Sukhoi Su-24BM2 / T-60 / izdeliye 54 tactical bombers


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Reviewing this forum, I note an interesting datum:

Take a look at the two excellent cutaways posted on July 2, 2009. It appears that for defensive purposes the aircraft is carrying the aft-firing IR missile that was fired a couple of times from an SU-27 and then seemed to disappear from view.
F-14D said:
Reviewing this forum, I note an interesting datum:

Take a look at the two excellent cutaways posted on July 2, 2009. It appears that for defensive purposes the aircraft is carrying the aft-firing IR missile that was fired a couple of times from an SU-27 and then seemed to disappear from view.

Never heard about the aft-firing R-73. Any more info? ???

Also, notice the guns in the BM's tail...
Matej said:
Only a few dozens of hours left...

Now what does this mean? And why on earth was this moved to "Theoretical and Speculative Projects"? Or will it be revealed in a few days that the T-60 et al. were just bogus projects to fool western intelligence?
Answer no. 1: Wait a few dozens of hours.
Answer no. 2: I decided to temporarily move it to this section because frankly - it is highly speculative project. We have strong indications that it existed, but ask yourself, how many official information, photos or blueprints we have about it till now?
Four years of research. The result:

- in 1979 the beginning of the work on the heavily modernised Su-24BM Big Modernisation (new engines AL-31F, new longer centroplane for the internal weapons bay, new air intakes, stronger landing gear...) The project was approved by the VVS, full scale wooden mock-up was built and the initial preparation for the serial production begun in NAPO.

- 1980 - 1981 under the B-90 program the new perspective bombers are studied. Mikhail Simonov pressed the idea, that the new airplanes should be designed in TsAGI and then transferred to the OKBs for further development. TsAGI started to work on the new tactical bomber. It was the visual copy of the Sukhoi T-4MS, only smaller, with the two controversial solutions: double path jets from KB P. A. Kolosov and variable geometry wing that moved fully under the fuselage. It seems that the project was designated T-60 and in 1981 was transferred to OKB Sukhoi. The length of the aircraft was 40 meters.

- this eliminated the further works on the Su-24BM, strongly supported by the air force representatives. This made the conflict between Simonov and P. Kuthakov (strong supporter of Su-24BM). The radical action was made - Su-24BM received the fixed wing, two vertical tails and avionics developed for the T-60. The new aircraft was presented to the officials, but under the strong pressure from Simonov and Silayev the further work was stopped.

- after transfer of the T-60 to OKB Sukhoi, the project was completely reworked. Managed by Oleg Samoylovich the plane received the scheme of the double delta, internal weapons bay and two engines in the joint console on the upper side of the aft fuselage. Designation changed to T-60S (serial) and the plane was prepared for the manufacturing of the prototype. In may 1985 Simonov returned to OKB Sukhoi and forced Samoylovich to leave. He moved to the OKB MiG together with the group of other engineers and take the T-60S project with him. In the short time it was transferred to the MiG 7.01 MDP. The two versions were proposed: heavy range interceptor to replace MiG-31 and the tactical bomber.

- for the project of the tactical bomber in OKB Sukhoi there was made the new team, so they started once again from the beginning. They decided to use the already developed solutions from the previous projects. It seems, that the project received designation izdelije (object) 54. The airplane was the delta lifting body with the two vertical tails slanted inward, B-2 like centroplane, air intakes on the upper side of the fuselage, cockpit extended forward and once again variable geometry wing with the swept 28 - 65 degrees that in the maximal swept moved fully under the fuselage. The full scale mock-up of the half of the fuselage was made, in NAPO they built the new hall and started the preparations for the serial production. There are the rumours, that the aircraft was powered by the two Al-41F engines and that the flat 2D thrust vectoring nozzles, tested on the Su-27LL-UV (PS), were made for the izdelije 54. The construction of the prototype begun, but the project was by order of Sergey Yeltsin terminated in 1992. The prototype remained intact not far away from the completion (for example the engines were missing). The only official confirmation of its existence is from the Moscow aerosalon in 1993.

- because of the complications in the T-60/T-60S/izdelije 54 development, the interesting things happened with the T-10V/Su-27IB project. Originally it was ground attack aircraft, developed from the Su-27 two seater and approved in 1986, but as the project progressed, it took many solutions and technologies from the T-60S/izdelije 54. Namely all the studies of the cockpit and the front fuselage from T-60S were used also on the T-10V. The same happened with the Leninets B004 Predator radar and the result was, that there was the plane, that was able to do a lot of things that were planned for the izdelije 54, but because it was derived from existing Su-27 family, it was much cheaper and ready for production. Now it is in service and we know it as the Su-34.

Full article with the possible English (and other languages) machine translation here:


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Beautiful, Matej! Thanks for sharing with us so many details about this secret program!
They either built a full-scale mockup, or a nearly complete prototype. Whatever it was, it was seen and assigned the codename NOVO-C, the third type ID'ed at NAPO, similar to the RAM-XX codenames assigned for types ID'ed at "Ramenskoye" prior to official designators being known.
flanker said:
Never heard about the aft-firing R-73. Any more info? ???

That would be this:


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SOC said:
They either built a full-scale mockup, or a nearly complete prototype.

Full scale mockup of the half of the fuselage (izdelije 54) was build at Sukhoi facilities near Moscov, so at novosibirsk NAPO it should be the prototype.
I only read the English version, but seems to be a good sum up of the projects and the various versions are in the same order as I had thought. Also good points on the connections between T-54 and T-10V. So it seems the first T-60 is the only design we don't have artists impressions of? Also, in this drawing by paralay it looks to my eyes as if the whole forward portion of the wing could swing instead of a second wing swinging underneath. Is it certain both T-60 and T-54 had the same complicated wing arrangement?
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Meteorit said:
So it seems the first T-60 is the only design we don't have artists impressions of?

Yes, but it was only a general design made by TsAGI that was transferred to Sukhoi for further development, not the a/c ready for the serial production. And also Oleg Samoylovich gave a good verbal description of it in his memories (T-4MS copy, sized down to 40 meters lenght, VG wing moving fully under the fuselage, Kolosov's engines) that is enough to imagine the shape.

Meteorit said:
Is it certain both T-60 and T-54 had the same complicated wing arrangement?

It was confirmed by my sources that the latest design izdelije 54 (or any way it was named) had the VG wing moving fully under the fuselage at maximal swept. It seems logical, because the primary opponent of this technical solution - Samoylovich - moved to MiG and because Simonov and TsAGI were the supporters from the beginning, it is likely that after terminating the work on the T-60S at Sukhoi, they returned to that solution.


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Aviation Week did have an article recently where the Russian designers of the PAK-DA had reported that they had it's configuration down to four different designs at the moment. They had started off with around 47 configurations initially.
So going by what Matej posted a while ago, there was a prototype constructed that was only missing certain components, such as fitted engines?

The forward fuselage/cockpit of that has been used more or less as inspiration for the Sukhoi Su-34?

What exactly is the status of this project? Is it still active, or basically finished?
1. Many independent sources indicates, that the prototype was partially finished. There is not any official confirmation yet, that anything was build.

2. Lets say yes. The same era and the same manufacturer means the same approach and recycling the ideas. But izdelije 54 had more smaller windows, compared to a few big pieces of glass, that can be seen on Su-34.

3. The project was killed in the early 90s because of collapse of the Soviet union and few other reasons. Its something comparable to the situation with MiG 1.44 MFI, except that MiG prototype was finished and it actually flew. It is very unlikely that it will be reborn. The most important is that it is not needed anymore. Current PAK DA activity is aimed to supplement and later replace bigger Tu-160 bomber. And tactical role was devoted to Su-34, so there is no need for the type, that fits in the middle of that two categories.
another Su-24BM iteration


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I just noticed that the Su-34 alternate design presented here uses the double path jet engines! Interesting to conjecture relation to T-60 intake/exhaust.


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PaulMM (Overscan) said:
I just noticed that the Su-34 alternate design presented here uses the double path jet engines! Interesting to conjecture relation to T-60 intake/exhaust.

What's the intent behind those anyway? What's going on? :eek:
The key is not alternate path, it's dual core. In subsonic cruise mode, it would would run on a single core with fairly high bypass ratio for good fuel efficiency. In supersonic mode, the bypass air for the first core would be shunted to a second core, turning the system into effectively a twined pure turbojet for efficient supersonic cruise.
flateric said:
No. Tupolev '170' from the 90s

My dear Flateric,

as I know the Tupolev Aircraft 170 was a conventional version of Tu-160 ?.
Of course my dear Flateric ;D,

maybe re-allocated in the same number.
Hi! SM-24BM strike aircraft(T-6BM). Wing shape is changed during design. And final wing shape is fixed wing with LERX same as F/A-18. ;D



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Hi! Object 54 and later 54S supersonic bomber/missile strike aircraft.

Sourse : same as previous post and the book "UNFLOWN WINGS Soviet/Russia unrealised aircraftprojects 1925-2010, YEFIM GORDON and SERGEY KOMISSAROV".


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Hi! T-60S supersonic bomber and missile carrier 1984 version(top drawing) and another design.
I confirmed this by the book "UNFLOWN WINGS Soviet/Russia unrealised aircraftprojects 1925-2010, YEFIM GORDON and SERGEY KOMISSAROV".


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I believe that T-60 shape is still mystery.
YEFIM GORDON-san says in his book that...
(1)T-60 was a strategic bomber.
(2)T-60 had two Khachaturov R79-300 afterburning turbofan engine.
(3)T-60 followed almost exactly the aerodynamic layout of the T-4MS project.
(4)Movable outer wings slid completely under the fuselage at maximum sweep.
(5)T-60 use turbofan engine with variable bypass ratio created by OKB-36.
Sukhoi OKB designer studied this layout and rejected. So development ended.

So I imagine that T-60 shape is combined with following two concepts.
Anyway T-60 is not consistent project.


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You can discount the Yefim Gordon book as 'confirmation' of anything as he simply downloaded Paralay's drawings and stole them for his book. Paralay's drawings are speculative and labelled as such.

Note that you are simply recycling content already posted here with these posts.
PlanesPictures said:
In background of Sukhoi T-60C and Mig 7.01 was one designer. But I forgot details of that story

Oleg Samolovich, who clashed with Simonov and left Sukhoi for MiG, taking his T-60 shape with him and recasting it as an interceptor.

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