Surface Ships Need More Offensive Punch, Outlook

The US hasn't built a proper cruiser since Long Beach. The Ticos were laid down a DDGs, and they're broadly interchangeable with the Arleigh Burkes. The fact that DDG(X) was originally referred to a Large Surface Combatant should tell you that the US Navy does not meaningfully view them as separate types anymore (not that they were to begin with).
The only operational difference was that Ticos had AAW Flag space and Burkes didn't.

And the "Japanese Burkes", the Kongo-class, do have that space. Not that Kongos are a Burke hull, they're 20ft longer and 2ft wider, plus draw 11ft less water. They're a modified Burke deckhouse, that's about all they really share with a Burke.
The US hasn't built a proper cruiser since Long Beach. The Ticos were laid down a DDGs, and they're broadly interchangeable with the Arleigh Burkes. The fact that DDG(X) was originally referred to a Large Surface Combatant should tell you that the US Navy does not meaningfully view them as separate types anymore (not that they were to begin with).
Bring back the DLG!

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