TAI TF-X / Milli Muharip Uçak MMU Kaan

Turkish Aerospace Industries introduces concept OKU (Autonomous Wingman Concept)


Turkish Aerospace Industries is developing the Autonomous Wingman Concept (OKU), essentially a Turkish version of MUM-T (manned-unmanned teaming). This concept integrates piloted and unmanned aircraft to enhance air superiority, adapt to changing threats and increase operational efficiency. It involves forming flight formations and task forces for collaborative missions, using technologies like AI, autonomy and communication. The goal is to enhance pilot effectiveness, reduce risk and standardize this concept across multiple aerial platforms.

View: https://youtu.be/t3pqiWStmCQ
Cem Doğut didn't really surprise me at all, a figure who doubted many aspects of the aircraft before (one funny example is he didn't believe that aircraft had C-C skin (he was thinking that TUSAŞ didn't have the tech/expertise to manufacture a prototype with a composite skin)
it will be interesting as it may potentially go head to head against China's FC-31/J-35 (not sure what the official name is now).
"amid fiscal uncertainty" not really. It was always in the plans to introduce a partner to rack up some exports and divide the costs, not something new.

You know these programmes cost a lot :D

"“In all probability, the aircraft will fly for political purposes before critical local elections [in March] but without most systems fitted into it,” a program insider told Defense News on the condition of anonymity, fearing prosecution for discussing the subject"

Like uhhh, does anyone really care about elections in Turkey anymore? "Fearing prosecution for discussing the subject" I have never seen this happening to anyone.
It was made clear by TUSAŞ CEO that the P0 lacks some of its systems, why does this guy try to make this sound like a taboo or a secret?

Another point that the news get wrong is the "partnership". It is not a partnership like how Tempest/GCAP is, for Kaan Azerbaijan or Pakistan dont set the requirements, TurAF does, what Azerbaijan and Pakistan gets is some local share which boosts their industry and reduces some of the costs for them, for Turkey this means reduced costs, more manpower and ready-on export sales.

Looking at Burak Bekdil's pre-2017 news and columns, he doesnt really have a good record, many manipulative news about ATAK, Hurkuş etc.

@snne your views?
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"amid fiscal uncertainty" not really. It was always in the plans to introduce a partner to rack up some exports and divide the costs, not something new.

You know these programmes cost a lot :D

"“In all probability, the aircraft will fly for political purposes before critical local elections [in March] but without most systems fitted into it,” a program insider told Defense News on the condition of anonymity, fearing prosecution for discussing the subject"

Like uhhh, does anyone really care about elections in Turkey anymore? "Fearing prosecution for discussing the subject" I have never seen this happening to anyone.
It was made clear by TUSAŞ CEO that the P0 lacks some of its systems, why does this guy try to make this sound like a taboo or a secret?

Another point that the news get wrong is the "partnership". It is not a partnership like how Tempest/GCAP is, for Kaan Azerbaijan or Pakistan dont set the requirements, TurAF does, what Azerbaijan and Pakistan gets is some local share which boosts their industry and reduces some of the costs for them, for Turkey this means reduced costs, more manpower and ready-on export sales.

Looking at Burak Bekdil's pre-2017 news and columns, he doesnt really have a good record, many manipulative news about ATAK, Hurkuş etc.

@snne your views?
Objectively speaking this is the most "well-funded" project/procurement in Turkey's history. Also, it was said by the industry leaders themselves that the aircraft is going to fly in December at the earliest and that they would not take any risks with a programme of this significance.

The aircraft hasn't entered service yet thus whether the programme is going to fail is still in the realm of possibility but claiming that they're going to risk everything due to "the elections" is laughable imo. I understand that with the current government and the opposition Turkey doesn't have a well functioning democracy but claiming it'll affect the projects is simply ludicrous.

I did not take a look at his previous articles but looking at his writings, I could bet that he doesn't have a particularly good track record.
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TAI CEO Temel Kotil:

“We’ve got 3 months left to the aircraft’s maiden flight. Its mechanical tests are nearing completion and the lab tests are continuing. Hopefully in the beginning of December we will initiate high speed taxi tests. Around the 3rd Week of December we are planning on coducting rejected takeoff tests and in the final week hopefully we will get to perform the maiden flight.”

(I’ve slightly altered what he actually said in order to make it more understandable)

nice, haven't seen some new pics in a while.
in a strange way, Kaan makes me think of a 5th gen MiG-31.
could you tell me anything about the radar if any?
nice, haven't seen some new pics in a while.
in a strange way, Kaan makes me think of a 5th gen MiG-31.
could you tell me anything about the radar if any?
The photo isn't new :/ But I do feel like it has gone under the radar a bit. It does indeed showcase the rather peculiar design of the airframe. TAI currently doesn't allow filming inside the facilities, so we might not be able to get any new photos for a while. Regarding BÜRFİS, there is not much out there. We know as a fact that there will be a lot of T/R modules, the amount of which is unsurprisingly classified. It will feature GaN but unlike MURAD (which only comprises of a nose-mounted radar) the BÜRFİS project consists of a variety of systems and sub-projects such as the IRFS, EW systems, a counter measure dispensing system etc. ASELSAN is also responsible for plenty of systems and sensors on the TF-X project not just BÜRFİS (their work includes the development of low RCS antennas, Kılavuz-40 IMU, Tulgar HMD, Bühset project and the integrated EO system also named BEOS).
nice, haven't seen some new pics in a while.
in a strange way, Kaan makes me think of a 5th gen MiG-31.
could you tell me anything about the radar if any?

Why would it remind you of MiG-31? It is an air superiority fighter, not dedicated interceptor.
TAI CEO Prof. Dr. Temel Kotil:

"I hope KAAN will fly at the end of this year. We are making a very special effort for it. I visited KAAN when I came to the company this morning, visiting the aircraft has become a habit. It is going well, hopefully we will get to keep our promise by the end of the year.

It passed static tests and load tests. Extra equipment is being placed inside. Landing gears will be installed. There were landing gears before, but this time the airworthy landing gears will be installed. All our efforts are underway to see KAAN in the skies on our 100th anniversary."

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-Via SST
Is there anything planned for the Republic Day regarding TF or Hürjet? Maybe a flying demonstration and public revealing perhaps?
Is there anything planned for the Republic Day regarding TF or Hürjet? Maybe a flying demonstration and public revealing perhaps?
Not that I know of. TF-X is undergoing modifications, and Hürjet hasn't gone through the required envelope expansions to do pretty much anything fancy at this point.
Not that I know of. TF-X is undergoing modifications, and Hürjet hasn't gone through the required envelope expansions to do pretty much anything fancy at this point.
That's a bit of a shame, though understandable. Can't skip schedules just because it's a special day.
I mean, it flew with the Turkish Stars and all... If a ceremony is to be held this year, a fly-by might be highly possible imo.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSGdlHGOeQE
A fly-by would be possible for sure. But then again I feel like we would've heard of it prior to the celebratory activities. Would be highly pleased to see Hürjet, but I don't think that's on their agenda. It would've been very fitting to see that aircraft perform with the Turkish Stars display team on the 29th. There is still hope :d
since we already have a Hurjet thread, can we stop posting both Kaan and Hurjet posts here?
Other wise I can do the other and merge both into one thread into a general Turkish aviation projects.
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The U.K.'s Export Control Joint Unit on Nov. 6 replaced and updated its open general export license for goods in support of the Turkish Aerospace Industries TF-X program. The new license replaces the revoked license and allows for the export of "software or technology for the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) TF-X Programme aircraft, also known as KAAN, from the U.K. to" Turkey and, in the case of reexports, the U.K.

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UK Updates Turkey-Related General Export License

Impressive. I think the west is banking on the turks being a rival to Russia.
The market is going to become saturated in a few years. There aren't many countries that can afford high end fighters and most of them that the US is willing to provide for have already received/ordered F-35s.

What's left of those who can buy will go for either Boramae Block 1 or Kaan Block 10. I'd wager that most countries are going to opt for Boramae because it is most likely a more cost effective option and S.Korea will have an easier time financing loans for the customers than Turkey. (Also twin engine heavy fighters have a very niche market, not everyone can operate them)

Even then, a large fleet of TurAF needs urgent replacement/modernisation and thus in the first couple of years most/if not all of the production capacity is going to be used for the Turkish Air Force.

The usual Russian customers have either turned elsewhere for their needs after the War in Ukraine or they'd like to avoid getting sanctioned. Therefore I don't see many exports opportunities for the Russians except maybe in Iran.
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The market is going to become saturated in a few years. There aren't many countries that can afford high end fighters and most of them that the US is willing to provide for have already received/ordered F-35s.

What's left of those who can buy will go for either Boramae Block 1 or Kaan Block 10. I'd wager that most countries are going to opt for Boramae because it is most likely a more cost effective option and S.Korea will have an easier time financing loans for the customers than Turkey. (Also twin engine heavy fighters have a very niche market, not everyone can operate them)

Even then, a large fleet of TurAF needs urgent replacement/modernisation and thus in the first couple of years most/if not all of the production capacity is going to be used for the Turkish Air Force.

The usual Russian customers have either turned elsewhere for their needs after the War in Ukraine or they'd like to avoid getting sanctioned. Therefore I don't see many exports opportunities for the Russians except maybe in Iran.
Yes I agree, Turkey or Korea likely can't match the market that's dominated by a US equivalent.
But, they can reach the markets where the US is reluctant to provide something similar.
If Turkey can find a way to provide domestically produced weapon systems, and maybe radar and engines..
it could appeal to say countries where the French market succeeds in.

Countries like Argentina, India, Indonesia or Thailand, where they want to buy US, but the US is reluctant to offer them the best product.
So here the Kaan or Boramae can succeed.
(note, those countries are just examples of political situations where non-US but western style products are appealing.. Argentina likely doesn't have the cash, and India will probably never buy Turkish)
The U.K.'s Export Control Joint Unit on Nov. 6 replaced and updated its open general export license for goods in support of the Turkish Aerospace Industries TF-X program. The new license replaces the revoked license and allows for the export of "software or technology for the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) TF-X Programme aircraft, also known as KAAN, from the U.K. to" Turkey and, in the case of reexports, the U.K.

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UK Updates Turkey-Related General Export License

To add to this;

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ML4 Bombs, torpedoes, rockets, missiles, other explosive devices and charges, and equipment and accessories, as follows, and specially designed components therefor:

b. Equipment that is both specially designed for military use and specially designed for 'activities' relating to any of the following:

1. Goods specified in ML4.a.; or

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ML5 Fire control equipment and related alerting and warning equipment, related systems, test and alignment and countermeasure equipment, as follows, specially designed for military use, and specially designed components and accessories therefor:

a. Weapon sights, bombing computers, gun laying equipment and weapon control systems;

b. Target acquisition, designation, range-finding, surveillance or tracking systems; detection, data fusion, recognition or identification equipment; and sensor integration equipment;

c. Countermeasure equipment for goods specified in ML5.a. or ML5.b.;

d. Field test or alignment equipment, specially designed for goods specified in ML5.a., ML5.b. or ML5.c.

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ML10 "Aircraft", "lighter-than-air vehicles", "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ("UAVs")", aero-engines and "aircraft" equipment, related goods and components as follows, specially designed or modified for military use:

a. Manned "aircraft" and "lighter-than-air vehicles" and specially designed components therefor;

d. Propulsion aero-engines and specially designed components therefor;

e. Airborne refuelling equipment specially designed or modified for any of the following, and specially designed components therefor:

1. "Aircraft" specified in ML10.a.; or

2. Unmanned "aircraft" specified in ML10.c.;

f. 'Ground equipment' specially designed for "aircraft" specified by ML10.a. or aero-engines specified in ML10.d.;

g. Aircrew life support equipment, aircrew safety equipment and other devices for emergency escape, not specified in ML10.a., designed for "aircraft" specified in ML10.a.;
h. Parachutes, paragliders and related equipment, as follows, and specially designed components therefor

1. Parachutes, other than those which form part of items controlled elsewhere in this Schedule;

2. Paragliders;

3. Equipment specially designed for high altitude parachutists;

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ML11 Electronic equipment, "spacecraft" and components, not specified elsewhere in this Schedule, as follows:

a. Electronic equipment specially designed or modified for military use and specially designed components therefor;

b. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) jamming equipment and specially designed components therefor;

c. "Spacecraft" specially designed or modified for military use, and “spacecraft” components specially designed for military use.

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ML14 Specialised equipment for military training or for simulating military scenarios, simulators specially designed for training in the "use" of any firearm or weapon specified in ML1 or ML2, and specially designed components and accessories therefor.

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ML15 Imaging or countermeasure equipment, as follows, specially designed for military use, and specially designed components and accessories therefor:

a. Recorders and image processing equipment;

b. Cameras, photographic equipment and film processing equipment;

c. Image intensifier equipment;

d. Infrared or thermal imaging equipment;

e. Imaging radar sensor equipment;

f. Countermeasure or counter-countermeasure equipment for the equipment specified in ML15.a. to ML15.e.

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ML16 Forgings, castings and other unfinished goods, specially designed for any of the "goods" specified in ML1 to ML4, ML6, ML9, ML10, ML12 or ML19.

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ML17 Miscellaneous goods, material and "libraries", as follows, and specially designed components therefor:

c. Fittings, coatings and treatments for signature suppression, specially designed for military use;

f. "Libraries" specially designed or modified for military use with systems, equipment or components specified in this Schedule;

h. Goods and material, coated, treated or prepared to provide signature suppression, specially designed for military use, other than those controlled elsewhere in this Schedule;

l. ISO intermodal containers or demountable vehicle bodies (i.e., swap bodies), specially designed or modified for military use;

n. Test models specially designed for the "development" of goods specified in ML4, ML6, ML9 or ML10;

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ML18 Production equipment and components, as follows:

a. Specially designed or modified production equipment for the "production" of goods specified in this Schedule, and specially designed components therefor;

b. Specially designed environmental test facilities and specially designed equipment therefor, for the certification, qualification or testing of goods specified in this Schedule.

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ML21 "Software" as follows:

a. "Software" specially designed or modified for any of the following:

1. "Development", "production", operation or maintenance of equipment specified in this Schedule;

2. "Development" or "production" of materials specified in this Schedule; or

3. "Development", "production", operation or maintenance of "software" specified in this Schedule;

b. Specific "software", other than that specified in ML21.a., as follows:

1. "Software" that is both specially designed for military use and specially designed for modelling, simulating or evaluating military weapons systems;

2. "Software" that is both specially designed for military use and specially designed for modelling or simulating military operational scenarios;

3. "Software" for determining the effects of conventional, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons;

4. "Software" that is both specially designed for military use and specially designed for Command, Communications, Control and Intelligence (C3I) applications or Command, Communications, Control, Computer and Intelligence (C4I) applications;

5. "Software" for military offensive cyber operations

c. "Software" not specified in ML21.a. or ML21.b., specially designed or modified to enable equipment not specified in this Schedule to perform the military functions of equipment specified in this Schedule;

d. Other "software" specially designed or modified for military use.

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ML22 "Technology" as follows:

a. "Technology" other than "technology" specified in ML22.b., which is "required" for the "development", "production", operation, installation, maintenance (checking), repair, overhaul or refurbishing of goods or "software", specified in this Schedule;

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b. "Technology" as follows:

1. "Technology" "required" for the design of, the assembly of components into, and the operation, maintenance and repair of complete production installations for goods specified in this Schedule, even if the components of such production installations are not specified;
Safer Zekâ offers users an environment that provides the tools, libraries, models and services they need in their work providing services in the fields of data analytics and machine learning. Safir Zekâ is from the family of platforms known as machine learning as a service (MLaaS).

Safir Zekâ offers a development environment in which existing machine learning (ML) libraries are installed, models compiled from publications with proven performance and high applicability by academic studies are presented as a ready-to-use service, and 3rd party packages can also be installed. Ready-to-use models can be accessed via a software programming interface (API).

Software developers, data scientists and end users can also develop their own machine learning applications with Safir Zekâ.

By using container-based infrastructure technologies in the Safir Zekâ environment, services are provided in a portable structure with high accessibility.

Safir Zekâ also has a simplified process wizard;

Instant data supply from external sources,

Loading data from local sources,

Data preview and normalization,

Visualization of processed data,

Creating a machine learning model,

It offers developers an easy-to-manage interface for training and testing all specified models. It offers developers an easy-to-manage interface for testing. It is also possible to automatically publish models produced with the process wizard.

Within the scope of the Safir Zekâ Project, R&D activities continue within B3Lab and it is aimed to increase the user experience to the highest level by adding new features to the system in line with the needs of the sector and the academy.

Safir Zekâ Project has been forked as Safir Zekâ Avionics to meet the machine learning requirements intended to be used for advanced technologies that a new generation aircraft may need within the scope of the National Combat Aircraft (MMU) Project, which was initiated to meet the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces.

Safir Zekâ Avionics is a machine learning library development project developed within the scope of the MMU Project, specialized for avionics data analysis and avionics artificial intelligence use cases.

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Via B3Lab/ TübitakBİLGEM/ @Radonislav
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Load tests, which have been ongoing for a while for Turkey's most important technology development project KAAN, have been completed. The mission systems and subsystems that will take place on KAAN, which was disassembled down to the smallest piece, began to take their place on the aircraft after independent tests for the maiden flight. This assembly activity will end with the engines taking their place in the prototype. KAAN, which will take to the runway after the assembly activity, will prepare for its first flight by completing its slow and high speed taxi tests. It is aimed that these activities will intensify in mid-December and KAAN will make its first flight on December 27.

The paint has reportedly been stripped off. The maiden flight will occur with primer colors.

Via https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/savunma-sa...hazir-kaan-ilk-ucus-icin-son-montajda/3065767
  • KAAN AESA radar will have 2000+ GaN TRM
  • 2nd KAAN prototype will have radar
  • Production of two more test aircraft has started, one of which is scheduled to be ready in mid-2024.
  • First KAAN prototype won't have stealth coating
  • Flight computer and a fully functional landing gear has now been integrated into the first KAAN's airframe.

I haven't read the whole article yet but it seems Flug Revue visited TAI and interviewed the CEO.


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