Shadow on The Wall - Work in Progress by Jozef Gatial

Something like these? ;D
OK, it's called blatant commercialism...In theory, you will be able to buy a monograph on Oryol soon.

And - some Josef's pics are in quite a good resolution...
The header at the website takes more time to download than anything else. I eventually gave up.
flateric said:
Something like these?

No, not like those. The pics on the Up-Ship website are described in *English.* Not that weird moon-man language on the other site... :p

OK, it's called blatant commercialism...In theory, you will be able to buy a monograph on Oryol soon.

Without some vague understanding of just what's going on on that webpage, it's difficult to tell if the images are a sales pitch, or the final product. The fact that you have to register just to see 'em led me to believe that they were the final product. Registering in order to see advertisements is, well, odd.

Now, come on people. How is the Obamessiah supposed to bring universal peace and light and hold back the tides and personally strip the CO2 out of the atmosphere if y'all won't even get on board with doing every single bit of data transfer in English?
Mr. Udalov is a natural born Russian, so Russian language on the site is, hmm, seems logical and essential. It's not an easy task to translate everything in English fast, but till then you have Google language tools...
Registered users get access not only to tiny picture previews, but to large extracts from articles (or the whole articles).
Wish to have users to register is a way to know their preferences, interests, and potential commercial outcome of future publications, print runs and quite an easy way to inform the crowd of upcoming publications.

Meantime, articles and illustrations of Mya Voyagerski/Virgin Global Flyerski (non-stop flight around the world attempt - with a goal then to break Voager speed record) projects (M-55RD, LK-RD, M-22) are added at

All drawings (c) Avico-Press


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flateric said:
VS80 Vertostat

Slightly off-topic, perhaps, but I'm going to risk it: Does anyone have any more info on the Myasischev (I assume) VS80 combined blimp/helicopter/flying-crane/whirlygig-thingy ? Neither the internet nor Myasischev's homepage have turned up anything useful.


Thomas L. Nielsen
Thomas, there was separate volume of Nashi Krylya fully dedicated to VS80, it promised soon to be available as e-backissue for sale/download at Avico-Press site. As far as I know, limited quantities available for sale in paper form - you can register and send a request at (English language is OK).
Please have patience.
Outstanding internet site!!!

Jozef Gatial confirm himself as one of the best drawer ever.
I'm always amazed by the "Aeronautical Imagination" of Russians, too bad that these aircraft had never left the drawing board....
VS-80 extended description/illustrations and VS-90 description are added to Avico-Press site

drawings (c) Avico-Press/V.Pogodin


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flateric said:
VS-80 extended description/illustrations and VS-90 description are added to Avico-Press site

drawings (c) Avico-Press/V.Pogodin

Many thanks for the supplemental images.

How can you look at something like this, and not love it ?? It looks like the guys from Jurassic Park took an Mi-26 embryo and spliced it with genetic material from a Zeppelin, a mobile crane and an erector set ;D
Gotta love it!

Regards & all

Thomas L. Nielsen
...and if you can love VS-80, you'd surely fell in romance with the whole VS-90 family of monsters =) - more images there

All drawings (c) Avico-Press/V.Pogodin


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flateric said:
...and if you can love VS-80, you'd surely fell in romance with the whole VS-90 family of monsters =) - more images there

All drawings (c) Avico-Press/V.Pogodin




Dear Flat,

a stupid (I hope not so stupid) question: why any of these amazing projects reached the hardware status??
Why DIDN'T they reach hardware status, you mean? ;D I suppose the reason is the same as with Cargolifter, Aerolifter, etc.
flateric said:
Why DIDN'T they reach hardware status, you mean? ;D I suppose the reason is the same as with Cargolifter, Aerolifter, etc.

Emh... :-[ ......yesssss..... ;D (sometimes my english-translator neurons are jammed).
This in an attempt to explain slightly complicated navigation at Avico-Press site till it will get English language mirror

1). Home page

2). Design bureaus page - collection of on-line texts excerpts and drawings from past and future publications
Choose particular design bureau icon to get access to it.


3). After choosing one of design bureaus (Mysichev in the case), you will first get a list of various design bureau designations, that vere changing through its history, on a top row. For example Myasichev was initially OKB-6, and became EMZ finally, going through five designation changes.


4). If we will choose, for example, last Myasichev bureau reincarnation - EMZ, we will get full list of aircraft types it has developed - from general purpose aircrats to LTAs.


5). Choosing particular aircraft type (Bombers in the case), we will go to some interstage page (not quite clear for me what was it made for), at the left corner of background picture there's a link to actual bombers list.



6). Choosing particular bomber model - M-25 in the case (clicking active hyperlink, of course, list will grow in the future), you finally arrive at the aircraft description page.


gimme a couple of billion and I'll turn any shadow whether on the sand or on the wall into a flying object...

in any case I must say this thread is the ultimate secret projects discussion, in fact it deserves to be archived for ever , talk about aircraft recognition.. phew! 8)
PlanesPictures said:
Only for info
Hi Jozef,
do you have any more renderings ready of this aircraft. Would you be willing to post them here, please?
Amazing work by the way!


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flateric! You are sharp eyed. Surely it is not B-2.
Northrop's ultra stealthy B-3 prototyp?


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Well you have Northrop Grumman's solution for two of three options assessed for the USAF future bomber/strike capability. The rapid theatre strike (FB-23) and the long range strike system ("B-3"). The third option being hypersonics, so maybe the Northrop Grumman FALCON? Or judging by the brown out area of the picture the Northrop Grumman Switchblade oblique flying wing might fit better. Since I've already offered two answers, why not a third, the Northrop Grumman Quiet Supersonic Plane (QSP)?
flateric said:'s on the right side

sorry flateric, of course you are right!

and for Abraham Gubler:

there are 2 proposals from Northrop for the FSA (Future Strike Aircraft), both from 1999

1. Supersonic

2. Hypersonic


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For some of us this project from 1957 is known well. So let's try all others to tip what it is for the bird


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Hi Jozef! I don't know this aircraft. This aircraft need very long under carridge. Mini Hustler!
Well I honestly have no idea who designed this "Mini-Hustler", but it really is an attractive aircraft. I would venture either UK or French design. Canopy and delta wing layout makes me tend to go with French.
yasotay said:
Well I honestly have no idea who designed this "Mini-Hustler", but it really is an attractive aircraft. I would venture either UK or French design. Canopy and delta wing layout makes me tend to go with French.

Aircraft recognition 101: "If it's ugly, it's British. If it's weird, it's French. If it's ugly and weird, it's Russian".

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen

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