Site Upgrade Completed - post your feedback here!

The counter for attachment views works differently than before (and, IMHO, incorrectly). It basically used to count the number of downloads for a specific attachment. Now it counts the number of times a page is refreshed. This leads to weird statistics, like "jpg viewed 50 times" on a topic viewed only 20 times. It's not catastrophic -- just odd.
The new look renders flawlessly in Opera. The new unread notification is much better solution than one used in old version of the forum. Looks cleaner and easier to navigate.
A suggestion: Could the larger embedded pictures be automatically re sized to fit screen?
circle-5 said:
The counter for attachment views works differently than before (and, IMHO, incorrectly). It basically used to count the number of downloads for a specific attachment. Now it counts the number of times a page is refreshed. This leads to weird statistics, like "jpg viewed 50 times" on a topic viewed only 20 times. It's not catastrophic -- just odd.

Its most likely due to the new image rendering code, which is a plugin called Highslide. Not much I can do about it, but it does make much less sense.
Strange, I now to have the C3 favicon... I reinstalled ff4 in another directory to test something and now I have a another favicon for this site..
Paul, did you add a favicon of your own, or still on the todo-list?
I would perhaps like the missile projects section before or after the space one. This would produce a more logical progression from more to less aviation related subjects IMHO. Overall I'm pleased with the upgrade.
fund a littel bug
if i try click on Hello "Username" to access my profile
it end up at Forum Donate page...

I have Brand new iMac
and use Safari ver 5.0.5 (6533.21.1)
pometablava said:
"Post reply" doesn't work on iPad. Specifically I can't type text on "post reply" window. Everything else works ok and, for instance, text can introduced into the "search" tool...

Anybody else has found it?
Yes, I can't reply on an iPad either. Any idea why yet overscan?
if i try click on Hello "Username" to access my profile
it end up at Forum Donate page...
Same here with a PC running Opera...

Also on the 'Post Reply' page, can we have the 'Post' button a bit more prominent, please....

SteveO said:
pometablava said:
"Post reply" doesn't work on iPad. Specifically I can't type text on "post reply" window. Everything else works ok and, for instance, text can introduced into the "search" tool...

Anybody else has found it?
Yes, I can't reply on an iPad either. Any idea why yet overscan?

This will probably be the default WYSIWYG editing mode which relies on some complex client side Javascript.

Try going to Profile - Edit Profile - Look and Layout - untick

Show WYSIWYG editor on post page by default.

and see if that now works.

Failing that - buy a real computer :)

(Not an Apple fan... ;)
Absolutely love the site's new look and layout.
Beautifully clean and very easy on the eye.
;D B)
pometablava mentioned problems when using an iPad. I'm at the opposite end of the technological curve -- PC with Windows 98 + Firefox.

I can type (or paste) in the 'Post Reply' window but, when I try to 'Post', I receive this:

The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
The message body was left empty.

The same occurs with sending Private Messages (where none of the font functions, emoticons, etc., work either).

I've also tried the 'Edit' function on previous messages. In this case, I was able to 'Save' the edited page but, once posted, it ignored my typed addition and stripped out all of the existing type formatting.

BTW: I'm replying on a borrowed laptop (Windows 2000/Firefox).

I know that there is a user accessability cost to running an ancient OS. Part of the web is already off-limits to those who can't afford to upgrade. I will understand if accommodating W98 is not in the cards.
Same issueas the iPads I think. I have unticked "WYSIWYG" mode on your profile, does that fix things?
Well, let's see ... ;D

It did, it did! Thanks and well done Paul.
overscan said:
SteveO said:
pometablava said:
"Post reply" doesn't work on iPad. Specifically I can't type text on "post reply" window. Everything else works ok and, for instance, text can introduced into the "search" tool...

Anybody else has found it?
Yes, I can't reply on an iPad either. Any idea why yet overscan?

This will probably be the default WYSIWYG editing mode which relies on some complex client side Javascript.

Try going to Profile - Edit Profile - Look and Layout - untick

Show WYSIWYG editor on post page by default.

and see if that now works.

Failing that - buy a real computer :)

(Not an Apple fan... ;)
Cheers overscan, works fine now.

Used my real computer to report the issue ;)
Just noticed, all my received PMs prior to the upgrade have disappeared.........

I've noticed that copy-pasting from some members results in importing the original fonts into the messages, including the size, too!

For the sake of visual coherence, it would be good if this could be avoided, and all text appeared by default in the same size and same font...
The WYSIWYG editing mode doesn't work on ipads/iphones. You can disable it from your user profile or click Toggle View button above (mouse pointer in red brackets)

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