Small UAS / Drones and related general thread - NOT Swarming ones.

Dive bombing drones now a widely published technique, not that people would doubt its coming though.

Also some reports of aerial drone deployed minefields, but that is also totally expected.

Well, everyone is talking about autonomy
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The only jam proof munition is an unguided one, or at best one that relies only on an internal INS, which won't provide an accurate terminal phase.
About dive-bombing drones, there's a possibility that FPV drones undergo similar evolution as WW1 fighters. First recon, then light attack, and then increasing attack of better sophistication and accuracy.

What's missing is a counter-quadcopter fighter.
Well, this really isn't high tech (but is it a ripoff?)

APS won't work, need real interception range

I wonder if this design might at some point be deployed over Ukraine ?
I think this is the first picture of the T-650 casualty evacuation pod, pictured at WDS 2024 by Army Recognition.


Yeah the MASH helicopter is the Bell H-13D which was first flight 1945 and ordered by the army in 1948, the ones I showed are the Sikorsky H-5 which is older seeing service between Feb 1945 and 1957 with first flight in 1943.
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Yeah the MASH helicopter is the Bell H-13D which was first flight 1945 and ordered by the army in 1948, the ones I showed are the Sikorsky H-5 which is older seeing service between Feb 1945 and 1957 with first flight in 1943.
Wow, I had no idea Sikorsky went all the way back to WWII with its flight testing.
Their H-4 was the first commercial helicopter in the world test flying in 1942, though the German Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drache which first flew in 1940 was the first mass production, entering production in 1942 the factory was almost immediately bombed destroying the first 7 serial production and 2 prototypes, only 20 were finished during the war as every time they moved to a new factory they ended up getting bombed.
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It is noted that the Iranian side announced the starting price of the Shahed attack drone at 23 million roubles per unit (about US$375,000). However, during the negotiations, an agreement was reached at the level of 12 million roubles per unit, when ordering 6,000 units (about US$193,000) or 18 million roubles (about US$290,000) when ordering 2,000 units.

According to other published documents, at least part of the Russian Federation's financial transactions and payments with Iran are made in gold.

Amazing to see how much they pay. The massification of Terror via UAS isn't much cheaper today than in 1944.

In effect Mr Putin is trading Russian's people gold heritage for concrete dust (and sadly a small share of Ukrainian (as European volunteers) blood).
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Dive bombing drones now a widely published technique, not that people would doubt its coming though.

Also some reports of aerial drone deployed minefields, but that is also totally expected.

Well, everyone is talking about autonomy
Wouldn't a steerable highly directional antenna make jamming essentially impossible? It would mean that the jammer would have to be right on top of the controlling radio source, which of course is highly impractical. I'm sure this has been explored before.
Wouldn't a steerable highly directional antenna make jamming essentially impossible? It would mean that the jammer would have to be right on top of the controlling radio source, which of course is highly impractical. I'm sure this has been explored before.

This is how SABR-Y/M works, from what I understand
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Amazing to see how much they pay. The massification of Terror via UAS isn't much cheaper today than in 1944.

In effect Mr Putin is trading Russian's people gold heritage for concrete dust (and sadly a small share of Ukrainian (as European volunteers) blood).
You are taking like they would be melting down museum pieces for gold .They are worlds 3rd largest gold producer.
Even if the prices are true its something like 1.8billion $ for 6000 dones , peanuts in what West has been puring into Ukraine

"A group of allies is going to join forces and transfer 1,000,000 drones to Ukraine, while 20 NATO allies have also agreed to create a mine clearance coalition for Ukraine," NATO chief Stoltenberg said.
More BS , just recap the 155mm shell stories,
Been lurking a few months reading a bunch of threads before finally deciding to make an account. One thing I keep thinking about is drone and cruise missile defense for warships and the cost of a ESSM or a SM.

With Textron making the Aerosonde for the LCS, would a large quadcopter or something similar to the Aerosonde armed with AIM 9X II make sense? Arm that with two of those, or two JAGM for small boat defense and always have one or two loitering around the ship. With a 3 hour endurance and a few on ship you can keep a near 24/7 patrol going for a while, and AIM 9's are cheaper than ESSM or SM. Whole package wouldn't take up that much space either. Put a data link on the drone so it gets targeting info from the ship to keep the cost down. Arming the MQ8 could result in a similar capability too.

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