Site Upgrade Completed - post your feedback here!

Very pleased wit the upgrade, one question: When you get new private messages, will a ntification appear on the main page after you've logged in, as before, or will we have to take the tremendously complicated and laborius step of clicking "My Messages" to check?

P. S. Is spell check gone? When you're as fumblefingered as I am, that's a significant question.
Very nice feel and appears to load much faster.

Great job!
For the most part a plus. However, when showing unread posts since last visit, I see no need to the bright red NEW icons that just distract the eye from the titles, imo. These aren't marking new threads, so they seem superfluous in this context, as by definition these are new posts.
Unfortunately that isn't easy to change. I have considered toning down the "new" icon anyway however.
One other rather minor issue, writing: "quote" used to result in the supplied web address automatically becoming a link (as if url tags were used).

Now such web addresses just stay as text. Don't know if that's a plugin issue or something to do with the new 'wysiwyg' processing of tags?
overscan said:
Unfortunately that isn't easy to change. I have considered toning down the "new" icon anyway however.

That would be helpful. I thought using colors, especially red/green to denote something wasn't great practice given the number of color blind folks (mostly males).
Site Upgrade - Youtube Video embedding enabled

Triton said:
Is YouTube video embedding not supported in the new forum software?

Youtube videos, and other streaming sites, are now embedding.
Re: Site Upgrade - Youtube Video embedding enabled

overscan said:
Triton said:
Is YouTube video embedding not supported in the new forum software?

Youtube videos, and other streaming sites, are now embedding.

Thanks, overscan!
Pretty nice on the whole. I'm also of the opinion that the "NEW" label is too bright.
Not too much of a fan of the blue background color (too reminiscent of the What If Forum's color scheme) but that's really only a minor problem.
One technical thing: clicking randomly between the top page avatar and the search box leads to the donation page. Was that done on purpose?
The colour scheme is only lightly customised from the default theme "Curve". I thought it was the closest in feel to the old site of the variations I looked at.

What browser are you using? On Chrome, I only get the donate page if I click on the donate button specifically.
I've just changed the new to red text at a jaunty angle, rather than white text on a red button. Any thoughts? Not sure I like it.
The "NEW" label is better, even for my eyes! Many thanks!

I just have to get used editing posts. At this moment changing/delate formats is nerving when you are copying links or text parts...
overscan said:
I've just changed the new to red text at a jaunty angle, rather than white text on a red button. Any thoughts? Not sure I like it.

Since it's no longer a rectangle, I think you could have kept it red and not orange. What I find a little disturbing is the "haze" around the letters, a consequence of JPEG compression at some point, probably.

I've attempted to turn it to a simple 5-color file here:


  • new-test.gif
    162 bytes · Views: 57
You can also try it slanted like this:


  • new-test2.gif
    211 bytes · Views: 60
overscan said:
I've just changed the new to red text at a jaunty angle, rather than white text on a red button. Any thoughts? Not sure I like it.

Love the new look in general, Paul, but the "new" banner, not so much. And yes, I know, if all I have to complain about is the new banner I should really get a life. ;)
GeorgeA said:
Love the new look in general, Paul, but the "new" banner, not so much.

I must admit that it doesn't feel so much like a button now. Will occasional users understand that it is clickable?
I currently find myself opening all kinds of ancient posts because it has a "new" tag on it. Perhaps have the "new" tag expire after a week or two, so new means really new and not just new to the viewer?
Indeed, thanks overscan for those improvments! :)

But, sorry, the "search" function is not as efficient as before!
"new" is misleading, its not "new", its actually "unread".

If you click "mark read" on a forum, it will clear all the "new" topics.

I will redo the icon to say "unread", this is a better description of its meaning.
So - its now "unread". Make more sense? Or should I just go back to the original?
overscan said:
So - its now "unread". Make more sense? Or should I just go back to the original?

Much better, yes! Perhaps with something suggesting the word can be clicked?
Like this, maybe? >> unread
overscan said:
Well, lets try that :)

Much better I think. Try a little spacing after the arrow and maybe no bold on the arrow, and that should be perfect.
overscan said:
I will install a favicon tonight.

Did you install a favicon?
Can't see it :s

You can use the one attached if you like.




  • favicon.gif
    926 bytes · Views: 55
Nice icon! But a favicon is displayed in the address bar in 16 x 16 pixels, not 64 x 64...
overscan, I use Firefox and I've noticed this little problem in the buttons bar at the bottom of the pages: the background color makes a rectangle that extends beyond the rounded corners. This results in some dents as can be seen in attachment. Can this be fixed?


  • capture1.gif
    2 KB · Views: 47
I, too, like the new look and feel of the site. Yes, there are small tweaks to be made, but overall it's an improvement to an already great site. A couple of small suggestions:

As has been mentioned before, it is frustrating not to be able to post replies from an iPad. I don't know if any other devices or applications are having that same problem, but it would be my no. 1 request for a fix.

I don't remember if this was the case on this forum before, but when a subgroup or topic has multiple pages, it is nice to have "previous" and "next" links before and after the page numbers, as appropriate. Right now, there are just numbers, like so: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 68. It can be hard to hit the right page number, especially with fat fingers on a portable device. Something like this: previous 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 68 next


Another suggestion: when clicking "Go up" I would like to reach the very top of the page, where the "Show unread", "Show new replies" and "Search options" can be accessed. Right now the link takes you only to the "Go down" button!
overscan said:
Retrofit said:
But, sorry, the "search" function is not as efficient as before!
Examples please?

Strange: When entering some words (like Turkish, FDL, lifting bodies) in the upper right "search" block in the search menu, result say "0 found". Then when re-entering the same words in the "adjust search parameters" once or twice, evering becomes OK! :eek:
Problem confirmed. Its something odd with the forum search index.

I have turned off indexing, its now searching the database directly. It may be fractionally slower, but it gets the correct results.
Stargazer2006 said:
overscan, I use Firefox and I've noticed this little problem in the buttons bar at the bottom of the pages: the background color makes a rectangle that extends beyond the rounded corners. This results in some dents as can be seen in attachment. Can this be fixed?

Yes - this is a bit weird but may be a side-effect of other layout changes. I've tweaked the height of the button which has fixed the vertical misalignment, but there is a still a slight misalign on the left edge.
I seem to be only able to post one YouTube video per reply. The forum software seems to be stripping out the URL for the first video when another video is added.

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