Sukhoi Su-57 flight testing, development & operations [2012-current]

Steven said:
Didn't UOMZ also make the IRST and some other systems for the Su-35? I'm not sure about the missile launch detectors though.
Just a few posts above you can read in interview explaining that UOMZ made IRST for Su-35 test batch aircrafts and lost contract for series production to NPK SP (ex-NIIPP) that makes EVERYTHING optoelectronics now for Su-35S.


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Speaking of PiBu:

Here are a few interesting tidbits especially about airframe modifications.

The aft fuselage section (housing the electronic warfare equipment) was made longer, and the circumferences of the aft lower fuselage, some doors and hatches, as well as wingtips have been modified. Fifteen first-production aircraft will be made in that configuration.

Is he referring to the circumference of the nacelles? If so, what changed?
Steven said:
The aft fuselage section (housing the electronic warfare equipment) was made longer, and the circumferences of the aft lower fuselage, some doors and hatches, as well as wingtips have been modified. Fifteen first-production aircraft will be made in that configuration.

Is he referring to the circumference of the nacelles? If so, what changed?

Basically this.

stealthflanker said:
Basically this.

I recognize that the nacelle materials changed as it's no longer bare metal like on the first five aircraft. PiBu however refers to a change in the circumference, which would imply that the shape and size (the OML) changed.
fredymac said:
What are those inlets at the base of the vertical fins at the 16s mark?

They're for auxiliary and environmental control systems.
the 7.23 min in Pt 2 are interesting.

Looks like yes, They want to do 3D TVC with completely gimballed nozzle.
The speaker says what all footage is a 117s(su-35) engine.
Both 117(stage 1) and 30(stage 2) are under veil of secrecy.
Ainen said:
The speaker says what all footage is a 117s(su-35) engine.
Both 117(stage 1) and 30(stage 2) are under veil of secrecy.
o rly? who told you that BS? because they do show both 117 and 30 in episode and presenter never says something like this
Steven said:
That would entail a considerable amount of additional flight testing.

Well it's just natural and that just mean Su-57 can have multiple engine stages during its lifetime.
NUSNA_Moebius said:
NUSNA_Moebius said:
boxkite said:

At 20:15, is the model on the far left on top of the console what I think it is? Cheeky Russians.

There are a mix of a few sukhoi and mig models there. Zerohedge claimed its a 6th gen Russian hypersonic fighter (which seems ridiculous). The wing sweep angle looks around 40 deg and fuselage looks transonic not hypersonic.

If the scale is the same for all models, it is half the size of the others. I am hoping its their next generation Mig Lightweight fighter.
Would like to see a closer look at it. Not necessarily a testor Ferret?




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Lol. Funny part on 29:04 of that video: long known fake shot on launching missile from internal bay. Yeah, quality as usual...
raptor82 said:
What do u guys think about this?
Reminds me of the BAe P.125 ASTOVL concept from that angle.


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Friend Su-57


Hmm... there is also a five sided object on the tail... maybe a Russian version of the Supersonic Bidirectional Flying Wing?? ;)
Avimimus said:
Hmm... there is also a five sided object on the tail... maybe a Russian version of the Supersonic Bidirectional Flying Wing?? ;)
Probably nuclear powered stealth VTOL bomber. Will resemble UFO until spotted, after that will make "KIROV REPORTING" sound...
Wish there is more about maturity of the N036/Sh-121 sets. I wonder if they will use more modern module with larger transmit power.

. Switching to tiled module however seems unlikely as that may involve more work in terms of coolings and possibly need to compensate change of weight.
Avimimus said:
Hmm... there is also a five sided object on the tail... maybe a Russian version of the Supersonic Bidirectional Flying Wing?? ;)
Probably nuclear powered stealth VTOL bomber. Will resemble UFO until spotted, after that will make "KIROV REPORTING" sound...

KIROVs are never reported. They're invisible.
UAC Journal

"Twist" aerobatics! The secrets of supermaneuverability of the last generations

Yury Slyusar: Russian VKS will receive the first production Su-57 this year

- How is the work on the Su-57 program? Does this plane have prospects in India?

- During the Army-2018 forum, we signed two contracts with the Ministry of Defense for the manufacture and supply of fifth-generation Su-57 multi-function fighter jets and MiG-35 multi-purpose aviation complexes. The first production aircraft Su-57 will enter the VKS this year. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Russia stressed then that the VKS in the near future plans to receive 15 serial machines. At the end of last year, flight tests of the Su-57 with the engine of the second stage began in Zhukovsky.

We have repeatedly said that we are open to working with India on this program. India is traditionally Russia's largest partner in the aircraft industry. This applies both to the supply of various types of Russian equipment to the Indian market, and joint production programs. Within the framework of the Make in India format, our Indian colleagues consistently develop the industrial potential of key sectors of the economy, including aircraft construction. This is an important opportunity and a niche for KLA. We know and understand this market well, we have traditionally open and constructive relations with key Indian partners that have been established over the years. I think that the ways of mutually beneficial cooperation and on the fifth generation aircraft will be found.
with RAM and without Izd.30 so far
flateric said:
with RAM and without Izd.30 so far

Should it matter if Izd 30 comes late , With 117 Engine it should still supercruise and the engine disigner has mentioned that 117 has 80 % new components which makes it a new engine in itself.

New engine is good may be it can supercruise better , accelerate bit faster and with reduced stages may be they will have to re-calliberate the CG and FCS since the engine will be shorter due to reduced stages but having dozen of aircraft with 117 engine would be a good start and in winning export contracts.
Only a couple of frames in the second contract ("LRIP1" being 2 frames and "LRIP2" being 13) are scheduled to have Izd.30. First frame planned for delivery this year and the second next year. Dunno if they plan to start deliveries from second contract in 2020 too.

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