Viktor Bondarev: no one could surpass the combat capabilities of the Su-57

Виктор Бондарев: боевые возможности Су-57 пока превзойти никто не смог » Авиация России
По его словам, малозаметный, высокоманевренный, высокоскоростной российский истребитель пятого поколения, умеет уходить от атак противника на сверхзвуковой

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Viktor Bondarev in an interview with "News»I highly appreciated the technical, flight and combat characteristics of the Su-57 fighter.
According to him, the subtle, highly maneuverable, high-speed Russian fighter of the fifth generation, is able to escape from enemy attacks at supersonic speed without the use of a boost.“Not a single long-range radar detection aircraft is able to detect it, not a single anti-aircraft missile system to shoot down. At the same time, it can hit any targets both on the ground and in the air. On-board electronics helps the pilot to solve several tasks at the same time, to conduct an all-perspective battle with missiles of different range of destruction. The combat capabilities of this aircraft at this stage of industrial development could not be surpassed by anyone, ”said the chairman of the committee of the Federation Council.
He added that on board the Su-57 you can place the most modern precision weapons. Moreover, the current range of combat equipment is not finite. There are great opportunities for modernization, for development, Bondarev concluded.
As for the price, the senator admitted that, although it may be somewhat high, it fully justifies itself.
“We see the fate of countries that have saved on national defense and security. And even if some of them managed to preserve their sovereignty, like Syria, it is difficult to even imagine what fabulous money they have to spend now on rebuilding the country. Much larger than those that they
would have invested in equipping the army with better weapons, ”concluded the senator.