I am greatly puzzled by the number of small and apparently lightweight designs presented. Aside from the ramjet fighter and another substantial looking design, it is a mystery as to the function of most of these aircraft. I also find the Czech language very complicated. I can read Russian once the Cyrillic characters are translated to Latin. I would like to remind everyone about the Protectorates, Bohemia and Moravia. Here is a book that covers events there near the end of the war.
Nebe nad protektorátem 1945 - Epizody z letecké války nad českými zeměmi
A description in English using Google translate:
In past decades, they were published in low-cost or defunct periodicals, or have not yet been published at all. It does not lack the air force of the key protagonists of the air war in our country in the last year of the war: German, American, British and Soviet. Another criterion is the "genre" variety: bombing attacks, deep air raids on airports, "boiler" attacks on railways and, of course, air matches on both the Western and Eastern fronts - day and night. All of this seen primarily through the lens of the pilots themselves, no matter what the markings of their machines were. But not only them. Also those below - German staff officers, occupation authorities and protectorate gendarmes. But also Czech civilians, looking for salvation from the bombs in shelters, from the bullets of boilermakers in the nearest trench, or just observing the battles and events in the sky in amazement. Some other lesser-known aspects and episodes, which co-created the backdrop of the end of the air war on our territory, also found their place here. "If it weren't for Jiří Rajlich, we would know absolutely nothing about the air war over Bohemia and Moravia... he was the first to open the door to this hitherto unexplored topic... he was the first to start serious historical research on air warfare." Years-old statement from the website, dedicated to the air war over Czechoslovakia, still has its validity and due weight.
Spoločnosť Magnet Press Slovakia už tridsaťdva rokov pôsobí na českom a slovenskom časopiseckom a knižnom trhu. Ponúkame knihy a časopisy z oblasti military, letectva, histórie, modelárstva, poľovníctva, rybárstva, kynológie, IT, gastronómie, módy, ako aj detské časopisy a knihy.