Nice drawing dear Blockhaj,

and I displayed a look like profile to it in reply # 126,but it's first time to see
a 3-view to it.
glanini said:
This is my first post on this forum, I wanted to share my profile for Saab Sa39 as an attack airplane

Can u plz convert these to imgur as photobucket is ass.
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Found some new weird shit. Not even saab remember doing these as the only info that exists are that they came from kth in 1987.
They are predating 1945.
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I'd assume these are missing tale surfaces because they're windtunnel testing something that is only concerned with the forward shape of the aircraft.
hesham said:
Amazing amazing Models my dear Blockhaj,

any more Info ?.
There is literally no info at all. All that i known atm is that they came from kth (royal technical high school of sweden) in 1987 and i can tell they predate 1945 as saab only did military jet projects after that.
OK and many thanks my dear Blockhaj,

if you have more,please send them.
My suspicion is that they are just test models to get a better understanding of similar planes. But the jet plane looks nothing like any jet plane that was known at the time. The engines also seems to be fitted for ease of replacement considering that jets at the time has very short lifespans. The engines looks very similar to the stal skuten too.
I agree with you my dear Blockhaj,

I think they were a real Projects,and not only tested Models.
hesham said:

here is a drawing to SAAB-29R Project with a more capability radar.

Flygvapennytt 2-1972
Could i use these for wikipedia?
Secondary sources via Google picture search:
fightingirish said:
Secondary sources via Google picture search:
I actually got these from the archive but this site seems well researched and gud.
litzj said:
Interesting to see this cannon layout, because exhaust from the cannon could enter the inlet
I posted these on the Saab 29 fb page and the people there said the same thing but the nail in the coffin was actually the development of missiles as they where better for intercepting bombers.
I search the cutaway drawing of SAAB J-29 "Tunnan" for retoched....!

Thanks, Motocar
here is the SAAB R 1001 jet fighter drawing of 1945,which later developed
into J 29,it had a mid-high straight wing of thin section,a fat barrel-like a
fuselage and sticking out above and beyond it,a slim tail boom.

From Ailes 26/12/1953,

very strange,the SAAB R.1001 in 1945 had a straight wing ?.


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The Ailes pic is showing the 1945 version below and the 1946 above. It went from straight to swept wings like F-86 for example.
Yes my dear Paul,

and first time to me to know early straight wing proposal.
From L+K 8/1974,

the RX2 was developed from RX1,and R.101 was looked like Lockheed P-85 Shooting Star.


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Found some new weird shit. Not even saab remember doing these as the only info that exists are that they came from kth in 1987.


They are predating 1945.
I should do an update on these. About 1-2 years ago i went through some docs regarding combat aircraft development 1945-1954 iirc and i found blueprints and data for these things. They were basically research designs to see which jet designs were viable for the future. Even the twin boom one is a jet concept. Beyond these there were like 20 more designs which could all be taken apart and put together to make new concepts. Wings, intakes, noses, tails, etc. These models were apparently trialed in the wind tunnel at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
I should do an update on these. About 1-2 years ago i went through some docs regarding combat aircraft development 1945-1954 iirc and i found blueprints and data for these things. They were basically research designs to see which jet designs were viable for the future. Even the twin boom one is a jet concept. Beyond these there were like 20 more designs which could all be taken apart and put together to make new concepts. Wings, intakes, noses, tails, etc. These models were apparently trialed in the wind tunnel at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).

Amazing,please my dear Blochhaj,can you send them here (the blueprints),and thanks.
I should do an update on these. About 1-2 years ago i went through some docs regarding combat aircraft development 1945-1954 iirc and i found blueprints and data for these things. They were basically research designs to see which jet designs were viable for the future. Even the twin boom one is a jet concept. Beyond these there were like 20 more designs which could all be taken apart and put together to make new concepts. Wings, intakes, noses, tails, etc. These models were apparently trialed in the wind tunnel at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).

Amazing,please my dear Blochhaj,can you send them here (the blueprints),and thanks.
I didnt photograhp them. The archive is moving right now so il put it on my list of things to photograph.
Do we have any date on the SAAB B 18R? It was intended to be a jet power version of the regular B 18.
Do we have any date on the SAAB B 18R? It was intended to be a jet power version of the regular B 18.
1945-1951. There were several ideas of converting Saab 18's to jet engine testers. At first it was the B 18A but in the end the proposed test engines were so big that the T 18B was proposed.
In the end we instead bought a lancaster for the purpose, which was delivered in 1951. Look up Tp 80 Lancaster if u wanna know more.

(EDIT) There was a suggestion however from the air force to retrofit the SAAB 18A with SFA R-101/102 or STAL Skuten jet engines in place of its Twin Wasp engines in 1945, however this modification was seen as too costly by SAAB due to the modifications that had to be done to the airframe. The landing gear had to be totally redesigned and the tail had to be converted to a conventional one. These aircraft would have been used as speedy reconnaissance aircraft.

In the same wave the SAAB 21 was also proposed with a jet engine and that one was actually built (or converted would be a more correct term) as the SAAB 21R.
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I should write a book or something on this. There are so much shit that SAAB designed over the years. Anyone interested in that?
I have already the money ready to buy that :D
Well i need funding for the book :p

What i need to write such a book:
  • A full season busscard. (ca 1000 euro)
  • Rent money for a year: (ca 4200 euro)
  • Material money (document scans) (idk 1000 euro?)
  • Someone who can draw detailed and correct aircraft blueprints based on old linedrawings etc.
  • Beer money to not go mad. (ca 1300 euro)
  • A contact at Saab to clear up all their modern projects and numbers etc.
What should such a book be called?
SAAB's thought process?
SAAB's thought experiments?
SAAB's combat aircraft projects?
SAAB's air force projects?
What should such a book be called?
SAAB's thought process?
SAAB's thought experiments?
SAAB's combat aircraft projects?
SAAB's air force projects?
I am interested. I like the last name, but maybe add a date to it (EX: 1940 - 1950).
What should such a book be called?
SAAB's thought process?
SAAB's thought experiments?
SAAB's combat aircraft projects?
SAAB's air force projects?
I am interested. I like the last name, but maybe add a date to it (EX: 1940 - 1950).
Or maybe i should just call it Swedish secret air force projects and include weaponry as well?

Swedish secret air force projects: 1926-1976?

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