Sukhoi Su-57 flight testing, development & operations [2012-current]

Why? Aside from first serial crashed in December I don't think any airframes were intended to be delivered at this point. It was expected to be what, one or two until end of year?
In the video dated November 9, 2019 about the assembly of the first production model at 0.22, the second production glider is visible at the assembly stage. This year should be.

Actually, the second serial aircraft in 2020 is also mentioned in the video.
Were Su-57 delivery got delayed again ?

The last information published is that the "pre-series batch" would be delivered this year. That batch was said to be two units, as per the MAKS'18 contract. So I am left wondering whether they managed to hurry another airframe from what would be the serial production, to add to the one we saw being produced last year (as said in the post above) or just that lone unit will be delivered. We should know before the end of this year.

some interesting cgi found in chinese military forum

021028r3c4ixwmxbx3m323.gif (574kb).gif

The simple fact is nobody publicly has seen how the missile launches. How do they know it extends as shown in the video? Is the door hinged on the other side, with the missile attached to it and it just launches from the door as happens on an F-35? Or does the whole canoe pivot open and the missile is launched straight down? I could speculate about four or five different ways it launches and all of them would be valid until we know how they do it. I guess I just get tired of the endless useless speculation.
In case nobody noticed also, the door surface increases as it rotates in this CGI.
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The simple fact is nobody publicly has seen how the missile launches. How do they know it extends as shown in the video? Is the door hinged on the other side, with the missile attached to it and it just launches from the door as happens on an F-35? Or does the whole canoe pivot open and the missile is launched straight down? I could speculate about four or five different ways it launches and all of them would be valid until we know how they do it. I guess I just get tired of the endless useless speculation.

Have you seen the patent for the side bays? It is clearly explained there how the whole system works and what are the reasons for it to be designed like that, no speculation needed.
The promise is 2 frames for this year. S-2 *should* be at about same stage now as S-1 was back in May (last year) when it was first showed.

Well, looking forward.

Anyway it seems i really need to make a better and somehow more popular patent based animation on the Su-57 side bay.
Testing bigger bags?

My Mark 1 says the diameter is larger than the tanks previously seen, so possibly 2000+l capacity, but they seem to have some kind of strongback that might create an illusion of greater size. I used to think the old ones were that big already, but when I did the math after drawing & scaling them for my speculative 3-views they came to almost exactly the 1860l some Russian sources suggested, so my initial impression was apparently off.
3400L so about 2720 Kg of extra fuel per tank. In total makes 5440 Kg. That almost the typical fuel load of Su-27 (5600 Kg)
Location of the radar H036 "Belka", according to the glider of the aircraft:


Any news from the second production aircraft?
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Not yet. But some news about second-stage Su-57: Flight tests is going to begin in summer 2022. / izd.30, new MFDs, new wide-angle HUD, more new guided weapons.

Why are Sukhoi changing the MFDs and the HUD on the Su-57 now in favour of new MFDs/HUD? were the existing MFDs/HUD not good enough?
Modernization just after original gets finished is common practice in SU/Russia. And at the very least there is two variants of MFD: current one with three separate screens and "prospective" with big single bended screen. First one is what was used though all those years, so no point in delaying serial of airframe just for new one.

I can see why GARGEAN, the new MFD looks far better than the three old MFDs. I hope the new MFD goes into production because it will give the Su-57 a more modern look.:cool:
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Yeah, that what happens when you pull pic from google search without properly looking...
But isn't T-50 changed to 3 screens setup at one point, leaving 2 screens for Su-35?
UPD: yeah, I think I found source of my confusion. At some not too old footage with trainer they had some additional tablet installed in center over main screens. Catched it without though, which was my mistake.
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I think that's relatively old photo of 058 during one of refits, since air intakes under fins ate different(one of older common type, other is newer type expected to be on serial airframes).


  • EWX2dISWkAIneMM.jpeg
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I think that's relatively old photo of 058 during one of refits, since air intakes under fins ate different(one of older common type, other is newer type expected to be on serial airframes).

It is the same configuration seen on the first serial:


If the photo is taken recently (i.e. May-June), then it is almost certainly S-3 or even S-4 as S-2 was pretty close to that state already in November last year:

If that were to be the state of S-2 now, then there is zero chance of it flying this year as S-1 was much farther along in May 2019 and it flew only at the end of December.
Really interesting, haven't noticed that before. Why they left asymmetrical on serial airframe?..

I don't know, but I assume they serve different purposes and don't need to the symmetrical...

If the photo is taken recently (i.e. May-June), then it is almost certainly S-3 or even S-4 as S-2 was pretty close to that state already in November last year:

If that were to be the state of S-2 now, then there is zero chance of it flying this year as S-1 was much farther along in May 2019 and it flew only at the end of December.

Fair rebuttal. In the newest KnAAZ paper it says that a Su-57 (S-2) will be handed over to LIS (flight test station) in August so it should fly September-October time frame or so. So i guess then likely the "flying frame" is S-3, the nose section in background is S-4. Or all of those shifted to the right, but i am being conservative.


  • S-3 nose.png
    S-3 nose.png
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If the photo is taken recently (i.e. May-June), then it is almost certainly S-3 or even S-4 as S-2 was pretty close to that state already in November last year:

If that were to be the state of S-2 now, then there is zero chance of it flying this year as S-1 was much farther along in May 2019 and it flew only at the end of December.

Fair rebuttal. In the newest KnAAZ paper it says that a Su-57 (S-2) will be handed over to LIS (flight test station) in August so it should fly September-October time frame or so. So i guess then likely the "flying frame" is S-3, the nose section in background is S-4. Or all of those shifted to the right, but i am being conservative.
Hi,can you give me the link that you have mentioned about Su-57 (s2) will be handed over to LIS in August.I can't find the source. Thanks a lot!
Not yet. But some news about second-stage Su-57: Flight tests is going to begin in summer 2022. / izd.30, new MFDs, new wide-angle HUD, more new guided weapons.

Aren't airframes from T-60-6-2 onwards already considered "Stage 2"? Have they redefined the second stage?

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