was reserved for the A-16. The A-16 Block 60 was to be equipped with a 30 mm cannon and provided with a strengthened wing structure for anti-tank weapons such as 7.62 mm min pods. This project failed because the 30 mm gun would heat up and senge the inner components of the left fuselage.


My understanding was that this Close Air Support (CAS) variant of the F-16 was intended to replace the Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II in the United Air Force Inventory.
The F/A-16 (aka A-16, Fast CAS, Block 60) covered many proposals but in the end the closest it got to realisation (1990 for a 1996 IOC) was a heavy upgrade of 300 Block 30 F-16Cs with an air to ground avionics update (helmet steered and displayed FLIR, data link, digital moving map display, PAVE PENNY, advanced INS/GPS, etc), armour and the GPU-5/A four barrel 30x173mm gun pod. This would have replaced the A-10 adding all weather capability, self-escort and improved survivability by reduced exposure to fires. Smaller and faster means harder to hit.

But rather than build the F/A-16 USAF changed the nature of close air support by realising advanced targeting pods and precision guided weapons meant they could fly above the trash fire ceiling and provide CAS from afar. So they didn’t need the extra stuff to enable quick responses to fleeting targets like a fast and low plane does.

While on the surface the F-35 may seem to have lots of similarities to the F/A-16 it has approached them from a different direction. But things like the HMD and high level of SA will enable them to provide fast and low CAS if they need to go low to operate against a next generation (or generation after next) tactical air defence system.
Dragon029 said:
I don't necessarily see why the A-10 can't be replaced by the F-35; the A-10's job is to kill tanks and kill enemy-held positions. Yes the F-35 won't be swooping in, firing it's Vulcan, but that's because that's a needless operation - yes the F-35 won't quite have the exact same destructive power as the A-10, but it'll be relatively close, with the same number of hardpoints.

Load it up with SDB's and ejector racks and you can have F-35's taking out close to 20 separate targets in one sortie. Add in that the F-35 can get to the fight faster than the A-10 and will outnumber them in the field, and you have a plane that'll rock the enemy.

Now, cost-wise, obviously it'll be an increase in expenditure, but hey, whaddya gonna do

It is curious that the US Army has nothing to say about A-10 being replaced by JSF. Back when A-10 was being developed, the Army was very specific about what they wanted. They wanted to be protected a plane that could fly low and slow, carry lots of weapons, loiter in the area for as long as possible and be able to risk a hit or two from ground fire.
Now JSF may end up being excellent fighter or bomber, but it is unlikely to be a good replacement for A-10. It cannot fly slow and the less said about its endurance, the better. And what's worst, it is too expensive and fragile to be allowed anywhere close to ground fire. Which, btw, makes its gun useless for ground support. So the Army will have to do with occassional SDB falling from the sky, provided that they can get accurate coordinates of the target, and provided that the target is willing to sit still for 15 minutes until JSF can be scrambled.
Is it just me, or do I have the impression some people here are discussing something that was never really ever part of the JSF package, namely A-10-type missions for the F-35??
AdamF said:
It is curious that the US Army has nothing to say about A-10 being replaced by JSF. Back when A-10 was being developed, the Army was very specific about what they wanted. They wanted to be protected a plane that could fly low and slow, carry lots of weapons, loiter in the area for as long as possible and be able to risk a hit or two from ground fire.
Now JSF may end up being excellent fighter or bomber, but it is unlikely to be a good replacement for A-10. It cannot fly slow and the less said about its endurance, the better. And what's worst, it is too expensive and fragile to be allowed anywhere close to ground fire. Which, btw, makes its gun useless for ground support. So the Army will have to do with occassional SDB falling from the sky, provided that they can get accurate coordinates of the target, and provided that the target is willing to sit still for 15 minutes until JSF can be scrambled.

The US Army doesn’t care how long the A-10 or the F-35 stays in the air or how much flak they can swallow. What they care is that there is on call offensive support when they need it. And they certainly aren’t holding up USAF specs from the friggin 1960s and demanding that aircraft today fly the same way! And for the record the F-35 stays in the air longer than the A-10 and it isn’t fragile or gun shy. All this crap being made up by people is just ridiculous.
Stargazer2006 said:
Is it just me, or do I have the impression some people here are discussing something that was never really ever part of the JSF package, namely A-10-type missions for the F-35??

The A-10 type missions that it was specified for – the VietNam War type loiter with a huge load of dumb bombs and/or napalm – are no longer flown by the A-10. The A-10 type mission of the Cold War – firing 30mm DU ammo and Mavericks at masses of Soviet tanks – are no longer flown by the A-10. And I don’t mean for lack of opportunity… But what an A-10 brings to the contemporary battlefield so will the F-35. It will also be able to do what the A-10 does but up against a much higher air to air and ground to air threat. You can have the latest threat Pantsir tactical GBAD integrated with your ground force and the F-35 will still knock out all your high priority assets. Something the A-10 won’t be able to do.
TaiidanTomcat said:
"F-16s striking ten miles into the kuwaiti theater while we fly deep into Iraq does not compute"

after that day all A-10s were forbidden from deep attack missions and restricted to nearer areas (probably helped the sortie rate as well)all told four A-10s were lost in combat in 1991 with more damaged. Most ROEs until recently prohibited even getting low enough to use the gun, and In Libya upon notice that SA-18s may be in the AO flight restrictions were issued to AC-130s, A-10s and Harriers.

OA-10A 76-0543
Shot down by Infra Red SAM (SA-9) 19 Feb 1991 62 nm North West of Kuwait city. 23rd TASS/602nd TACW (NF). The 23 US combat lost aircraft. Pilot Lt Col Jeffery Fox (40 from Fall River, Mass) call sign "NAIL53" was injured as he ejected and captured as POW and released 03/05/91.


They are not invincible and its not some "invisible hand" that is making the USAF give up its Hogs. Its per their own recommendations.
You forgot to mention the other stats.
During Gulf War I:
It had a mission capable rate of 95.7%, flew 8,100 sorties, and launched 90% of all the AGM-65 Maverick missiles fired off in the entire war. It took out-
900+ Iraqi tanks
1,200+ artillery pieces
2,000+ military vehicles
And it even turned a couple helo's into instant Swiss cheese with the cannon.

Now will the F35 perform as well? Maybe Abraham has a point, and it will certainly take out more helicopters, but the ground attack bar has been set pretty high.
sublight said:
TaiidanTomcat said:
"F-16s striking ten miles into the kuwaiti theater while we fly deep into Iraq does not compute"

after that day all A-10s were forbidden from deep attack missions and restricted to nearer areas (probably helped the sortie rate as well)all told four A-10s were lost in combat in 1991 with more damaged. Most ROEs until recently prohibited even getting low enough to use the gun, and In Libya upon notice that SA-18s may be in the AO flight restrictions were issued to AC-130s, A-10s and Harriers.

OA-10A 76-0543
Shot down by Infra Red SAM (SA-9) 19 Feb 1991 62 nm North West of Kuwait city. 23rd TASS/602nd TACW (NF). The 23 US combat lost aircraft. Pilot Lt Col Jeffery Fox (40 from Fall River, Mass) call sign "NAIL53" was injured as he ejected and captured as POW and released 03/05/91.


They are not invincible and its not some "invisible hand" that is making the USAF give up its Hogs. Its per their own recommendations.
You forgot to mention the other stats.
During Gulf War I:
It had a mission capable rate of 95.7%, flew 8,100 sorties, and launched 90% of all the AGM-65 Maverick missiles fired off in the entire war. It took out-
900+ Iraqi tanks
1,200+ artillery pieces
2,000+ military vehicles
And it even turned a couple helo's into instant Swiss cheese with the cannon.

During WWII the P-47 killed more ground vehicles than that. Maybe we should have kept them instead of A-10s.
AdamF said:
It is curious that the US Army has nothing to say about A-10 being replaced by JSF.

"Thank you for getting us an airplane that can actually break the speed of sound and get to our soldiers faster when they are in trouble because air force CAS sucks and takes forever already?" Why does the Air force care? They really don't. CAS is not loved by the USAF. its all deep strike baby. If the Army screamed until they turned blue is the USAF really going to apologize and change its mind? The USAF was formed to get away from the army telling it what to do. Its a little bit like moving out of your parents house and marrying that girl they never liked.

AdamF said:
Now JSF may end up being excellent fighter or bomber, but it is unlikely to be a good replacement for A-10. It cannot fly slow and the less said about its endurance, the better. And what's worst, it is too expensive and fragile to be allowed anywhere close to ground fire. Which, btw, makes its gun useless for ground support. So the Army will have to do with occassional SDB falling from the sky, provided that they can get accurate coordinates of the target, and provided that the target is willing to sit still for 15 minutes until JSF can be scrambled.

The Gun on the JSF is based on the same 25MM cannon that is used on the Harrier and AC-130 gunship. useless?

If the JSF isn't going to be good at CAS why does the USMC want it? Why would the USMC who's entire Air Wing is dedicated to ground support want an airplane that can't do close support? Its gun isn't useless for ground support, and the A-10 has to fly at full throttle and fire in short bursts to avoid a stall. Scramble an A-10 and Scramble a JSF-- the JSF will get there faster because it is faster. if its and F-35B it doesn't even a runway so its closer still. are you implying that A-10s don't need to be scrambled or that they are magically in the correct area at all times? What on earth are you talking about? In Afghanistan we were advised to schedule USAF CAS 48 hours ahead of when we needed it. 48 hours isn't fast. A-10 pilots don't have wrist watches, they have calenders. It doesn't help that a lot of folks here seem to have comic book version of war and CAS in particular. A-10s try their best to move fast in combat, for obvious reasons. Low and Slow is not the preferred method if it can be avoided. If low and slow is what its all about, get helicopters. Wait let me guess, those are too low and too slow.

sferrin said:
sublight said:
TaiidanTomcat said:
"F-16s striking ten miles into the kuwaiti theater while we fly deep into Iraq does not compute"

after that day all A-10s were forbidden from deep attack missions and restricted to nearer areas (probably helped the sortie rate as well)all told four A-10s were lost in combat in 1991 with more damaged. Most ROEs until recently prohibited even getting low enough to use the gun, and In Libya upon notice that SA-18s may be in the AO flight restrictions were issued to AC-130s, A-10s and Harriers.

OA-10A 76-0543
Shot down by Infra Red SAM (SA-9) 19 Feb 1991 62 nm North West of Kuwait city. 23rd TASS/602nd TACW (NF). The 23 US combat lost aircraft. Pilot Lt Col Jeffery Fox (40 from Fall River, Mass) call sign "NAIL53" was injured as he ejected and captured as POW and released 03/05/91.


They are not invincible and its not some "invisible hand" that is making the USAF give up its Hogs. Its per their own recommendations.
You forgot to mention the other stats.
During Gulf War I:
It had a mission capable rate of 95.7%, flew 8,100 sorties, and launched 90% of all the AGM-65 Maverick missiles fired off in the entire war. It took out-
900+ Iraqi tanks
1,200+ artillery pieces
2,000+ military vehicles
And it even turned a couple helo's into instant Swiss cheese with the cannon.

During WWII the P-47 killed more ground vehicles than that. Maybe we should have kept them instead of A-10s.

Don't forget the B-29. It had some pretty impressive stats too, why did we ever develop a replacement? The B-52 will never wipe out as many cities as the B-29. B-29s rocked.

Technology marches on people

Sferrin, Thanks for that video! If you notice to the Brits have no Comms with the A-10 so their only hope is to fall back. Visual ID with the naked eye is a last resort in combat, because its far to easy to make a mistake.
Stargazer2006 said:
Is it just me, or do I have the impression some people here are discussing something that was never really ever part of the JSF package, namely A-10-type missions for the F-35??

What?? Next you'll be telling us that the F-35 doesn't make a good maritime patrol/ASW or SAR platform!
TaiidanTomcat said:
If the JSF isn't going to be good at CAS why does the USMC want it? Why would the USMC who's entire Air Wing is dedicated to ground support want an airplane that can't do close support? Its gun isn't useless for ground support, and the A-10 has to fly at full throttle and fire in short bursts to avoid a stall. Scramble an A-10 and Scramble a JSF-- the JSF will get there faster because it is faster. if its and F-35B it doesn't even a runway so its closer still.

I fully recognize the need for the F-35 and while I have my concerns over the problems encountered thus far in testing and the weight of the aircraft, I am generally supportive of the program. That said, replacing the A-10 with the F-35 in my eyes has nothing to do with the F-35 being superior for CAS, rather a matter of budget. The same thing that drove attempts to replace the A-10 with F-16 variants in the past.

Now the 25mm GAU-22/A would certainly be more capable against ground targets than the 20mm M61 Vulcan series, but a mere 180 or 220 rounds of ammunition isn't much compared to the 1,100+ 30mm rounds the A-10 and its GAU-8/A have to work with. The A-10 doesn't need to be at full throttle or fire in short bursts to avoid a stall. A pilot would fire in short bursts because at 4,200 rounds per minute a short burst is already sending a lot of destructive force down range.
Colonial-Marine said:
TaiidanTomcat said:
If the JSF isn't going to be good at CAS why does the USMC want it? Why would the USMC who's entire Air Wing is dedicated to ground support want an airplane that can't do close support? Its gun isn't useless for ground support, and the A-10 has to fly at full throttle and fire in short bursts to avoid a stall. Scramble an A-10 and Scramble a JSF-- the JSF will get there faster because it is faster. if its and F-35B it doesn't even a runway so its closer still.

I fully recognize the need for the F-35 and while I have my concerns over the problems encountered thus far in testing and the weight of the aircraft, I am generally supportive of the program. That said, replacing the A-10 with the F-35 in my eyes has nothing to do with the F-35 being superior for CAS, rather a matter of budget. The same thing that drove attempts to replace the A-10 with F-16 variants in the past.

Now the 25mm GAU-22/A would certainly be more capable against ground targets than the 20mm M61 Vulcan series, but a mere 180 or 220 rounds of ammunition isn't much compared to the 1,100+ 30mm rounds the A-10 and its GAU-8/A have to work with. The A-10 doesn't need to be at full throttle or fire in short bursts to avoid a stall. A pilot would fire in short bursts because at 4,200 rounds per minute a short burst is already sending a lot of destructive force down range.

No other current US fighter has as many rounds as the A-10, and only the Harrier has anything bigger than 20mm. That's life.
To me its not that CAS isn't important, its just that is has evolved. Nothing is going to replace a Battleship for armor and guns, but Aircraft Carriers don't need armor or guns to beat them. You can scream until your blue in the face that nothing will truly replace the A-10 and your right, but it doesn't need to be replaced because the mission has changed. Its not about replacing the A-10 so much as it is about fulfilling the modern CAS role. Besides there are still going to be A-10s, just not so many of them. Not unlike the B-52, They are still around but the days of needing hundreds of them has passed. Nothing will replace the SR-71 for recon...except spy satellites. It's simple evolution.
sferrin said:
Colonial-Marine said:
TaiidanTomcat said:
If the JSF isn't going to be good at CAS why does the USMC want it? Why would the USMC who's entire Air Wing is dedicated to ground support want an airplane that can't do close support? Its gun isn't useless for ground support, and the A-10 has to fly at full throttle and fire in short bursts to avoid a stall. Scramble an A-10 and Scramble a JSF-- the JSF will get there faster because it is faster. if its and F-35B it doesn't even a runway so its closer still.

I fully recognize the need for the F-35 and while I have my concerns over the problems encountered thus far in testing and the weight of the aircraft, I am generally supportive of the program. That said, replacing the A-10 with the F-35 in my eyes has nothing to do with the F-35 being superior for CAS, rather a matter of budget. The same thing that drove attempts to replace the A-10 with F-16 variants in the past.

Now the 25mm GAU-22/A would certainly be more capable against ground targets than the 20mm M61 Vulcan series, but a mere 180 or 220 rounds of ammunition isn't much compared to the 1,100+ 30mm rounds the A-10 and its GAU-8/A have to work with. The A-10 doesn't need to be at full throttle or fire in short bursts to avoid a stall. A pilot would fire in short bursts because at 4,200 rounds per minute a short burst is already sending a lot of destructive force down range.

No other current US fighter has as many rounds as the A-10, and only the Harrier has anything bigger than 20mm. That's life.

180 rounds ain't much!
They will at least be the deadliest 25mm shells ever, some new prefragmented all purpose shell is being designed for the plane. Weight wise 180 x 25mm rounds is non trivial too. If you need more then that, drop a bomb. All the more so since such a wide range of very small 5-40lb class kind of guided bombs are being worked on to handle situations when a 250lb or 500lb weapon doesn't make sense.

Anyway the USAF has very large numbers of armed drones which can do CAS very nicely, and the Army really can't complain now that it's getting Grey Eagle drones which have about nearly as much payload as a WW2 fighter bomber. A Grey Eagle calling in GMLRS strikes and firing its own weapons at targets which cannot wait ~2 minutes for GMLRS will take care of time critical situations a lot better then an A-10 with 1/5th the loiter time could.
"technology marches on"

Silly argument, if all that new tech is just reinventing the wheel. Or lining the contractors (and polititians,elected and otherwise)pockets. I understand the need to replace warn out equipment, and bring worthwhile new technology into service. Just lets be sure we are getting what we pay for, folks. :)
In-flight external weapons trials.


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Other stores/pylons picture/story:


I seem to recall that putting underwing pylons right near the wingtip causes much more drag than a wingtip rail. With high span loading the tip vortices will be strong, and those AIM-9X rails look like they will have strong side washes on them.
harrier said:
I seem to recall that putting underwing pylons right near the wingtip causes much more drag than a wingtip rail. With high span loading the tip vortices will be strong, and those AIM-9X rails look like they will have strong side washes on them.

I'll bet they're still better than the Super Hornet's air brakes, I mean "pylons". :D
How come the pylons are so big and chunky, as they look like they have slapped Super Hornet ones on rather than something more refined are they carrying kit that could have been carried internally in the wing or mounted seperately as part of weapon rail ?
Thorvic said:
How come the pylons are so big and chunky, as they look like they have slapped Super Hornet ones on rather than something more refined are they carrying kit that could have been carried internally in the wing or mounted seperately as part of weapon rail ?
There's quite a bit of aerdynamic or CFD work involved in mounting weapons under wings. There are unseen aerodynamic forces at work... They found that out on the F/A-18s a long time ago. The pylons might need to be "long" in order for smooth weapons separation.


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TaiidanTomcat said:
The Gun on the JSF is based on the same 25MM cannon that is used on the Harrier and AC-130 gunship. useless?

If the JSF isn't going to be good at CAS why does the USMC want it? Why would the USMC who's entire Air Wing is dedicated to ground support want an airplane that can't do close support? Its gun isn't useless for ground support, and the A-10 has to fly at full throttle and fire in short bursts to avoid a stall.
There is nothing wrong with the gun, JSF is the problem. To have a chance of hitting anything smaller than a barn, it needs to be within a mile from the target and probably below 20,000 feet. At the same time, it needs to fly straight and steady at fairly low speed. This makes it a prime target for a machinegun or MPADS. Now A-10 could afford the risk - two engines, armour, not much electronics. JSF, on the other hand, has no armour, one engine and is stuffed with very expensive electronics.
So I am fairly certain that JSF contribution to CAS will be to cruise at 30,000 feet and dropping SDB when ground troops call in. The same as most current fighters and a very different style from what A-10 was originally envisioned to do. But as some said, that role was never popular with the Air Force.
AdamF said:
TaiidanTomcat said:
The Gun on the JSF is based on the same 25MM cannon that is used on the Harrier and AC-130 gunship. useless?

If the JSF isn't going to be good at CAS why does the USMC want it? Why would the USMC who's entire Air Wing is dedicated to ground support want an airplane that can't do close support? Its gun isn't useless for ground support, and the A-10 has to fly at full throttle and fire in short bursts to avoid a stall.

There is nothing wrong with the gun, JSF is the problem. To have a chance of hitting anything smaller than a barn, it needs to be within a mile from the target and probably below 20,000 feet. At the same time, it needs to fly straight and steady at fairly low speed.
This makes it a prime target for a machinegun or MPADS. Now A-10 could afford the risk - two engines, armour, not much electronics. JSF, on the other hand, has no armour, one engine and is stuffed with very expensive electronics.
So I am fairly certain that JSF contribution to CAS will be to cruise at 30,000 feet and dropping SDB when ground troops call in. The same as most current fighters and a very different style from what A-10 was originally envisioned to do. But as some said, that role was never popular with the Air Force.

What are you basing that on? and seeing as F-14s, 15s, 16s, 18s and Harriers, have have all done low level gun runs the past ten years, I am going to have to say you are wrong. I promise the USMC gun attack will be the same in the F-35B as it is in the Harrier. :D
F-35B external stores testing.


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F-35B weapons testing.



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Wonderfull photo ...

... and besides that, is it already Aprl, 1st. ??????

Maverick is becoming an F-35 test pilot.

It's true.

Tom Burbage, the Lockheed Martin F-35 programme manager, showed up at a National Aeronautics Association luncheon today and dropped a bombshell of a Hollywood scoop. Sure, there was talk about schedules and budgets, partners and politics, software blocks and carrier hooks. But we'll get to that later.

The big news from Burbage's speech involves Top Gun 2, the long-not-quite-awaited-but-certainly-delayed sequel of the 1986 fighter jock classic.

Tom Cruise, of course, confirmed back in December that the sequel is coming, but nobody -- not even IMDB (we checked) -- knows the full story.

But Burbage does. Lockheed's Fort Worth, Texas, factory and flight test center will host production crew in the "next month or so" to start filming, Burbage told the NAA luncheon crowd.

Burbage also confirmed that Cruise will not just make a cameo; he will be the star, and he is playing the role of a Lockheed F-35 test pilot!

Potential plot twists fill our heads.

There will be no need to resurrect Goose, as the F-35 is a single-seater. With the Libyan air force in smouldering ruins, there will also be no need to stage another improbable yet inspiring combat scenario. Indeed, as a test pilot, it's not clear how the movie's writers can weave Maverick into a combat situation.

Maybe we've been covering the industry too long, but our perfect plot for Top Gun 2 has no combat sequences at all. Instead, it goes like this:

Maverick is a test pilot struggling to keep the flight test programme on schedule, even though his better judgment is sometimes compromised by a lifelong, paralyzing fear of vertical landings. Maverick almost throws in the towel after his favourite knee board/test card holder is destroyed in an unfortunate lift fan malfunction. Meanwhile, the programme's enemies, led by the snearing Bill "Iceman" Sweetman and Karlo "Slider" Kopp, take advantage of Maverick's absence to nearly bury the programme in a wave of seemingly overwhelming blog attacks. That's when Maverick's love interest -- a Texas congresswoman strategically placed on the AirLand subcommittee -- intervenes. She gives Maverick her father's last knee board (er, her father was also a test pilot ... just go with it) and literally pushes him back into the cockpit. Maverick straps on the knee board, takes the Block 3 software build out for a spin, hits every test point and -- for the finale -- lands vertically right on top of Aviation Week's building in downtown Washington DC. And that's when Kenny Loggins starts singing.



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Tom is full of crap. Peter just started on the script THIS WEEK, as in BLANK PAGE and not a re-write.
Peter's last movie was "the town" , a pretty solid action flick, so you can assume there wont be any gay beach volleyball in this movie, and maybe not an F35 either.

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