Sukhoi Su-57 flight testing, development & operations [2012-current]

I stumbled upon that first picture (T-50-9's ferry flight across the country) on a postcard at MAKS 2017, nice to see the original. :)

For some reason that one flight yielded several of the prettiest Su-57 photos published so far!
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It is about second stage equipment(avionics. engines, et cetera.), not the airframe. Both first and second(?) stage Su-57 have second stage airframe.

BTW Paralay, what's your estimate on the internal fuel capacity of Su-57 ?
I always amazed by Su-57's cheek radar array. Well It might not be the first idea as the F-22 was planned to have one but it's Su-57 actually brought the concept into flying stage. Performance wise tho it would have about 30% of the range of the main nose array, it would be about 130 km vs 3 sqm.
These aircraft have a lot of engine exposed, does that raise the infra red signature markedly?
It's taking off.

yes i can see that.
what i mean is. isn't it usually a bit too low to already have its landing gears fully retracted? don't they usually retract a bit later?

for example

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In perspective to the past experience, the still unclear economic situation and the number of so far produced aircraft since years I rate 9.5 aircraft per year most ambitious.
It's really not wise to rate aircraft production rates less than year after it entered serial...
Economic situation hardly matters too since contract is already finalized and included into GPV.
In perspective to the past experience, the still unclear economic situation and the number of so far produced aircraft since years I rate 9.5 aircraft per year most ambitious.
It's really not wise to rate aircraft production rates less than year after it entered serial...
Economic situation hardly matters too since contract is already finalized and included into GPV.

I know, nothing is written in stones, but please... if you look what was once promised, promised all the years and what is now promised, how likely is it that the promises now will be met, when none of the previous ones was accomplished in time?
yes i can see that.
what i mean is. isn't it usually a bit too low to already have its landing gears fully retracted? don't they usually retract a bit later?

Well it's quite normal to retract gear as soon as you're no longer in contact with runaway. Whether it's done "bit later" is on pilot's judgement.
Previous was "promised" by talking heads without any sensible basis (and sometimes not even that but just imagined by journos). This number is set in established contract.
The important thing is that the 76 airframes. It will have to be fulfilled and paid for. If there is late delivery then we can see some class action suite or other law related news.
And we know all military contracts run exactly on time......
It's not about running contract right on schedule, it's about running contract instead of talking words.
As for schedules: many delivery times for new airframes for VKS were fulfilled earlier than anticipated: Su-34, Ka-52 ect took deliveries ahead of yearly numbers.
Looking at those images they don't exactly scream 5th Gen do they? 5th Gen lite perhaps... The J-20 evolved significantly from the prototype stages where as it looks like the Su-57 has barely evolved at all except for a few sensors appearing here and there.

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