So we know what it looks like, hurrah ! My first impression: the bastard child of the two losing JAST / JSF concepts.

- the "paper" one eliminated in '97( Bae / MDD, from memory) (rear end, twin fins)
- and of course Boeing X-32, for the intake

And there is a small "pylon" to link the intake to the cockpit / nose assembly (so my earlier fears were founded, somewhat :p )

I like this bird, really. Impressive !
It tickles me that they had to offset the nosewheel to the left to fit the underlying avionics/cooling for the EOTS off to the right. The engineers definitely earned their pay in trying hard to get everything into a tight package and they seemed to have made a good series of trade-offs to get this design.

Fighter Checkmate will be able to carry a group of drones on board

The new fifth generation Checkmate fighter was designed in record time, just over a year - UAC

Checkmate aircraft prototype exhibited at MAKS will take off in 2023 - UAC

Range said 1500km? Dont think that was max range right?
is there a source for the claim that UAC said prototype will fly in 2023?
Like a link to a publication saying that? Or an interview stream?
On the outside it's not terribly impressive or inspiring (compared to the F-35)
If i may ask, 100% seriously: What so impressive and inspiring do you see in F-35?

As a huge fan of MiG-21, F-16 and other masse single-engine fighter-jets, i was inspired by JSF when it was presented for the first time, with declared price tag of $30 million in 1990's USD.
The front fuselage geometry and inlet are quite unique.

I'm tempted to add: "kudos, Sukhoi: you managed to make me love inverted-intake akin to the X-32". It was only a matter of putting a sleek Su-57 nose and cockpit above / inside it ! The combination of the two looks aggressive and sleek at the same time.
That damn think looks like a Mangaka wet dream, Area 88 except in the stealth era.
>Engaging Protocol
>Scanning for rivets...
On the outside it's not terribly impressive or inspiring (compared to the F-35)
If i may ask, 100% seriously: What so impressive and inspiring do you see in F-35?

As a huge fan of MiG-21, F-16 and other masse single-engine fighter-jets, i was inspired by JSF when it was presented for the first time, with declared price tag of $30 million in 1990's USD.
Sorry I meant that both the Checkmate and F-35 were not too inspiring visually.
On the outside it's not terribly impressive or inspiring (compared to the F-35)
If i may ask, 100% seriously: What so impressive and inspiring do you see in F-35?

As a huge fan of MiG-21, F-16 and other masse single-engine fighter-jets, i was inspired by JSF when it was presented for the first time, with declared price tag of $30 million in 1990's USD.
Sorry I meant that both the Checkmate and F-35 were not too inspiring visually.

I think that is the case for every "lite" 5th gen to date.

Fighter Checkmate will be able to carry a group of drones on board

The new fifth generation Checkmate fighter was designed in record time, just over a year - UAC

Checkmate aircraft prototype exhibited at MAKS will take off in 2023 - UAC

Range said 1500km? Dont think that was max range right?
is there a source for the claim that UAC said prototype will fly in 2023?
Like a link to a publication saying that? Or an interview stream?
The spokesman said so + presentation for Putin.
The thing that shocks me a bit is the claimed combat radius on internal fuel.
The voice over clearly said range of at least 2800 km. Not Radius. Two very different things. Even the range itself is very vague, without further context.

Compared to 660 km for the Mig-21 and 1400 km for the Mig-29 that is pretty good... it does imply a combat radius approaching twice that of the Mig-29... I'd previously assumed it would be more similar to a Mig-29.

Also - the mention of engaging ground targets with the internal cannon - this is paired with an image pointing to the cheek bay, and also what appears to be an animation of a conventional strafing run. However, the GSh-30-1 with its short barrel life and small ammunition load would seem unsuitable. Any thoughts?

Strafing with a 5th generation fighter - even a light, low-cost one - is going to be a rare occurrence. I doubt it will happen enough to prematurely wear out even a GSh-30-1 when there are probably no more than 150 rounds carried. In other respects, the GSh-30-1 is actually a very good gun for ground attack (heavy, hard hitting round). Sometimes I wonder whether its barrel life is really that bad, measured per damage inflicted, rather than rounds fired.

Yes, it is an excellent gun. It is just that the presentation emphasized the option of the gun (along with unguided rockets) to engage low-value ground targets which aren't worth the expense of guided munitions... (something valuable for a lot of small countries which might end up using the aircraft for COIN). This obviously raises questions about the advisability of flying low and using a gun with such a short barrel life... as opposed to something more like an SPPU.
On the outside it's not terribly impressive or inspiring (compared to the F-35)
If i may ask, 100% seriously: What so impressive and inspiring do you see in F-35?

As a huge fan of MiG-21, F-16 and other masse single-engine fighter-jets, i was inspired by JSF when it was presented for the first time, with declared price tag of $30 million in 1990's USD.
Sorry I meant that both the Checkmate and F-35 were not too inspiring visually.

I think that is the case for every "lite" 5th gen to date.
Add some canards and you'll have a pretty good start to the "stealth Gripen" Flygsystem 2020 concept (move intakes to the side).
I do think Turkey and India are quite possible investors, IF tech transfer is involved. They could both use such a plane. UAE is another potential buyer, and I don't think they need as much tech transfer, it's not like they have an aerospace industry.
Turkey is investing heavily in their TF-X. They're a part of NATO, and they know that an order for a Russian type would be catastrophic for them. NATO can sever relations if they order Russian, they can't if they produce their own. Aside from that, Turkey under Erdogan is striving for a degree in self-sufficiency, so as to shield them from any fallout if Erdogan does anything controversial. Buying foreign would mean that they would be dependent on foreign equipment and spares from abroad. Also, Russia and Turkey have had their quarrels in the past.....
I do think Turkey and India are quite possible investors, IF tech transfer is involved. They could both use such a plane. UAE is another potential buyer, and I don't think they need as much tech transfer, it's not like they have an aerospace industry.
Turkey is investing heavily in their TF-X. They're a part of NATO, and they know that an order for a Russian type would be catastrophic for them. NATO can sever relations if they order Russian, they can't if they produce their own. Aside from that, Turkey under Erdogan is striving for a degree in self-sufficiency, so as to shield them from any fallout if Erdogan does anything controversial. Buying foreign would mean that they would be dependent on foreign equipment and spares from abroad. Also, Russia and Turkey have had their quarrels in the past.....

If one looks at the size of Turkey's airforce and army from a regional perspective, I think Turkey has quite a bit of lee-way... I suspect that it is only if the actual actions of Turkey begin going strongly against NATO interests that pressure would increase. NATO will want to keep Turkey within its sphere so long as it doesn't become costly...

That said - I'd kind-of like to have all of the export/market potential/foreign relations/U.S. political stuff in a separate thread from the engineering discussion. It'd be great if the moderators could split these threads.
Think it will be possible that they will give a T/R count on the AESA radar/performance specs based on anyone's experience with maks airshows regarding the Su-57?


  • Checkmate-presentation-top.png
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Think it will be possible that they will give a T/R count on the AESA radar based on anyone's experience with maks airshows regarding the Su-57?
The nosecone size looks suspiciously Su-57 sized, if my eyes don't decieve me, so we might expect the same ~1500 T/R modules, but that also raises question of cooling capacity.
Werent they getting J-10s?
Well, according to Wikipedia, the IRIAF had rumoured expansion plans and were rumoured to end up buying the: Su-30, Su-34, Su-35, Su-57 or J-10, JF-17, FC-31 as well as A-100, and Il-78, once the UN embargo was lifted, which happened last October. I'll be honest, I doubt they'd expand that much, they lack the funds, as well as the infrastructure to do so.
The country I want the most to purchase this is Pakistan. Simple it will create a possible domino effect where India starts purchasing more and than China starts purchasing more. It will also test their confidence in their own 5th gen projects.
Think it will be possible that they will give a T/R count on the AESA radar based on anyone's experience with maks airshows regarding the Su-57?
The nosecone size looks suspiciously Su-57 sized, if my eyes don't decieve me, so we might expect the same ~1500 T/R modules, but that also raises question of cooling capacity.


and well i guess it would be smaller cousin. Maybe 68 cm diameter aperture as Zhuk-ME. This can pack about 1100 Modules max. Based on that I have made a range estimate but very speculative.

Which resulted in range of 158 km with 90% detection probability against a 3sqm target.

Think it will be possible that they will give a T/R count on the AESA radar based on anyone's experience with maks airshows regarding the Su-57?
The nosecone size looks suspiciously Su-57 sized, if my eyes don't decieve me, so we might expect the same ~1500 T/R modules, but that also raises question of cooling capacity.
It was said that the radar could attack up to six aerial targets. Which would indicate Zhuk.
Which resulted in range of 158 km with 90% detection probability against a 3sqm target.
another pentagon agent.

Atleast aim for the Zhuk-AME or fga-35(3d)

Are you OK ?

Like I am talking about 68 cm diameter antenna and if it being an AESA it can pack 1100 TRM. Not whether there is Zhuk radar inside Checkmate's Nose.

It was said that the radar could attack up to six aerial targets. Which would indicate Zhuk.
This is kind of unlikely as well usually Sukhoi will go for NIIP Tikhomirov for fighter radar.
Among the other whistles and bells it has a ground-targeting EOTS, which is a mistake IMO.

So, AESA RADAR, EM/EO RWR, ECM/ELINT, A2A IRST, A2G EOTS, 4+/5 gen. engine...and for all of this Rostec/UAC is asking not more than $30 million?! As much as i'm excited about this plane, this is obvious bull****.
So, AESA RADAR, EM/EO RWR, ECM/ELINT, A2A IRST, A2G EOTS, 4+/5 gen. engine...and for all of this Rostec/UAC is asking not more than $30 million?! As much as i'm excited about this plane, this is obvious bull****.

Yeah... i would think 60-70 M USD. and that would be like after some orders are placed. If Sukhoi cannot secure state funding for this, then the customer will then have to bear the brunt of the RnD cost. First batch would be more expensive than the rest as it has to bear the RnD cost.
Are you OK ?

Like I am talking about 68 cm diameter antenna and if it being an AESA it can pack 1100 TRM.
use a better comparison like the options I gave in radar detection, please/
What the hell. are you seriously understand what i am saying back in my post ?

I am not comparing things. I am guessing that it will have 68 Cm diameter antenna. NOT comparing radar. and that 68 cm diameter antenna can carry about 1100 modules.
which means we should revise the Su-57 to possibly carrying 6xRVV-SD and possibly not entirely dismiss the possibility of eventual R-37/RVV-BD class missile integration in this airframe).
Not RVV-SD, but R-77M are carried internally. And it is long known that it will receive internally carried LRAAM, Izd.810.
What I don't understand, why there is no on-board gun. I understand that this is just a static demonstrator and many things can change before production model, but in promo they stated it will have: in bay cannon containers

Is this could be something in style and form of gun mod they used on F-106 back in the day?


  • 98725787e084daa27b5233e112d0b151.jpg
    56 KB · Views: 140
What the hell. are you seriously understand what i am saying back in my post ?

I am not comparing things. I am guessing that it will have 68 Cm diameter antenna. NOT comparing radar. and that 68 cm diameter antenna can carry about 1100 modules.
to make it easier for you to understand why choose MSE and not the better radars for a comparison?(please dont dodge that question)
The design philosophy is quite akin to your lollipop (Su-7) @Archibald ... The front intake, the splitter, the side routing and the convergent, as much as we can guess, behind the cockpit.

Also the wing tips could very well be either actuated or removeable for a compact storage (look closely at some of the projected pictures and the delimitation of no step zones ontop of the wing).
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Are you OK ?

Like I am talking about 68 cm diameter antenna and if it being an AESA it can pack 1100 TRM.
use a better comparison like the options I gave in radar detection, please/
What the hell. are you seriously understand what i am saying back in my post ?

I am not comparing things. I am guessing that it will have 68 Cm diameter antenna. NOT comparing radar. and that 68 cm diameter antenna can carry about 1100 modules.
A 68cm antenna should be able to carry more than 1100 modules.
Are you OK ?

Like I am talking about 68 cm diameter antenna and if it being an AESA it can pack 1100 TRM.
use a better comparison like the options I gave in radar detection, please/
What the hell. are you seriously understand what i am saying back in my post ?

I am not comparing things. I am guessing that it will have 68 Cm diameter antenna. NOT comparing radar. and that 68 cm diameter antenna can carry about 1100 modules.
I think he emant that Zhuk-AE with 1016 TR modules and diameter of ~680mm has claimed range of 250km.
However, the GSh-30-1 with its short barrel life and small ammunition load would seem unsuitable. Any thoughts?
Small ammunition load is problem of airframe, not cannon. Barrel life is problematic only with long bursts, which are, well, the case with ground pounding quite often, so... Might look somewhere else.
What I don't understand, why there is no on-board gun. I understand that this is just a static demonstrator and many things can change before production model, but in promo they stated it will have: in bay cannon containers

Is this could be something in style and form of gun mod they used on F-106 back in the day?
The side bays geometry have an external profile that is convergent toward the front. Hence there is enough surface to either mount a gun firing mechanism through the side bay doors or a Canon pack that replace entirely the side bay door.

IMOHO, Sukhoi made all it could to build a stealth fighter that won't need most of the detailed attention to panels and skins to offer, at least for the early examples, some kind competitive RCS reduction.
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