This guy posted more pics of that EW Ratel,from f/book.
Looks to be based on the Ratel-81 mortar carrier.


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Yep,deffo based on the mortar carrier.

Apologies from me,it has been suggested that this varient actually carried a AA warning radar and was not EW. Hopefully more info will emerge,even if its now almost 25yrs after the fact.
curious george said:
Yep,deffo based on the mortar carrier.

Apologies from me,it has been suggested that this varient actually carried a AA warning radar and was not EW. Hopefully more info will emerge,even if its now almost 25yrs after the fact.

I've never heard of an AA warning radar on the Ratel. I must say though, that the pictures do seem to point in this direction.

Can anybody identify that antennae array? I assume that it can be raised higher?

May I also conribute a little?

This is from Venter's: How SA made six atomic bombs.

It was supposed to be end up in the 4-stage ballistic rocket.



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This is the Mechem Yster Arend (Iron Eagle).

Does anyone know what or for whom this vehicle was designed for? Paratroopers or special forces perhaps?

There is a picture below of one in Yugoslavia, so it's from the early 90's at least.

How many of these were made?


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At you've got such info:

A new armoured fighting vehicle for paratroops was unveiled in South Africa late last year. It has been developed by Mechem Consultants (a Denel company) to meet the requirements of South African Defence Force (SADF) parachute battalions for an air-droppable mine and ballistic-protected support vehicle to replace a local adaptation of the ageing Ferret scout car. Following prototype testing and adoption by the SADF, which named the vehicle Ysterarend or Iron Eagle after the South African paratroop insignia, the design is now being industrialized prior to production. The initial order quantity is expected to be around 50, and Mechem has started to promote the Iron Eagle for the wider infantry, reconnaissance, and rapid-deployment forces' markets. For logistics commonality reasons, and in view of the very large number of components and spares of this kind held in South Africa, it was stipulated from the outset that Iron Eagles should be based on Mercedes Benz Unimog truck components. It was further stipulated that three vehicles should be transportable in a C-130 Hercules aircraft, which can carry only two ferrets. The Mechem designers have accordingly come up with a 4t 4x5 vehicle, whose monocoque hull is 3,600mm long, 2,100mm wide, and 1,740mm high. Its low profile, and its low centre of gravity which gives good rough terrain and sideslope mobility, have been achieved at some sacrifice to the Unimog's traditionally high ground clearance. Even so, the Iron Eagle improves upon the Ferret in this regard. The front and rear live axles are fitted with coil springs and hydraulic dampers, the wheels being fitted with large 12.5x20 radial tyres to reduce ground pressure.

Best regards,
Thanks Piotr.

That is good info, including some basic specs.

I thought, looking at the first picture, that it was perhaps aimed at the paratroopers as an armoured prime mover for their 106mm's as mentioned in my first post, to replace the Ferret.

I take it this was cancelled? I have not seen any pictures nor reports of it in South African service.
I wonder if that is not part of the upcoming GBADS system, which is a land Umkhonto SAM containerised system.


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It is certainly one of the Reutech radars, but I am not sure which one, it is probably the ESR220 though.

The system being used for GBADS 2 is called RSR320 or DBR-XL

Reutech Radar:
The vehicle, as stated before, is the Spanish Aljaba 8x8 that was produced by South Africa as the Cavallo and Skimmel. It has differences with the Spanish truck, among them an armoured mine-proof cab and A-frame crane.

The uprated SAMIL 8x8, a version of which was pictured earlier in the thread, was originally going to be aquired, but after the Cold War and Apartheid, the producer of it, Truckmakers, went out of business. The gear developed for the SAMIL 8x8 vehicles was transferred to the Cavallo/Skimmel.

It has a Deutz engine and ZF transmission, and thus shares a level of commonality with other South African military vehicles.

Over 70 have been produced and there are other applications, current and proposed, so I suspect this will be the basis of a range of 8x8 vehicles for the SANDF for the forseeable future.

On the truck subject, would that 8x8 SAMIL have been the same one as the gun tractor that is earlier in the thread?
JFC Fuller said:

On the truck subject, would that 8x8 SAMIL have been the same one as the gun tractor that is earlier in the thread?

Yes. On page 2, reply 16.

That was obviously the armoured gun tractor version of what was to be a family of 8x8 SAMIL based vehicles.

Well, a prototype at least.

From what I can gather, Truckmakers developed an uprated 8x8 version of their SAMIL which would have been used in a variety of roles. This vehicle is obviously representative of this, in prototype form at least.
The political changes locally and globally changed that.

It is also worth bearing in mind that South Africa sourced 8x8 MAN vehicles as well at the time, as shown in this thread, but I suspect these were stopgaps or to be used in limited application roles.
The Albatross was built by TFM in limited numbers.

Does anyone know how many were built, and when?


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Strangely enough, this is what I have labeled as Albatross in my files. The remote control MG turret is shown clearly.


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Hmmmm, those two are different vehicles.

Never seen that before. Do you have other interesting stuff in your files?
Looking at that Albatross vehicle CostasTT posted, the logo on the front grill makes me thing it is based on the SAMAG or SAKOM truck.

I think that these were simplified SAMIL trucks, often without all-wheel drive but not always, that were aimed at rear echelon areas or the civil market. They were fitted with an ADE (Atlantis Diesel Engines) engine.

Still no idea what the vehicle I posted above is though.


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Ok,some wild speculation on my side:

The "albatros", could also likely be mercedes-based vehicles.Reason being that at the time(and from what I remember seeing around base)that the SAP/Koevoet used a few merc 6 x 6 trucks for (onroad/tar) logistics between their base/Rundu in sector 20.Also the fuel tanks remind of those for some reason,but its been 25yrs +,so...

At the time the SADF heavily used other merc products,the most obvious being the unimog range serving as the basis for plenty vehicles.CSI(read Unita) extensively used merc 6 x 6 (dark green,),and Gelandewagen for their logistics effort,etc on our side of the border.Models I'm thinking off similar looking to the 2232/2225(6 x 4),2026ish 6 x 6 ...(chinese version was XC2030 or similar),etc.
Two vehicles on the left MAN 8x8 vehicles?


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kaiserbill said:
Looking at that Albatross vehicle CostasTT posted, the logo on the front grill makes me thing it is based on the SAMAG or SAKOM truck.

I think that these were simplified SAMIL trucks, often without all-wheel drive but not always, that were aimed at rear echelon areas or the civil market. They were fitted with an ADE (Atlantis Diesel Engines) engine.

Still no idea what the vehicle I posted above is though.

kaiserbill said:
Hmmmm, those two are different vehicles.

Never seen that before. Do you have other interesting stuff in your files?

Thanks for the information and the help, gentlemen.
@ kaiserbill: Yes, I have some. Drop me a pm if you want something specific and I'll see if I have it.

*nice snap*


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Looks in poor nick. I believe only 2 were built and wonder where the other one is?
panzerskool said:
Looks in poor nick. I believe only 2 were built and wonder where the other one is?

I recently spoke to someone that has a bit more info on this and was told that there were more than two built , way more than the 3 I was led to believe. But these have left our shores during production.

I was also led to believe it is going to Bloemfontein when I took that pic , but could not get any closer.
Dinges said:
panzerskool said:
Looks in poor nick. I believe only 2 were built and wonder where the other one is?

I recently spoke to someone that has a bit more info on this and was told that there were more than two built , way more than the 3 I was led to believe. But these have left our shores during production.

I was also led to believe it is going to Bloemfontein when I took that pic , but could not get any closer.

Where could hey possibly have gone to? In those embargo days, I think only Morrocco used the Ratel.
kaiserbill said:
Dinges said:
panzerskool said:
Looks in poor nick. I believe only 2 were built and wonder where the other one is?

I recently spoke to someone that has a bit more info on this and was told that there were more than two built , way more than the 3 I was led to believe. But these have left our shores during production.

I was also led to believe it is going to Bloemfontein when I took that pic , but could not get any closer.

Where could hey possibly have gone to? In those embargo days, I think only Morrocco used the Ratel.

Two countries were mentioned in our discussions over a couple of cold ones , but I would rather wait until I can verify it before naming them.
Jordan also used Ratels. not sure you have to be a Ratel user to have a use for a Ratel Log?

Thats the tank carrier from Panzer Skool, my old stomping ground
kaiserbill said:
Reply no 2 on the first page on this thread featured a 6 wheeled Casspir. Below are 2 further pictures of this vehicle.

This Sesspir is the same as the cammo one in the first couple of threads. The brown one's call sign was 22 and later changed to 17 (with the cammo colours) with B-coy at 101 bn. The nose was later remove as it was deemed unessisary and didn't work as it should. The differentials were ZF as opposed to the normal Mercedes Benz on all the other casspirs. Armemant was a Hispano 20mm cannon flanked by Browning .30 cal machine guns. The photo of the cammo Sesspir was taken by me. Just a pitty I couldn't take more photos. A bit scared in those days. But what an awsome machine. Quick repairable in the field after hitting a mine. Miss those days
swan101 said:
kaiserbill said:
Reply no 2 on the first page on this thread featured a 6 wheeled Casspir. Below are 2 further pictures of this vehicle.

This Sesspir is the same as the cammo one in the first couple of threads. The brown one's call sign was 22 and later changed to 17 (with the cammo colours) with B-coy at 101 bn. The nose was later remove as it was deemed unessisary and didn't work as it should. The differentials were ZF as opposed to the normal Mercedes Benz on all the other casspirs. Armemant was a Hispano 20mm cannon flanked by Browning .30 cal machine guns. The photo of the cammo Sesspir was taken by me. Just a pitty I couldn't take more photos. A bit scared in those days. But what an awsome machine. Quick repairable in the field after hitting a mine. Miss those days

Welcome aboard.

So more than one Sesspir was made?
I am not very sure how many Sesspirs were built. I only know that 101Bn had one. I will ask one of the older hands there how many we had. Some other people say two. Will get back on this one.
kaiserbill said:
kaiserbill said:
Some interesting vehicles in there indeed, Curious George.

Post 364, the post just above this:

1st picture, the beige vehicle, is a vehicle that was based on the Toyota Landcruiser. I saw one of them deployed in the violence in Kwa-Zulu Natal in around 1990. The cab is armoured and mine-proofed.

2nd photo shows the Hyena. 221 were built from 1972, so don't really count as a prototype. It was the first mine protected troop transporter taken into service.

3rd photo is the Hippo APC as discussed already. About 300 were built from around the same time as the Hyena ie: early 1970's.

4th photo seems to be a development of the Rooikat from 1981, which was a conversion for civilians based on the Ford F100 I think.
This one looks different though, and seems to have features of the vehicle in photo 1 as opposed to the normal Rooikat.

5th photo, the camoflaged vehicle, I'm not sure of. The name Swerwe seems to be distantly ringing bells in my head. I wonder if it was not a full armoured development of the Ribbok vehicle developed during the 1970's?

This camoflaged vehicle appears to be called the Kudu. It was a monocoque design based on Land Rover running gear. 4 seated in the back in staggered outward facing seats I think, with a driver up front. designed for light patrol tasks, I have no idea whether it was actually produced beyond trials vehicles?

Which does leave a similar looking, but larger vehicle out there called the Swerwe or Swerwer, unless my memory is playing tricks on me.

I think this was the Swerwer. My dad was a mechinic in the police. He used to curse these vehicles as they always broke down. Don't think the Land Rover components could handle the weight. They were forever standing waiting for spares. The Kudu I think was bases on the Ford F250 (Don't quote me on it)
kaiserbill said:
CG, as I'm sure you know, your Posts 357 and 359 shows the Ingwe.
I too do not know how many of these were produced.

As far as I can ascertain, Sandock Austral completed development of the Ingwe relatively rapidly in the 1980's, after which a small batch was manufactured for trials with the SA Army in 1986. Apart from this small batch, it has been mentioned that perhaps a small batch was also sold to mining companies as security vehicles. It was a 13 ton monocoque vehicle, and utilised MAN axles and transmission, and a turbo charged ADE352T engine.
So I'd imagine that from these 2 small trial batches, you would have seen some exported when there was an urgent need for vehicles of this type by some in a Middle Eastern country recently?

The Ingwe was tested at 101Bn. The guys did not like the vehicle (reasond unbeknown to me). If and when there is another reunion I will find out why and post. Should be towards the end of the year.
The latest news regarding the Sesspir is that 101Bn only had one. They had one on trial in 1987. The one in the photo's was delivered beginning 1988.
Courtesy of Costa, here are some views of the ZA-35 SPAAG developed on an extended Rooikat chassis. I've not seen these ones before.


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Here are the rest of the pics, and backround info, as can be found in the Rooikat thread.

One wonders why this wasn't produced, as it looks like a well thought out design, with commonality pluses with the Rooikat fleet. It was one of those projects that suffered due to the ending of the Cold War. There have been reports that some of the tech was further developed and found its way into the Polish Loara project.


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More. The article dates from Armed Forces magazine November 1991.


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The poster says this pic was taken in 1985 at Lohatla,the Army Battle School.Please note the MAN next to the G6 proto.(F/book group[: "Grensoorlog / border war 1966-1989"


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