Star Wars, Star Trek and other Sci-Fi

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Finally, let me throw out the names of a couple other sf writers I quite enjoy, one somewhat known and one who appears to be somewhat obscure. The somewhat known one is Randall Garrett (his "Lord Darcy" stories would make an interesting series) and the little known one is Everett B. Cole who wrote primarily in Astounding/Analog and has some very interesting stories; his "Philosophical Corps" stories would make an interesting show concept, something of a combination of Star Trek and Mission: Impossible.
I just saw a video on Youtube that says they are going to have Jar Jar Binks in the new Kenobi series, who thought that was a good idea?
I just saw a video on Youtube that says they are going to have Jar Jar Binks in the new Kenobi series, who thought that was a good idea?
if he has become a evil sith lord, hell yes this is a good idea !!!
Not sticking up for another galaxy's political patsy,
but for those who remember his line: "Senators, General Delegates,
moy [ meaning himself] propose that we-sa [ meaning the Republic Senate] grant Emergency Powers....."

So sorry to ruin it, but technically Rep Binks didn't "give" the power to the Chancellor: he merely "ran the proposal up the flag pole" as the manipulated patsy... it was the majority % of the Republic Senate's "yea" votes are are just as much, or more, to blame for the outcome.

Just as it takes a majority rule of the US Congress to formally declare war, any theoretical Galactic Republic of a thousand-plus worlds wouldn't be so stupid so as to give the authority to a singular representative to decide "we-sa need goin' to war, so we-sa must give the Chancellor unbridled authority...".

But history shows it's easier to remember one name to put blame on, than to remember the several hundred others who agreed with their authorizing "yea" votes and actually made it possible.
Rayguns collection


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But history shows it's easier to remember one name to put blame on, than to remember the several hundred others who agreed with their authorizing "yea" votes and actually made it possible.
Yeah, but it matters a lot that it was moderate Senator Padme Amidala's office floating the proposal for emergency powers, and not some random hardliner. Padme had a bloc with her, and her office (including Rep. Binks) had a lot of influence.

The moderates and wishy washies would have seen a moderate bloc leader support Palps, and gone with the flow. Palps chose his patsy well.


Rest In Peace.
I never watched the re-boot of Battlestar Galactica when it was new but I've been watching it on the BBC and all I can say is; I wished I'd watched it when it was shown previously.

The 'Horror' channel has been showing the original BSG and whilst I think I saw it as a child, it's also really rather good - certainly better than I expected. However [and here it all goes downhill....], they've now moved on to the second series / Galactica 1980. Oh dear.... Where does one start? Somethings are so bad, they're good ('The Persuaders'?) but this is cringe-inducing, cheesey cr@p. I swear Lorne Greene grew that beard in an attempt to disguise himself ;)
Galactica 1980. Oh dear.... Where does one start?
Simple Glen a Larson & Universal wanted to make second season of BSG for 1979/80
But then came 20th Century with Army of lawyer and sued Universal for plagiarism, copyright infringement, unfair competition and Lanham Act claims.
That BSG is copy 37 ideas of SW what follow was a 2 years trial
in Meantime ABC canceled the show, the reasons to expensive cost, the issue with 20th Century.

During time Glen a Larson made Buck Rogers in the 25th Century series for NBC
Again a success, but here start problems, ABC restart BSG after they won the hearing.
Now Larson working for THREE Serie in same time Galactica 1980, Buck Rogers season 2 and Magnum P.I.
and left the work to co workers, while most actors from BSG season 1 were not Interessed or working in other Shows
the result: Galactica 1980, Buck Rogers S2 ended the show, while Magnum P.I. became cult classic !
I read for moment online sci-fi novel PREY by Paradigmblue

Here most intelligent Life in Galaxy are Herbivore (intelligence as Evolution advantage against Predators)
There for The League of Species consider Intelligent Predator as kind of Sci-fi story.
Although the newest member of League are odd...

There no picture of them and if they goes to meet the Members races
They are in environmental suits with opaque helmets and there body language makes the Herbivore nervous.

As The League of Species make first contact with the Rashans, it goes terrible wrong.
and League are force to take Military action against them
while Newbies claim the Rashans are Intelligent Predator something impossible.
And first Space Battle goes wrong for League, the Newbies manage to save the survivors.

While Rashans reveal to be a nightmare Predators who consider everything as prey, they can hunt and kill and eat !
The survival of League of Species, depends now on the Newbies, a Species called Humans !
There no picture of them and if they goes to meet the Members races
They are in environmental suits with opaque helmets . . .

Sounds like the Chigs in 'Space Above and Beyond' . . .

The survival of League of Species, depends now on the Newbies, a Species called Humans !

That's been done numerous times before... vast, old, civilized Galactic Federation looks down on those scruffy Humans, but then things go bonkers and they have to rely on those same humans to save their bacon.
That's been done numerous times before... vast, old, civilized Galactic Federation looks down on those scruffy Humans, but then things go bonkers and they have to rely on those same humans to save their bacon.
yes, and almost became a dead horse trope

what i like on PREY is that author manage to tell this story from perspective of Herbivore and Humans
and the question will the League of Species trust the humans or will the league dispose them after the conflict is won, as safety measure ?
Highly recommended. Oxygen or Oxygene (it's French). On Netflix. It's a classic science fiction 'problem story' in that someone has to figure out and solve a problem without sufficient information, finding out as they go along.

Points of interest: it has the test pilot ethos of "I tried A but that didn't work, I tried B but that didn't work, I tried C but that didn't work, I'm going to try D...' Mild spoiler: there's a
. Interestingly, it looks like a
design, something I haven't seen before in a film.

Here's a review. It's definitely not for the claustrophobic.

Last edited:
Oxygen has many of the aspects of Gravity.
Most intelligent Life in Galaxy are Herbivore


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The claw, which is estimated at more than 3,300 years old, has been valuable for researchers, as it has bones and tissue intact, giving opportunities to conduct studies.

The flesh-covered claw has resurfaced, and social media is buzzing, saying it looks like something out of science fiction.

Actor Mark Hamill commented on the bird claw on Twitter, joking that it looked like "a Rancor's hand," a reference to "Return of the Jedi," in which the character Luke Skywalker faced a hulking reptile-like alien.

Stop, you'll end up summoning the dreaded Spaceballs to our galactic neighborhood! Think of the children! Think of the planetary property prices!
I just realized that Anthony Tully, of Shattered Sword fame, contributed to Saxton's old analyses of the Battle of Endor. Small world.

Funny how that works. Decades ago I read an awesome short story called "Sandkings". Looked at it again a few days ago and noticed it was written by George R. R. Martin of Game of Thrones fame.
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