stealth blimp

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sublight said:
Orionblamblam said:
Oh, *of* *course*. How silly of me to not recognize that an important feature of trying to remain invisible is to have Giant Flashing Neon Lights. To get to truly Romulan levels of stealth, though, what these blimps really need is a 1.21 gigawatt sound system blasting out Marilyn Manson tunes. Maybe also towing giant illuminated banners displaying hard-core porn. Then *nobody" would know they're there!
Now you aren't engaged in reasonable debate, you are just being ridiculously obtuse if to only satisfy a personal need for abuse. The F-117 has navigation lights, as does the B2 and F-22 so any assertion that they are never turned on is absurd. If your only desire here is to ridicule, wont you please find another thread better suited to your sadistic traits? Thanks!

Sure. Navigation Lights.


Because in order to navigate, a Stealth Blimp needs to light up the whole friggen' countryside.

Here's a hint, Junior: it's not "sadism" to point out the patently silly. It only *feels* like sadism to those who have irrational beliefs and who cannot bear to have them questioned.
sublight said:
Orionblamblam said:
Oh, *of* *course*. How silly of me to not recognize that an important feature of trying to remain invisible is to have Giant Flashing Neon Lights. To get to truly Romulan levels of stealth, though, what these blimps really need is a 1.21 gigawatt sound system blasting out Marilyn Manson tunes. Maybe also towing giant illuminated banners displaying hard-core porn. Then *nobody" would know they're there!
Now you aren't engaged in reasonable debate, you are just being ridiculously obtuse if to only satisfy a personal need for abuse. The F-117 has navigation lights, as does the B2 and F-22 so any assertion that they are never turned on is absurd. If your only desire here is to ridicule, wont you please find another thread better suited to your sadistic traits? Thanks!

The F-117, B-2, and F-22 use their lights when they are using cleared flight plans along with radar reflectors. While the F-117 program was still black, so were they.
If the "stealth blimp" were flying with lights on, it would most likely be with a flight plan, etc. just like other aircraft.
Orionblamblam said:
Oh, *of* *course*. How silly of me to not recognize that an important feature of trying to remain invisible is to have Giant Flashing Neon Lights. To get to truly Romulan levels of stealth, though, what these blimps really need is a 1.21 gigawatt sound system blasting out Marilyn Manson tunes. Maybe also towing giant illuminated banners displaying hard-core porn. Then *nobody" would know they're there!

Actually (he said, slightly tongue-in-cheek) I think it would depend on your exact definition of "stealth".

Do as Orionblamblam suggests (maybe not the porn though - these are sensitive people we're talking about ;) ). Or paint it bright red and stencil "VIRGIN" all over it, so everybody assumes it's just Branson's latest publicity stunt. Who'd guess they were looking at the NRO's latest ELINT platform, tapping into the cellphone network and the wi-fi internet connections ? ;D

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
Michel Van wrote :

normaly a Blimp are big round thing that move slow
but in 1950's up to 1970's were several inflatable projects.
like Navy inflatable, ram-jet powered Ox-cart proposal,2978.msg23982.html#msg23982

so can it be, they build a Blimb in form deltawing as spyplane ?

My answer : see

sublight said:
This is the "Secret projects" forum isn't it?

I think you might be confusing this site with Above Top Secret. The whole point of the Secret Projects Forum is that it deals with tangible evidence (drawings, photos, models, press releases, interviews, etc.) of little-known or classified programs. Does that involve some speculation? Of course, and often times a fair bit of guesswork too. But hearsay isn't tangible evidence and neither are most eyewitnesses. ATS will spin theories about possible projects based on the thinest hint of an eyewitness claim; SPF holds to a more rigorous standard.
Michel Van said:
duibuqi said:
My answer : see

Thanks for links duibuqi


Found a February 1995 mail on google groups (search for : aereon skunk)

<<Using my trusty CD-ROM tepehone directory, I managed to find the Aereon
(note the extra "e") Corporation. Their full address is:

Aereon Corp.
20 Nassau
Princeton, NJ 08542-4509
Tel: (609) 921-2131

I called and spoke to a very pleasant young man who was relatively new to
the company. He told me that the company had been employed by the Navy in
a project to build a heavier-than-air aircraft to house a radar system.
He was less knowlegeable about other projects in the years between 1973 and
the present. He did say that the company had been honored by Small
Business Awards from the government. So apparently the company is well

It seems that this Aereon company often works for the military.

Best wishes.
NOW this is ringing a bell with me.
I do recall that posting in 1995. At the time I was actually living *in* Princeton and did swing by their offices. 20 Nassau at the time was the beginning of the Princeton shopping district, with Nassau itself being the main drag in Princeton just like many other college towns. Above the shopping are small offices, which is where Aereon was. My impression was that Aereon is just another company of academics who input taxpayer money every few years and output paper.
While some of their concepts are interesting, I very much doubt the company could produce an operational aircraft even with a larger company as a partner.
guys, don't play with overquoting please
Orionblamblam said:
Final, clinching, undeniable PROOF!!!!
Well howabout applying those debunking skills to the radar report and explain what was flying around in the military operation area with those F16's? :)
sublight said:
Orionblamblam said:
Final, clinching, undeniable PROOF!!!!
Well howabout applying those debunking skills to the radar report and explain what was flying around in the military operation area with those F16's? :)

Lots of things fly around with F-16's. As to the "Phoeinx sigting," it was A-10's dropping flares. As for the triangular blimp hoaxing itself around Europe, there'd be enough hardware on board to power the lights that it would show up on radar.

A "stealth blimp" that shows up on radar and has banks of bright lights would kinda defeat the purpose, don't you think?

If the envelope of the blimp is made out of the right material, it'll show up quite well on radar. I seem to recall - but cannot find, so YMMV - that Pink Floyd had a gig in West Germany/West Berlin aroudn thirty years ago, when one of their inlatable pigs broke loose and floated off into East German airspace, where it was radar tracked and MiGs were sent to intercept it.
sublight said:
Please humor me and read through this:

"The witness indicated that both his dogs were scared. This is the only report of animal reaction to the object."

Obviously the Stealth Blimp is a vehicle for neutralizing guard dogs.
sublight said:
Please humor me and read through this:

Page 6: witnesses report an object that was large and very bright; picked up by radar. Yup that's STEALTH all right.
The Vulture RFP specifies that it be NOT an airship and/or nuclear powered. All the submissions are, as far as I know, solar powered aircraft.
I believe there are other blimp projects under US army's space and missile defense command aegis, namely Lockheed's High Altitude Airship (HAA).

see this week's aviation week, p46.
AeroFranz said:
The Vulture RFP specifies that it be NOT an airship and/or nuclear powered.
Interesting that they specifically mention nuclear power. I thought the last time that was even considered was the Convair X-6....
sublight said:
AeroFranz said:
The Vulture RFP specifies that it be NOT an airship and/or nuclear powered.
Interesting that they specifically mention nuclear power. I thought the last time that was even considered was the Convair X-6....

The short-lived thrill of hafnium isomers gave the promise of nuclear aircraft, just a few years ago.
The thrill of nuclear isomer triggering (though not necessarily Hafnium 178m2) continues; the Army, Navy and DTRA have known projects still working on isomer triggering - or quantum nucleonics as it tends to be called these days - and there may be other black projects out there.
However, because of the cost factors it's likely to be confined to small niche applications and not anythign as big as a full-sized aircraft.,2420.msg23479.html#msg23479
Here is something interesting. Its an FAA recording made in 1995, apparently one of the earliest known stealth blimp sightings.
It was seen by the pilots of America West Airlines Flight 564.
I remember, back in the 1990's, a Brit was proposing a delta winged LTA for a cargo plane. I think I read about it in PopSci or PopMech. Unfortunately, that was all I ever saw on it.

Of course, the purpose of it is that it makes it easier to control if it's wing shaped. I don't recall if it was like the new Hybrid aircraft, like Lock-Mart flew, where it isn't a complete LTA vehicle, in that the boyancy is just under the weight of the vehicle so that it needs to develop some lift to fly.
There was a segment on the discovery channel about this tonight. They interviewed Steve Douglass....
Stealth Chaser Steve Douglass talks about taping the Stealth Blimp segment on the Discovery Channel....

Dr. Adam Chu Chief Scientist at Global near space services has an interesting resume:

"Dr. Chu worked on concepts for powered blimp applications in the late 1980s, primarily in the systems analysis role. He helped design a phased array radar integrated into a powered, station-keeping stratospheric blimp"....
What did Ben Rich say? The public doesn't need to know. What I find interesting here, and elsewhere on the web, is an almost psychotic skepticism. Perhaps, one day, people will get tired of it, but so far, the trend is stable.

Electro-optical camouflage is possible now. How long was the "stealth fighter" a secret? A triangular craft with a flat bottom was one of the shapes for a low radar return as determined in the 1950s. Defense contractors need the business.
edwest said:
Electro-optical camouflage is possible now.

Although I don't think it's what most people think it is. Most people think of fish and lizards that change color to mask them against a static background. With aircraft, I think it's just a skin lighting system, a modern version of Yehudi lights, that matches the scattered light at whatever altitude the aircraft is flying to eliminate the "black dot" effect.

I know, it has *that* TLA in the title and it's hardly a photograph but why would thousands of people all see something huge, low-flying and triangular in such a, well, non-DET 3 place?

Mass hysteria? Aliens? LM Skunkworks string snapped?

On the other hand, you have the best UFO report ever, bar none:

SAN FRANCISCO - On the evening of Super Bowl Sunday, January 30, 2000, I was hauling up a line of crab traps off Faralon Island aboard our 25' boat. My dog started to bark furiously. I looked up and saw a huge triangular object hovering above with NO sound.

I was hit by a beam of white light and fell backward. I grabbed my Ruger 10-22 rifle loaded with a 100 round banana magazine and stared firing as fast as I could until the clip was empty. I was able to shoot out the light.

While grabbing for a second clip, I saw a hatch open up on the bottom side of the object and two people leaned down to yell, "STOP SHOOTING AT US YOU IDIOT."

The only other noise I heard was a hissing sound like air escaping from a flat tire. As the object moved off to the south, I saw a helicopter come out off the top and move in next to my boat about 20 feet off the water and only feet away. Someone in the side door held up a camera and the flash shot off a picture of me in the boat holding the rifle.

The helicopter made no noise and had no markings on it. It was solid flat black as was the huge Triangle. The chopper then took off toward the Golden Gate Bridge climbing up.

The Triangle slowing gained altitude and was last seen heading south. At first I thought it was an alien UFO and was genuinely startled by it. However, I now believe it was an experimental military platform for transporting a small fleet of black helicopters that leave and enter out of the top of a huge silent floating triangle the size of a football field. A rigid airship if you will.

Interesting that this thread assumes surveillance when force projection or prompt global strike is an equally likely contender.

You also have Bob Woodward's "top secret" which he states is in use over CENTCOM's back yard for ELINT purposes - indubitably there's not an Iraqi Telecom building in the country that doesn't have a crosslink to Cyprus but maybe as well we have a persistent platform hoovering up everything from above?

There's plenty of circumstantial evidence out there for LTA/dirigible platforms, but as stated earlier it's the nuts and bolts, the line items and squadron patches and logistical infrastructure that is lacking.
After the Reagan administration took office they embarked on what could only be described as a staggering number of psyops and penetration exercises against the Soviets. Testing a new platform or terrorizing the populace of Hudson Valley at a time when the movie "close encounters" is still fresh in the public mind would not make a lot of sense, yet thousands of witnesses all made the same claims. I wonder if the CIA had knowledge of Soviet spies living in the area and knew they'd report their sightings back to the motherland? That would drive the politburo bonkers with fear, and would definitely distract them from the stealth work going on at the same time at the other end of the continent....
I wonder if they could make the whole thing appear like a cloud... in a not so suspicious way
edwest said:
Electro-optical camouflage is possible now.

It's certainly possible to change the effective brightness of a plane (ie with Yehudi lights) some degree.
But daylight optical stealth is something else. And I'd be rather dubious if someone claimed that they could make a large blimp effectively invisible at night...unless you have some evidence?
Jeeze, you could paint anything black, including a giant blimp, and it would be near impossible to spot once its in an area not blazing with light pollution.
sublight said:
Jeeze, you could paint anything black, including a giant blimp, and it would be near impossible to spot once its in an area not blazing with light pollution.

Yes, it's jsut that easy. Fortunately, there's aren't bright little points of light in the night sky which, through being blotted out by a large black thing hovering in front of them, could point out the presence of a large black thing hovering in front of them.
Orionblamblam said:
sublight said:
Jeeze, you could paint anything black, including a giant blimp, and it would be near impossible to spot once its in an area not blazing with light pollution.

Yes, it's jsut that easy. Fortunately, there's aren't bright little points of light in the night sky which, through being blotted out by a large black thing hovering in front of them, could point out the presence of a large black thing hovering in front of them.

Yes, its "just" that easier-er. As long as you don't attract any attention, most people just don't notice. Of course the ones who do are just branded nutballs.
Helium has a very low heat capacity.
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