Sukhoi Su-57 / T-50 / PAK FA first flight - pictures, videos and analysis [2010]

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Avimimus said:
Or we think we know the tire sizes...

I am not an expert on F-22, but we know the tire sizes on PAK-FA for sure:
a new albeit improved version of the "snail shell" with less pressure distortion. :D


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T-50. View from above.

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In fulfilling this sketch used materials from the site

Mod edit: Picture attached to the forum. The imagehosting service had a lot of pornographic advertisement.


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Finally some clue about the engines?
aye, heard about the 2 phase development in keyforums. should be interesting on how the "ultimate" engine would end up.
Small and sexy little snake compared to the Su-35UB
i found that pic's at the Bulgarian forum i don't know if someone did already post them here ::)
edit: ah i saw that they were already posted here but i do believe that they must be attached here
just in case


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Matej said:
Finally some clue about the engines?

I wonder if the stats are accurate? 2100kph maximum speed and 5500km range?

One fact new to me at least: The AWAC killers are external stores (instead of fitting one per bay).
those things are kinda too long to fit though I was thinking a bit more of a "capsule" container to decrease its RCS OR fuse the bays into a single large one ;D

added 3 view hypothetical duct :)

added interesting vid link about the engine :)


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T-50 dimensions, as reported by Aviation Week, March 15, 2010, page 16.

Length = 66.9 ft.
Wingspan = 48.2 ft.
Height = 17.4 ft.
(c) Valery Pogodin/Avico Press 2010

drawn in three days and sleepless nights after first flight

for hi-res version, see
Combat Aircraft Magazine Volume 11 Number 4
Letectví+kosmonautika (L+K) No. 3/2010,


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Sundog said:
T-50 dimensions, as reported by Aviation Week, March 15, 2010, page 16.

Length = 66.9 ft.
Wingspan = 48.2 ft.
Height = 17.4 ft.

Nice info Sundog. This is very important to me! Thanks

And data in m (meters):

Length = 66.9 ft. = 20.39 m
Wingspan = 48.2 ft. = 14.69 m
Height = 17.4 ft. = 5.30 m

Aviation Week confirms a wingspan of ~14.70 m!!

Wil said:
Aviation Week confirms a wingspan of ~14.70 m

I'd like to see a quote for source of this figures
flateric said:
Wil said:
Aviation Week confirms a wingspan of ~14.70 m

I'd like to see a quote for source of this figures

I agree. They didn't state their source. It was printed with one of the pictures taken of the T-50 with the Su-27UB (Or whichever two seat variant of Flanker it was photographed parked next to it.)
source is unknown


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OMG Quadro you are the man! that MUST be from a vid! Thanks alot!!!
The low viz stars look good. Now we just need to find the video itself.
original poster, Paja, said that he found them at
a Russian social network, analogue of Facebook
it quite may be another way of leak choosen - like ImageShack before in case with 3 photos of T-50 and Su-30 pair - while it's almost impossible to trace the original source
Check out the last post on this paralay page , by Pavel ... does the PAK-FA have adaptive wings ? ???
lancer21 said:
Check out the last post on this paralay page , by Pavel ... does the PAK-FA have adaptive wings ? ???

No, it just appears to be a heavily doctored photo. (Or bad shooting conditions.)
sferrin said:
lancer21 said:
Check out the last post on this paralay page , by Pavel ... does the PAK-FA have adaptive wings ? ???

No, it just appears to be a heavily doctored photo. (Or bad shooting conditions.)

He doesn't mean the photo, but the comment from "Pavel"
Seems to be a cameraphone pic of a video on a screen. There's reflections and stuff going on.
Some information on PAK-FA from Air International ( via BRF/andy B ) link

The latest Air International has an article on bad boy Pak Fa some pointers:

- Oval shaped antenna of the SH121 in current form is about 900mm wide and 700mm in height and contains 1526 T/R modules; the final antenna for Pak Fa will reportedly be larger and contain about 2000 modules

Tests for the new radar are supposedly starting in 2010 using a Tu134 (same jet used to train Blackjack crews). Five AESA antennas front X band, two located on the side are also X band and two installed in wing leading edges are L band.

- Currently two AL-41F1 (izdeliye 117 - advanced version of AL41-F1S - izdeliye 117s used by Su35) rated at 147kn each.

It suggests that final versions or later versions will be powered by a new engine with >157kn thrust each.

- Tender for 2nd stage engine was issued in 06 but cancelled in may 07. Proposals by both NPO Saturn and MMPP Salut were rejected due to "formal" reasons. According to Ilya Fedorov (GM of Saturn) the date contest has been moved to the first quarter of this year, but that does not mean necessarily that it will not be postponed again. Fedorov expects that the project will be carried out with co-operation of several companies led by Saturn:

- Core - Aviadvigatel in Perm together will Saturn will work on Core
- NPP Motor in Ulfa would make low pressure compressor fans and afterburner chamber
- Klimov in St Petersburg would make the TVC nozzle, gearbox and APU
- AMNTK Soyuz in Moscow will look after inlet guide vanes as well as rcs reduction for engine
- Series prod. for new injun likely to happen at UMPO Factory in UFA where 117 and 117s are manufactured
-NPO Saturn is currenly offering participation to its greatest rival MMPP Salut (Moscow based), however Salut is expecting more as it wants to be a general integrator. Salut has lost the 1st stage engine tender and is continuing development of the AL-31 FM3 in hopes of powering the PAK FA rated at 152 kn.

- Engine TVC supposedly managed the same way as the MKI the nozzles move up and down (two dimensional) but the central plane of each nozzle is deflected aside (right to right and left to left) so the nozzles move within v-like intersecting planes. Inclusion of LEREXes a very important feature.

- There are quite a few pics of missile (AA and AG) all with complete folding fins notable are 810 type AA missiles (4.2m or 13.9 ft) long range, multipurpose KH 38M (4.2m or 13.9ft) long weighing 520kg (1146lb) and KH58 USHK (4.2m or 13.9ft) long weighing 650kg anti radar missile.

Each weapons bay reportedly are estimated to be 4.6m to 4.7m (15.1 to 15.5 ft long) and 1 to 1.1 m wide (3.3ft to 3.7ft) two 810 or KH38M or KH58USHK can be placed inside one weapon bay. Other smaller types of munitions include K77M, K74 and K30.

Also KH36 anti radar and 250KG and 500KG guided PGMs. A single but similar weapon bay was fitted to the Berkut in summer of 07 this had two ejector racks and side by side placement.

- Static instability is reportedly 10% to 12% when compared to the 5% to 6% of SU27M/MKI and the neutral instability of basic SU27. Design aimed towards being more agile when supersonic than previous fighters.
overscan said:
Indeed. Note that it was credited via US Air Force.


Does somebody have a copy of this Aviation Week note? Please let me know!


overscan said:
Seems to be a cameraphone pic of a video on a screen. There's reflections and stuff going on.

The PAK FA of the pictures seems to be this one:


Best wishes!
overscan said:
Seems to be a cameraphone pic of a video on a screen. There's reflections and stuff going on.
I had noticed yesterday that in one of the pics it looked like you could see an edge of a screen. But that is gone now. Was I hallucinating or did the pic change?
donnage99 said:
TVC is 2 dimensional?

I don't think so. I think that AI article was making the point that the engines aren't "aligned" with the centerline and that they only vector in yaw to the amount of movement allowed in the "v-cut" in the tail where they're located. Not that they would need that much articulation for yaw. It seems to me they're canted out to match the conical flow at supersonic speeds and thereby minimize drag while supercruising, I don't think it's related to control issues. That's just my guess, though.
Via AndyB/BRF

Pak Fa article from Air International March 2010

[No posting of whole articles. thanks - Admin]
Here's a new picture quite interesting regarding the discussion on "compressor blocker" ... looks really like one ??? , "curves" in the intake ...

Deino ???


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On the Super Hornets you can't see past the blocker. On that one there I see a row of blades behind it. Unless that's a blocker too? ???


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Very interesting, thanks alot you know please when the pics was taken , and from where it is ?( i see the tactical code on the nose , so i guess its the cammoed bird , tho the lights makes it look very unusual, it seems to be taken at night ?! Maybe its taken after the bird was moved to Zhukovsky?
All theories about the curved duck and -20db signature just went up in smoke... :D
started having 2nd thoughts when I saw this

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