SpaceX (general discussion)

Not a persian cat, but close enough...


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Starship SN8 has had its forward section stacked, making this the first time we've had a full Starship vehicle stacked since the Starship Mk1 was mocked up for the September 2019 presentation:


I personally predict that the 15km flight will happen in the first week of November, though a lot can happen between now and then. SN8 has also had one of its three Raptor engines removed, with its replacement on-site but yet to be installed.

We're also still expecting a presentation sometime soon, possibly before the 15km flight; as part of that, SpaceX has painted one of the prototype nosecones and it's expected that SN5 will be turned into a Lunar Starship variant mock-up:

The Spacex lunar lander is depicted with a white finish in the CGI's. May be marketing or may be thermal management.

Spacex Lunar Lander.jpg
Last Starling launch was a celebration for SpaceX

It's the 100th launch since Falcon 1 on march 24, 2006 !
For moment they flow 5 Falcon 1, 95 Falcon 9 (and 3 as Falcon Heavy)
with 56 successful landings and 2 failure.
Not bad
It's really a disavowal for the subsedized rocket industry and over regulation in general (SpaceX could never have been in the administrative context of the pseudo soviet EU).
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Info via NSF but the NROL-108 launch on
NextSpaceflight says the booster will be B1059.5. Meaning B1059 is the first time a booster does three RTLS (also all RTLS's this year were B1059) and also the first time an external customer uses a fifth flight booster:

Curious if there's been any sub scale little RC planes or anything tested to make sure that control scheme actually works!?


We’ve tested a sub-scale version in a wind tunnel with active aero closing the loop for stability, so it will probably work at scale, but reality tends to bite you on the ass

Hey @elonmusk will SpaceX livestream the 15km hop. The excitement for this flight is unlike anything ive ever seen. Understandably its a test, but it would be a great way to help get more people excited about the program! More people have seen the 150m hop than the ITS animation!


Sure, although it might be quite a short livestream! Lot can go wrong, but we’ll provide video, warts & all. You will see every frame that we do.
Doesn't changing the engine on a refurbished booster add an extra layer of risk?
It's not like those things are yet sort of plug'n play.
Doesn't changing the engine on a refurbished booster add an extra layer of risk?
It's not like those things are yet sort of plug'n play.
Simplicity has its virtues: the Merlin is not the plumber's nightmare of other engines in its class; a simple gas generator cycle, pintle injector, hypergolic start, etc. makes for a plug'n play engine package indeed. They make these things like popcorn.
Doesn't changing the engine on a refurbished booster add an extra layer of risk?
It's not like those things are yet sort of plug'n play.
As opposed to leaving it as-is? Or should they just throw the whole booster in the dumpster anytime something goes out of spec?
Due to the scrub by ULA Space X is now a go on the range for today. So as they say go Space X & go GPS III SV04.
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