Sukhoi Su-57 / T-50 / PAK FA - flight testing and development Part I [2010-2012]

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Foxglove said:
Interestingly, the three 'Atoll' sensors are passive-active IR, and can track and guide an unspecified number of AA and air-to-ground missiles. The self-defence system will probably include the five antennas of the Sh121 radar system, as well as 'Atoll' and laser sensors, covering 360 degrees in azimuth.

Curiously enough, in the last 1-2 years, whilst there has been plenty of news articles/hints about the IRST and L/X-band AESA radar on the PAK-FA, there has been no article (to my knowledge) about the ESM suite of the PAK-FA (you know, something comparable to the AN/ALR-94 of the Raptor). Even Butowski (who has plenty of credible sources in Russia) - has never mentioned anything about the PAK-FA ESM suite. So what gives - Is there any unofficial/official gag order on the Russian mainstream press forbidding them from discussing the PAK-FA ESM suite?

The Su-35BM has an ESM suite called (I think) the Khibiny-M. Are they going to install a more advanced variant of this on the PAK-FA or a totally new system?

Whilst the PAK-FA does have an IRST (unlike the Raptor) - I dont think its range can compare to that of an ESM suite. The ALR-94 can detect RF emitters at ranges far far greater than its own AN/APG-77 radar.
could speculate that it is either integrated to the avionics...


a separate system that will be added later on...

prolly for further development, perhaps for LPI threshold...
Additional footage of the Sukhoi T-50 during Vladimir Putin's visit to Zhukovsky.

sanjeev.k said:
So what gives - Is there any unofficial/official gag order on the Russian mainstream press forbidding them from discussing the PAK-FA ESM suite?

flanker said:
I am thinking that some of the recent pictures doesnt show T-50-1, but T-50 KNS.
Flanker seems to be right. Assuming that it's known that T-50-KNS made taxi tests on December 24, 2009, and most of unpained AV vehicle shots have EXIF dates of December 22 and 23, it's logically to assume that we see KNS preparation to those trials.
flateric said:
flanker said:
I am thinking that some of the recent pictures doesnt show T-50-1, but T-50 KNS.
Flanker seems to be right. Assuming that it's known that T-50-KNS made taxi tests on December 24, 2009, and most of unpained AV vehicle shots have EXIF dates of December 22 and 23, it's logically to assume that we see KNS preparation to those trials.

Exactly. That is why i was eager to check EXIF, and happy to see that dates seems to match. Pluss, i remember groomi said they were doing engine tests at night, which i assumed were done on KNS.

PS: It is actually three dates, 20th, 22 and 23'th, as i said here:,9717.msg105692.html#msg105692

Pluss there are all those small details that doesnt match with T-50-1 article.
Triton said:
Additional footage of the Sukhoi T-50 during Vladimir Putin's visit to Zhukovsky.

Not quite as pretty in flight as an Su-27, but still the most beautiful of the new fighters around...
is this T-50 KNS?
I'm confused right now


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Matej said:
It seems that it depends on the language that you use. :) But fixed seems to be better in English, thanks for the correction.
I'd say 'Integrated Test Vehicle'
KNS is built as non-flyable development and test article for PAK FA program
flateric said:
KNS is built as non-flyable development and test article for PAK FA program

Do you know if it will be converted into flying article later? I have heard different things about this.
flanker said:
Do you know if it will be converted into flying article later? I have heard different things about this.
as far as I know, no.
Flanker did mark 'em before already


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T-50 patent drawings

filed in September 2009, patent shows highly simplified aircraft arrangement without one of its main secret feature - movable LERX

hope that these will end discussion on existence and purpose of wing root weapon bays



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hmmm... based on the diagram they protruded the side bay perhaps to increase structural strength to the wing...
Russia's second 5G-fighter to be flown before yearend
Just found at the Key-forum ...


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    T-50MKI 2x nice.jpg
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hope that these will end discussion on existence and purpose of wing root weapon bays

Ok, so does that mean that was somewhat close to the truth with my first guess in 29 January 2010 here:,9186.msg82847.html#msg82847
that the wing roots did house actuators for the Movable LERX ? ::)

hope it will also end discussions on the crazy theories about an S-shaped inlet duck that started to breach the fabric of reality here:,9186.msg84008.html#msg84008
lantinian said:
Ok, so does that mean that was somewhat close to the truth with my first guess in 29 January 2010 here:,9186.msg82847.html#msg82847
that the wing roots did house actuators for the Movable LERX ? ::)
sorry, Niko, but these are weapon bays

lantinian said:
hope it will also end discussions on the crazy theories about an S-shaped inlet duck
well, yes.
Which probably should have been ended by the photos of the prototype... (although who knows about the planning for the production model? People who can't tell us!).

One of the problems is that this patent isn't 100% accurate. As Flateric mentioned, it lacks sensitive features like the movable LERX (also left out of earlier concept art and desk models). Although, it does seem to imply shorter wing bays and deeper fuselage bays than most people had expected.

Saintkatanalegacy's suggestion seems plausible to me, given all of the claims about superior supersonic maneuverability (and possibly new strains as a result of the three-axis supermaneuverability implied by the new G-suit and vertical stabilisers).
well, it was just some speculation given that there's very limited resource(misleading photos)

and I just used the inlet-engine alignment which was actually mounted lower than what the majority believes

and the duct has to bend in order to house the wheel ::)

and oh, they did study a platform with S-ducts :p

Ivanov states that PAK-FA development will continue while Russia and India jointly develop FGFA.

Flateric , does this means FGFA will be a different project compared to PAK-FA and will be a different aircraft in weight category ?
we all really tired of all that news with key words 'Russia' 'India' 'jointly' 'develop' 'agreement' 'soon' 'close to' 'signing'

it will be two-seater, in Russia FGFA got designation PMI (Persektivny Mnogotcelevoy Istrebitel = Advanced Multifunctional Fighter)

if T-50 can be compared to T-10, and serial PAK FA to T-10S/Su-27, FGFA/PMI will be new T-10PMK/Su-30
I was taking a look at some photos. I was wondering if anyone could confirm that a slot forms between the LERX and the wing at full extension?
I was also wondering if anyone had any ideas as to the purpose of the air-intakes under the vertical stabilisers?
not sure... seem to be sliding from underneath...

the vertical stab inlets are for cooling the APU or modules I think
When is planning the flight of second prototype? After the president Medvedev's visit?
medal64 said:
When is planning the flight of second prototype? After the president Medvedev's visit?

Before the end of the year. Matter of weeks. When is Medvedev planning to visit?
flanker said:
medal64 said:
When is planning the flight of second prototype? After the president Medvedev's visit?

Before the end of the year. Matter of weeks. When is Medvedev planning to visit?

21-22nd of December!Maybe flight is planning further for securing the deal ???
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will pay an official visit to India on December 21-22,

Indian Foreign Minister Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna said during a joint press-conference with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.
"Our meeting today was dedicated to making preparations for the visit," Krishna said.
Medvedev to pay official visit to India December 21-22
The Indian minister named his country's relations with Russia as a key issue in India's foreign policy.
Relations between Russia and India have blossomed in recent years, with India becoming one of the biggest importers of Russian military hardware.
In 2009, Russian-Indian trade reached the $7.5 billion mark. It grew 20 percent in the first nine months of 2010, and the countries plan to raise the figure to $20 billion by 2015.
The biggest joint projects today are the construction of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in southern India and the exploration of the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas field with the participation of India's ONGC state-run corporation.

NEW DELHI, November 29 (RIA Novosti)

India, Russia may sign 5th generation jet contract in December

India and Russia are likely to sign a contract next month for joint development and production of the 5th generation fighter aircraft for use by the armed forces of the two countries.

The multi-billion contract may be signed during the forthcoming visit of President Dmitry Medvedev to India in December, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov has said.

"I think that very soon, in December, we will sign a contract," Ivanov told Itar-Tass news agency.

The all composite strength fighters' first prototype has already made as many as 36 test flights and the agency said the second prototype would take to the year soon.

"The test programme has identified no serious flaws," Ivanov said.

He also indicated that a delegation from Rosoboronexport and the holding company Sukhoi were on a working visit in India to finalise the contract.
flanker said:
Before the end of the year. Matter of weeks. When is Medvedev planning to visit?

Germans friends say me that "three best Russian expressions are "Tomorrow", "Maybe" and "Maybe tomorrow"
Maybe in first quarter of the next year

(I'm sorry. Very bad English) :)
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