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Peter F Hamilton has some great titles and you get a lot of book for the money.
I'd like see Iain M. Banks Culture universe and Peter F. Hamilton's Commonwealth universe brought to the screen. Amazon was rumoured to be having a go at the Culture a while back but I've heard nothing more about it.
Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous With Rama would make a good film or mini series. Morgan Freeman and David Fincher were involved at one point but it never happened.
El Mercenario by SegrellesWhat i read of Sci-fi
next epic space opera of Perry Rhodan with over 3065 issue
Stephen Baxter, H.G. Wells, Arthur C. Clark, Robert L. Forward,
John Varley, Robert Heinlein, Larry Niven, Issac Asimov, Phillip E. High, Joe Haldeman,
Samuel R. Delany, Alfred Bester, Frank Herbert, Robert Silverberg, David Weber,
On Sci-if comic/manga
Yoko Tsuno, Blake and Mortimer, Dani Futuro, everything Carlos Giménez made, Valérian et Laureline,
AKIRA, Battle Angel Alita, Astro boy, Cobra, Captain Harlock, everything by Masamune Shirow, Dirty Pair,
everything by Jodorowsky like INCAL & Meta Barons,
Le Dernier Atlas, Simon de Fleuve, Les Naufragés du temps, Barbarella, Vagabond des Limbers, le cycle de Cyann, Metal Hurlant.
Storm, The Trigan Empire, 2000AD, Scarlet Traces, Shakara, Heavy Metal
ARGG i forgot him on my listEl Mercenario by Segrelles
And Ted NomuraARGG i forgot him on my listEl Mercenario by Segrelles
How about a serie in the wake of The Mandalorian ? series have different public, and this one proved something good can still be done out of the present Star Wars wreckage.
Star Wars: wrath of Thrawn. Thraaaaaawn !
Good news. Never bought the "star wars legends = non-canon = cast aside" thing. There are multiple ways to get around such issues
- time travel
- multiverse
- time travel and multiverse
A sequel or reboot to The Last Starfighter might work
Good news. Never bought the "star wars legends = non-canon = cast aside" thing. There are multiple ways to get around such issues
- time travel
- multiverse
- time travel and multiverse
The most recently announced Star Wars series for Disney+ was reported to be set in an "alternate history" Star Wars. If it gets made and that is in fact the case, then it makes it real easy for the fandom to simply write off the Sequel Trilogy as being set in a different, dumber universe, allowing for some other sequel series, perhaps the Thawn Trilogy, to be considered the "canon" followup to Return of the Jedi. Given that the new series is set to take the level of wokeness to unheard-of levels, being able to ignore large chunks of "offical" Star Wars in discussion of canon will become pretty common, much as it is with comic books. Look at the "Batman" movies: nobody complains that the recent "Joker" movie doesn't fit in with the canon of "Batman" from 1989, because it's just accepted that the Batman canon was broken apart *generations* ago. Star Trek is just about there, with the "Prime timeline" (so-named by the current license holders) including the 2008+ "Kelvin timeline" movies and STD and STP now considered wholly separate by the fans from the "canon timeline" which includes TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY, with "Enterprise" being somewhat debated.
While the exact plot is under wraps, but the series is understood to be a female-driven action thriller with martial arts elements and set in an alternate timeline from the usual Star Wars universe.
Fan pressure ledading to marginalization of the B.S as non-canon. I kind of like it, but how much time and movies will it take in the case of Star Wars ?
so far the "2010's trilogy" has been only a marginal improvement over the "1990's trilogy".
Series are vastly different from movies - different kind of pressure and constraints. Crucially, it is far easier to "save" a serie than a trilogy of movies.
I'd be happy to see anything "Rogue Oneish" set closely around the original trilogy (Solo/Kenobi/Fett/Andor/Vader) that fits in nicely and has their spirit.
There is no one from STD I'd want to meet.
This is true... and terribly damning. Some people have pointed to DS9 as the "dark side" of Trek, when other people point out how grimdark STD is... but the *characters* on DS9 are just plain interesting. Even the villains. Especially the villains. None of the mains on the prior iterations of Trek are really awful people. Some poorly conceived/written ones, sure, but nothing on the scale of STD. I mean... apart from Mikey Spock, Lorca and Abe Surupian, can you even *name* any of the main characters on the first season of STD? Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Sulu, Uhura, Rand, Chapel... you knew 'em, right quick.
I imagine meeting a Discovery character would be as excruciating as listening to a grumpy man-child rant about how someone in Star Wars had purple hair or the new She-Ra not having large enough breasts for his taste.
so far the "2010's trilogy" has been only a marginal improvement over the "1990's trilogy".
Which PR firm invented TheQuartering? Sargon of Akkad?
I've seen both of those guys rant at length about She-Ra's boobs.
It's hard to get more "woke" than The Expanse,
The magic is still out there, though, and it seems better to me to look for it than wallow in performative hypersensitivity like the guys peddling nerd rage on YouTube.
The JJ movies (the Kelvin Timeline) revived the franchise at the box office,
The magic is still out there, though, and it seems better to me to look for it than wallow in outrage like the guys peddling nerd rage on YouTube
The wokeness is not necessarily a problem,
It's hard to get more "woke" than The Expanse,
Disagree. Expanse is "diverse," but it's not hammered home as a political message. The diversity there is just a natural consequence rather than a goal. And that is an important way is "woke-agnostic."
You'll find more fake-nerd rage peddled on Twitter, such as the outrage when the Mandalorian turned out to be a guy, or when the protagonist in "Fallen order" turned out to be a white guy, or when Rose Tico - and objectively bad character - was largely written out of Skywalker.
No, it's actually woke. Like Star Trek at its best it directly confronts injustice of varying types, militarism, and colonialism with compelling stories and characters. Both franchises are far more political than Star Wars in my opinion.
It has been weaponized against the fans.
No one has greater "control" either. Not when 100 million plus is on the line